
My Princess Episode 2 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap! I totally thought the same thing — this reminds me of another version of The Princess Diaries, and I LOVED the Princess Diaries even if it was predictable. It was cute though, and who doesn’t dream of waking up and discovering you’re a princess?

    KTH is better than I thought she would be. Not that I’ve really had an opinion of her acting chops, but “everyone” seemed to think she was horrible. She’s really cute in this, and I really look forward to seeing how the future interactions play out.

  2. Thanks for the recap, ockoala! I loved reading your commentary, too! I nodded along all the way 🙂 .

    I hope the drama turns into one that we can all fall in love with. I enjoyed the two episodes, and can see myself falling in love with the drama It’s not the drama I had signed up for b/c I was expecting a Goong-type cutesy show with over-the-top shenanigans, and instead I am getting a surprisingly subdued old-school courtship drama, and that’s a real treat after M3, which had brief moments of connections between the two leads imo, and after SG, which has had almost none, really. In contrast, already in two episodes of MP there have been more solid bonding moments between the leads, even as Seul was price gouging and robbing HY blind. I like that the royalty story is a backdrop, and not really the main story, and the human interaction between HY and LS is the sole focus.

    I love the HY so much! I can’t remember the last time I saw a rom-com w/a genuinely nice guy as the main lead. I’ve awwed at the end of every interaction he has had w/Lee Seul. He is amused by her, but he’s also protective. He’s kind of like a traditional second lead, but with bite, heat, and spice.

    I agree with you about the writer solidly laying the foundation for the conflicts and the character development. It’s predictable, but interesting nonetheless. And like you, after the madhouse that was M3, I welcome a rom-com that is, well, a rom-com.

  3. Thanks for the recaps! ^^ You’re the best Koala in town. ^^

    I loved this episode too… I’m hoping that it won’t be like M3… cute beginnings, boring mid part and bad ending. T.T

  4. As always, another job well done by Koala.

    I haven’t checked this drama yet and only read the recap. The 1st episode recap didn’t buy me though it was nicely written but from the 2nd recap, I might have a sec thought. It’s just because I’m a no fan of both of the two leads as I never convinced with their past acting. But will try this out and who knows I might turn to like this drama.

    On a different note, Koala are you going to recap the rivalry of MP, that is ‘Sign”?. Just wonder as the ratings are neck in neck.

  5. WOW. Thanks for the recap.
    For me, the drama is cute to say the least and interesting.
    Hope, it will turn out to be good and maintain the it’s good rating.

  6. Roman Holiday. It kind of makes sense now why the promo shots of My Princess reminded me of Audrey Hepburn, but more the Hepburn of Funny Face.

  7. throwing paper planes out the window -brings back memories- lol

    after some time, I found a drama that I would wanna watch even after reading its recaps.. just to see it..

  8. Hwua indeed MP start to get interested and though I’m not falling in love with it yet like m3 but I hope the OTP will show more chemistry.thanx for recap.I decided to follow this one as my next interest.

  9. Personally, there’s not much to analyze or discuss in this series thus far, which is also perfectly alright with me. But as long as it’s entertaining, and there aren’t any ridiculous logic loopholes like M3, this may be a fun ride. Just maybes. I’m hesitant to say that I’ll love this series since we’re still in the early stages. I’m also wary of the future angst, now that I know that KES is co-writing MP, but at least these first two episodes were likable. I think it’s safe to say that angst in any drama series is bound to happen but with that writer, she takes angst up a few notches to where it’s almost unbearable. No exceptions. When that comes, I won’t be so happy anymore. It’s not that I don’t like angst – I do enjoy it to a certain degree. But Writer KES takes it a leeeeetle toooo far. Just y’know. A little. Plus, after seeing Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Heon act in melodramas before, I don’t think they’ll be able to pull it off naturally. Sorry, but when these two try to act emotional, they’re as appealing as a bowl of raw green onions. And I hate green onions with a passion, even though green onion pancakes are delicious and heavenly. Anyway, so my point is that KTH and SSH will be either very OTT or wooden in any scene that doesn’t require comedy. Enough said? I will be prepared to have my fast-forward button handy when that happens. However, before any SSH or KTH fans come after me with pitchforks, I will say that the two have surprised me with their portrayals of their characters in episodes 1-2. Neither is awful and they’re both portraying their characters better than I expected. But then again, I had absolutely no expectations coming into this series. I was probably one of the few that didn’t care to read about any of the promotional info prior to the premiere yesterday. Therefore I was happy to discover that MP wasn’t bad, but not also fantastic either.

    Kim Tae Hee is adorable as Seul. She’s so very cute! It’s true that we saw a glimpse of KTH’s acting flaws in the latter half of this episode (when she was attempting to cry and be emotional) but that aside, she managed to make me smile from the get-go. Kim Tae Hee made me smile? Inconceivable! Perhaps it’s because her role in a rom-com suits her, but so far, I like her. She’s relatable, hence, there was more of a connection. As for Song Seung Heon, he’s not horrible. I kind of like him. And that nekkid scene? Oh moar moar moar! There’s going to be moar, right? No worries Jie Jie, I’m still very loyal to my loves. Although that last pic of SSH biting his lip was really sexy and hot… Ahem. Still, I feel like he’s speaking his lines from memorization and that all his movements are forced. Oh well, he’s entertaining me and that’s all that counts.

    The two other leads, Park Ye Jin and Ryu Soo Young, are so gorgeous. I’m not fond of PYJ’s Yoon Ju but then again, I tend to not like second female leads so that’s not saying much. I admit that she bored me in this episode for reasons I can’t remember at the moment. It will come back to me. Oh hubba hubba. RSY is freaking hot! What a fine second male lead we have here. The camera loves him and he’s got a charismatic on screen aura. I really enjoyed all of his scenes and he’s making it hard for me to not like him. Looking forward to more!

    I concur that MP is like a Korean version of Disney’s The Princess Diaries but it also reminds me of another version of Goong. (I doubt I’m the only one who thinks so.) Seul is like an older version of Chae Kyung. Whereas Yoon Eun Hye did an awesome job of playing her, I don’t find Kim Tae Hee AS great. It’s only the first two episodes so meh, we’ll see what happens. There’s no doubt that her character is endearing. I’m just hoping that throughout the series, we’ll be able to see her become more comfortable with the camera and that her acting will improve. It doesn’t have to be a drastic improvement—and I’m not expecting it—but a subtle improvement would be great as well.

    There’s really not much more that I can say except that although I found the first two episodes addicting, I’m hesitant to raise my expectations for future episode. I’ll keep an open mind though. At this point, I’m not particularly sold on the plotline because the story sounds like something we’ve seen before. But it’s all about execution, so who knows? It could be good. I know it’s still a bit early to make final judgment calls, and that this drama is still trying to find its footing, but I’m hoping that the next several episodes will give us a better idea of how the rest of the series will turn out. If it’s going to take a turn for the worst, I hope it doesn’t happen say, in episode 12 or something. I like it because it’s light and breezy. Even the revelation of the birth secret was fairly light and comedic. I will definitely keep watching this. For sure.

  10. Am enjoying your recap very much. Aw for SSH. always looking good. Good news that they ACTUALLY have up the game with the cuteness and guess what, they have chemistry too!! Just hope they will keep it up. You are right, we have had a mad ride with our energy zapped out of us with M3. It has been an exhausting ride, honestly BUT still love those 2 cuties a.k.a. JGS&MGY as always!

    Still drilling JGS songs in M3 to death. Hangover is FAR from over. Hopefully, SSH & KTH in MP can distract me from my symptoms.

  11. “mung mung” “yaow” I dearly miss the M3 OTP.

    Tx for the recap! MP is cheerful and easy to watch. Just what we all need.

  12. Thanks for recapping Ockoala! Loved both your recaps. Just got 3 things to say very quickly:

    1. Okay, it’s confirmed. He’s Mr Perfect : sensitive, goodlooking, suave, kind……and rich ! I want to marry him. Hey wait a minute! I forgot I’m already married! LOL

    2. She’s lovely. So like Audrey Hepburn….like a waiflike, pixiish beauty.

    3. I love him. I want to marry him. Wait….didn’t I mention that already?

    • hey mayssenger, nice to see u again. I hope u will enjoy with MP. Yeah, SSH is really hottttttttttttttt.
      I need to know about him. So I going to visit to google websit now. HAHAHAHA

  13. I just finished reading epi one and two recaps and would like to say thanks so much for your meaningful writing.
    Although the story of MP is not very new or extraordinary, I still finding interest to watch it. I would like to see how MP will carry on with dialogue and making.
    I like male main lead Song Seung Heon. I don’t know him before and I am going to look for his profile in google. He is really handsome. Hopefully he will be wearing different shirt colours instead of white in two epi so far.
    I had fun when I was watching MP and make me LOL at epi 2 ending.
    I do not mine to watch over and over again.

  14. Thanks for that recaps…but I am just wondering if the writer of Secret garden and My Princess is the same?..It seems I have read about this somewhere..

  15. This drama has all kinds of good stuff going for it right now. First-Super funny, genuine, adorable, spunky lead girl. Second-Drop dead gorgeous, sometimes funny, sometimes grumpy,but kind-hearted lead guy (I’m getting tired of of the total-jerk-transforms-into-sweetie-because-of-sunny-girl setup). Third-It’s very comfy and easy to watch. And I’m anticipating Seol’s make-over. I’m hoping for awesome clothes a la Goong! Yay, for 2 great episodes!

    • Hi NikkiI I agree with you on all counts LOL….got a good feeling about this show. I think SSH’s going to be really nice and kind, unlike the cold prince in Goong. I hope they won’t make this a tearfest towards the end. Remember Goong? Omg soo horrible towards the last few eps….one misunderstanding after another, and she kept crying and crying!
      i think they are perfect! Just hope they won’t make her like the old professor until towards the end like Prosecutor Princess.

  16. MP is best enjoyed when it’s not taken seriously. And I can’t believe I’m saying this but Kim Tae Hee is… so cute as Seol. Eh… what now? Anyway, so far, so good!

    Thanks for the recap and commentary, ockoala!

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