
M3 Subbed Version of the Last Scene in Episode 5 Plus Preview for Episode 6 — 32 Comments

  1. I just wanna tell you how much I appreciate the written summary. I always have to wait almost 1 week for the english subs. But I can’t resist watching 3M, even without subs. And after that I’ll check out your blog^^
    What a pitty to wait until next week for episode 6!!!

    Check this out: (I was looking for a preview for episode 6, when I discovered this vid)–tTTiM6gpo

    • woo hoo…. I never say this.. but these guys are hot!!!!! very sexy video… KJW is really picture perfect….and of course, I always love JKS….thanks narvusargu..

      hmmm, koala, JKS doesn’t strike me as a particularly hirsute kinda guy.. perhaps a few stray hairs on the chin type.. perhaps it was make-up? but agree that he was really looking haggard, totally befitting his role’s situation then.. thanks for your tidbit to tide us over the withdrawal..

      • koala.. i stand corrected.. i just saw what you mean abt the 5 oclock shadow on the screen caps…. miane

    • Hahaha it’s amazing what changes a little editing can make…all those stares the boys are sending at each other over our Mae-ri are pretty loaded, aren’t they?

    • Oh, wow, that was amazing! And quite honestly, while I love Mae Ri to smithereens, I really wouldn’t mind cutting her out of the equation and shipping the two husbands together. Oh. Oh my. I can so get behind that. *swoons*

    • Is it just me or this vid sends gay vibe, nothing against it but looks to me Mu Gyul and Jung In are in some sort of affair (sexual that is), a bit disturbing, though I love the flow and the song, I don’t know what to make out of it…

      • haha… i love the scene (ep 3?) where JI first chanced upon MG singing in the club, and i love JI’s expression of appreciation/admiration as he looked at MG ….. 😀

  2. Another great recap from you A Koala. Oh I just love it each time I read your blog and read your impressions of the dramas I follow.
    I look forward to reading more!

  3. thank you so much for the subbed end scene of 5 and preview for 6 🙂 i can’t wait to watch the whole episode! btw have a great trip 😀

  4. Have a great trip!

    I am trying so hard not to read your recap before I watch ep 5 (imagine me, trying to avoid spoilers) but it’s getting harder and harder by the second.

    • That’s how I feel about the urge the write about Secret Garden – it’s getting harder and harder not to spazz-write about it. But M3 is awesome and luckily recapping it lets some of my crazy out.

      Haha, avoiding spoilers for M3 is like telling people not to spoil Titanic for you. I think the fun of M3 has nothing to do with its plot, but everything to do with the character beats between MG-MR.

      Will miss you! – I’m off to TW-HK-back to the US all within 4 days! What being a filial daughter requires of me. Hey, I’ll pick you up some Vic goodies if I see any. Vic goodies…….drool…..

      • (Ooops posted as reply to the wrong thing, sorry)

        With SG I am even avoiding your ‘future ep summaries’ because I am so obsessed I don’t want any spoilers at all.

        Re: Mary. You mean Titanic sank? You big spoilerer! 🙂 Seriously though, I agree with you so I check out previews (written and vid) but an ep recap (or liveblog) is too much detail for me – I sort of lose motivation then (I learned my lesson with Scandal where I followed liveblogs and it really made eps much less fun to watch).

        Maybe I am finally turning into a spoilerphobe in my old age 🙂

        4 days? Wow! We went to HK in the winter for a week (I loved it so much I want to go back) and it’s a looooooong flight from anywhere in North America (though I don’t know if you are in NA, but I think it’s a long flight from Europe too). You are indeed filial (and now I feel lucky all I have to do to visit my family is drive or, at worst, have a short flight).

        Ahhhh, Vic. My husband is just lucky we never went to Taiwan, I would have been held on excessive fangirling charges.

      • I’m NA, too. So it’s about 13 hours. TW is home turf for me, so imma going to eat and shop – and troll for Vic or Joe. Yup, that sounds like a plan. Yeah, your husband is lucky you guys haven’t been to Taiwan, Vic is such a CM King he’s on half the billboards.

      • (for some reason I don’t see a ‘reply’ button to your reply so am replying here)

        I had enough trouble keeping my husband from getting cranky about my taking pictures of everything-Kimura ads when we were in Japan. It would be twice as bad in Taiwan, LOL.

        13 hours isn’t too bad. We flew to Thailand non-stop and it was 17 or so. I ended up watching 14 episodes of Save the Last Dance in one sitting during the flight and emerged into the Bangkok airport with a strong feeling of unreality and intense drama shakes.

  5. I lovedlovedloved this last scene, too — which is a little strange, since, as you point out, there’s nothing terribly original about it. I think the one thing that tips it into awesomeness from fangirly-squeely-omo-he-kissed-her! territory is JGS. He hits all the right notes, letting us see through his body language, expressions, and voice just how much MG is feeling everything that is being heaped on his head all at the same time. I literally felt a little chill down my spine when he skewered JI with his stare and said his lines. His voice! Omo. It bodes well for some “fun times” on a boat sometime later down the road…and I’m not going to lie, *small voice* I wish it was me…

    On a more general note, I like that the writer/s are taking the plot in a slightly different direction than normal in having everything fall onto the male lead instead of the female lead. I like that Mae-ri gets the chance to help out Mu-gyul as well, instead of always being the damsel-in-distress. If there’s one thing that drives me slightly batty about kdramas, it’s that so often the man gives and gives and the girl just takes and takes, when that rarely makes for any kind of stable or sane relationship in real life. That was one reason I liked SKKS so much — I could see how Yoon-hee was actually helping Sun-joon, and vice versa, instead of just watching Bubbly!Hard-working!Honest!Girl melt Cold!Snobby!Chaebol!Boy’s Heart. And might I just add, as much as perpetually drunk and happy, touchy-feel My-gyul was, I really dig angry Mu-gyul? ^^

  6. What? I had no idea ep 6 is going to be aired on Monday.. I was so excited ready to come home and watch it tonight.. oh well.. does anyone know the reason why?

    Anyways.. Thanks for recapping and will be waiting for more news from you.. Have a safe trip in Asia.. My parents are going to Asia on Friday too.. If you are going to Taiwan, my mom will be there pretty soon too. 🙂

  7. Hi Koala,

    Thank you so much for sharing with us your recaps and views of M3. We truly appreciate it. All your posts are wonderful. Have an enjoyable and safe trip to Asia.

  8. I’ve heard that another reason for not airing M3 is the shooting incident which just firedout btw N Korea and S Korea. Let’s pray there’ll be peace between them soon. Or we might as well have to hang on for who knows!!
    Bon Voyage to you Koala. I can’t help envying you.

  9. Dear Ockoala,
    Firstly wishing you have a nice and safe trip.

    Thanks you for M3 epi 5 last scene and epi 6 preview.
    I told u yesterday that I will start to watch M3 from epi 6 because would like to see JGS’s jealously acting. I thought that Epi 6 were air last night. But does not matter now I read that comment above I knew why. I agree with your word “PUNISHMENT”
    “A DAY TO A WEEK”. You always get to the main point……..this is Ockoala…….

    You said you are Australian when someone asked u in PK(moments) recap times. I think U remember that.
    But yeasterday u said u were born in Taiwan & raised in US. (may be too personal, I will not ask that where re u living now)

    If u have any plan to visit/come to Australia pls let me know (may be u are living here too…if u were I must be very happy). I am waiting to meet you and invite u for lunch or dinner. Because I am very happy with your blog, writing, comments and thoughts of mine. You are indeed awesome.
    Your blog make me more enjoyable to watch Kdrama.
    I think you got my email. Hope to see you one day.

  10. Thanks ockoala, really love your thoughts and writings of PK & MMM. I dare not read any of your writings on Secret Garden lest I get hook on the drama too. I will be in Seoul next week. I hope I bump into JSM, KHJ and the OTP of MMM : ) If I am that lucky, I will be sure to take pictures and send them to you ; )

    • ugh!!! no ep 6 this week?! oh my, poor me T_T

      thank you ockoala for this. it somehow lighten my cloudy day. i never notice that the cliffhanging kiss in a kdrama usually happen at the end of an odd-numbered episode. oh, i admire you for that and beginning today, i’ll take note of that too. ^keke and yeah, i’m dying to know as well the upshot of that kiss. what will be my JI’s move now ???? oh, i’m dying… i’m dying… i’m dyinggggggg!!!!!!

      have a safe trip ockoala!!!

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