
Hyun Bin’s Version of “That Man” for the Secret Garden OST — 45 Comments

  1. It’s a beautiful song and somehow it was Huyn Bin’s version that moved me. I am as much under the spell of Secret Garden as the characters.

    • same here it’s binnie’s version which moved more becoz I feel like it’s JW who singing it .
      I love this song and got already on my iPHONE so I can to listen to it daily euuuuh 10 time/day , yes I’m just as crazy as that when it comes to JW/BINNIE and secret garden 😀
      thanks ockoala 🙂

    • Indeed it is a beautiful moving song and Hyun Bin’s version is heart wrenching…

      I too, am also under the spell of Secret Garden. I just cant get over it, it’s such a beautiful drama and the characters are awesome.

      I cant believe I watched it straight from ep 6 till ep 20.

      • Now I feel that was ok with me coz the same happened to me. i am only reading this comments just now (yeah, its already Sept 2012, way after I watched SG 🙂 )

        I resisted watching Secret Garden when it started and only watched it after it was completed! once started I couldnt stop… as for That man song, I can only listen to Hyun Bin’s singing that will sail me back to SG. Nostalgic now ! LOL

    • Watch “Crash Landing on You” with Hyun Bin in the main role and you’ll be even more under the spel:)) because this series is much more interesting and H.Bin’s character there is unforgetable,the most cuttiest of all his roles!

  2. I don’t know why, but I just got all teary-eyed after listening to this. Sniff.

    His voice isn’t anything spectacular but it’s emotional and that’s what GETS TO ME. Either that, or he’s really tired and stressed and he just wanted to finish recording that song and get it over with. But I’m thinking the former.

  3. I really loved the way he sung it. It’s raw and i love it. It’s very emotive and yes, I was teary eyed listening to it.

    Boy, he can sing and move me to tears. He’s good.

    • I have to add… i can feel the longing feeling in his singing… so moving. I love this version even better than the ‘official’ rendition of the song.

  4. *jaw drops*

    That is…WOW! Just WOW! *___* I like Binnie’s version sooo much. Then again, that is my favorite song of the OST.

    OMG how much angstier than CH is SG? Can you please rate that? I need to emotionally prepare myself. CH was devastating in so many ways! *sniffs*

    • Sere, it’s hard to tell. We’re at episode 17 and hitting the Alps of Angst right now. So far SG>CH in the angst department but also > in the cute and funny. momosan

      • OMG! I KNEW IT! I knew this would happen. And I bet it all revolves around some kind of incurable disease? No, no, don’t tell me. Because if I knew that for sure, I’d probably drop it, no matter how cute the otp is.

        Thanks for the heads-up. I’m 3 eps behind. I’m waiting WITHS2 subs. ^^

  5. Oh my!! I’m tearing right now… He’s gorgeous, and excellent actor and can also sing…What a beautiful voice!!!! My respects to you Hyun Bin!

  6. This Hyun Bin! He can sing…. I love him more and more! What else can this MAN do!? ~~squeals in delight~~ I feel like he was singing it for me!

  7. Whaaa I like/love both versions of “That Man”, totally suprise Hyun Bin can sing quite good, I have to watch Secret Garden again I don’t know why I stop watching the drama at ep. 3. . . But first need to finish my school/college work!!

  8. his version is just… raw, and i feel all the right emotions for his character JW. somehow i want to weep because of this song.. aaaghhh

  9. and might i add.. i feel this song even more than yoon sang hyun’s here i am, and that’s saying something as i had already been fighting tears when his oska character was singing it to seul :s

  10. Thanks, Ockoala!!! I love Binnie’s version the most because it was RAW w/ emotions that only Joo Won could express!!!! I’m soooooo INTO this drama & have converted many friends into SGardeners,as well!!! of the BEST KDRAMAS of all time for me!!!!!!

  11. OhMyGOSH!! He can sing??? I didn’t know at all. I love it ^_^

    I already loved this song. But now Hyun Bin totally gave me one more reason to love it.

  12. so love binnie’s version…nothing special with his voice yet so emotionally enticing…having Emo moments while listening to his version…

  13. Oh well…because he is That Man!! The man name Kim Joo Won who can do everything..anything for That Woman he loves Gil Raim

    I love both versions

    SG Fighting!

  14. can’t believe it sang by Hyun bin! really touch by his vocal and I was crying when watching the episod 18..Secret garden, nice!

  15. Wow! Did not know it was Hyun Bin singing the male version of the song.

    This is the song that really encapsulates the melodrama in this kdrama 🙂

    A beautiful and powerful song… both versions.

    Thank you for this post!

  16. Oppa, Your version of “That Man” was perfect & it couldnt have been moree perfect.
    i really like yur voice and when you sang that song it really touches and gives the listener , this warm feeling
    that makes us want to hear it again and again.
    Do keep singing more Ost and Hopefully you’ll be playing in more Drama’s after yur back from Military Service.
    Fighting! 🙂

  17. Hyun Bin is singing from the heart and as a musician, I appreciate the sincerity, the technical aspect of singing is all a can sing any style you want to communicate the message from your heart in your style.
    His version is simple, straight and honest! I love it!

  18. OMFG…. HyunBin….*dilated eyes….jaw dropped…..chocked*
    He obviously can sing very well… cant he??!!!
    OMG !!!! *O*
    gosh i m so touched…. and the way he sang is very catchy,amazing….and breath-takingly beautiful… !! Did he put all his emotions in…..???!!!!! darn it.. he made me cry…..
    *watery eyes* WHY WOULD HE HAVE TO BE TAT CUTE AND AMAZING!!!!!????
    I love Him… gosh… He’s mine!!! :O

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