
Joe and Ariel at the Asia Music Summit — 7 Comments

  1. just when i was thinking about the tokyo concert… what a timing. XD
    lol… i recognize two more.. danson tang and eddie peng… both cuties… kk
    and i have to agree about their fashion… but i have to say the hermes shoes take the cake here… joe, really??

  2. I always want them to get together in real life, but it didn’t happen, yes?
    Their chemistry was beyond great in TKA, I used to think Ariel matched Mike He the best before, but Joe was better match.

  3. Waaa! It’s been a while since we last saw this two together… 🙂

    But yea… I don’t kinda agree with Joe’s sparkly clothes… nor the wings on his shoes. T.T

    • They probably hang out a lot, it’s just that the media doesn’t focus on them that much as they’re both not doing any high profile stuff, so we don’t get a lot of photographs of them together. Joe’s That Love Comes is doing quite well online, reaching up to a hundred thousand viewers or more. And his book is doing okay, I guess but I would say they do well when they’re both doing dramas and good dramas. I, too, wish that they’re together, but they’re just too close. I think both of them said that they’re too close to have a romance. It’s like in a relationship, sometimes, you want to feel excitement and there should be an element of mystery around your partner that makes you want to know him or her better. And they both don’t get that heart throbbing, head spinning feeling when they’re around each other. Maybe Joe used to, but now he doesn’t, I guess. I read this in an interview. Joe finds Charlie Yeung beautiful while Ariel finds Daniel Wu hot.

    I saw him first before I saw Ariel and Joe ahahha 🙂
    I really like Ariel’s voice 😀
    But I agree they could do with a change of outfit…
    Joe’s shoes are cuuute <3 But they look weird either because it's on him, or because it doesn't match… xD

  5. OH GOSH. I love everything ArJoe. Gosh, Joe cheng is always so sexy and manly. Yes his styles are crazy (im especially not a fan of the knee length pants he is so fond of) but I lovee loooove love him.

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