
A Koala Bravely Finishes Channel X and Lives to Tell the Tale — 17 Comments

    I adore Joe Cheng and Amber Guo individually and after hearing about the cast i was somewhat hopeful about it. Until i read the synopsis. Thank you for letting me know i was right for not even touching it.

    T-dramas have just been a hell of a disappointment lately. I enjoyed reading about Sunshine Happiness here than actually watching it, which i tried.
    I think the last T-drama i found somewhat compelling was Autumn’s Concerto.
    The Fierce Wife is honestly over-rated.

  2. Okay, I think we just had what I would call a “penguin connection.” Because earlier today, I randomly–I swear to God it was random–wondered about whether or not you finished Channel-X and if you had finished it, whether you would be publishing a post about it sometime soon. I found my answer less than two seconds upon entering your site. 🙂 Penguin connections are pretty awesome.

    Dang, your love for Joe really must know no bounds because I couldn’t sit past episode 1, in which I vaguely remember that I began to laugh within less than 5 minutes into it. I mean, I did try to watch bits and pieces of various episodes, but just couldn’t stick with it in the end. I felt pretty bad for Joe and Amber for choosing such a crummy show since I really like them too.

    You’re a total trooper for sticking to this series to the end and for writing this review up. And yayyyy for finishing Prez! If, and this is just a total if, you choose to write an overall review to follow up the first impressions post you wrote at Thundie’s, I know that I will most likely be the first to get my hands on that review. Definitely. After all, this is my ILU and his perfect wife we’re talking about in one of the best onscreen performances of the year.

  3. I tried twice watching Channel X, and I just couldn’t finish half of ep 1. So the second half is better…I prob won’t ever try. Rainie is coming up next week….YES!

  4. Congrats for finishing it. I have no idea how you did that, but hey, that just tells us how ginormous your crush on Joe actually is. *G* Thank you for sharing the ending because even though I was sure I’d never watch it, I was curious to know how it ended. Yay for happy endings (I’m a sucker for those).

    See, the thing is, I loved the premise of this drama. It sounded amazing and refreshing on paper, but your reaction to ep one was enough to make up my mind and skip it. It always catches me off guard when I see a drama and realize that though it had great actors, great characters, a good premise, it all can go downhill if the writing and directing are less than brilliant

  5. Did not the final scenes of Prez, where he’s watching the tape just rip you up as you and he mentally review just what lengths everyone went to, make you snorfly and tear up?????

    Still my best of the year so far. 😎

  6. Babe, thanks for taking one for the team.

    I may have the grumpies, not sure if this is the best haircut for Joe to my eyes… All I can say is he needs to be in sth decent SOON, I need my Joe dose and my love is wearing off sitting thro SummerxSummer, Love or Bread, the likes and this one I dare not touch unless u tell me it’s B&W excellent…and it’s not. *sad*

  7. After Summer x Summer, I realized no matter how I adore Joe Cheng, I will never ever commit to watching a drama blindly just because he’s in it, so I stayed away from CX until reviews were in. Glad I did, then, it sounds awful. I am impressed you slugged all the way through.

  8. oh wow! thank you for watching this till the end and lived to tell the tale!! gee. initially i wanted to watch this due to joe but read comments that the show’s a hot mess so decided to skip it. poor, poor joe! why does he keep picking flops of late? *shudders at another mess of a drama, Love or Bread*
    why, joe? WHY?!?!??! even though i adore you, but bad drama… no. *thinks back to good, old days of zhishu-xiangqin*

  9. I don`t understand what you guys see in Joe 🙁
    He was good as zhishu, but that`s about it. Even as that character, he appeared decent because he wasn`t having much screen time or lines for that matter. His other dramas are all flops, in ratings as in quality production, and his acting is painful to watch: often overacting or looking constipated. Not to mention that he`s disturbingly girlish sometimes.
    Sorry for his fans, but give me anytime Mark, Ethan or Vic.

    I wanted to see Channel X, the first trailers looked good. I just couldn`t get pass through the first episode like most of you, being bombarded with cheesy, OTT atmosphere, weak acting of the whole cast and most painfully slow pacing. The only things I loved were the opening theme and Amber`s cool character, but they weren`t enough incentives to stick it through this mess.

  10. Oh. I can’t agree with the negative review.
    I thought this was a very good drama, and I’m sorry you got no thrills out of it. I just found it totally involving from start to finish. I thought there was a nice chemistry between the two leads. I loved the way she looked at him when he would hold her hand. You could almost almost imagine her rolling over on all fours, so that he could tickle her tummy.The president was a terrific character. I thought when Dad is deciding whether to choose his daughter that it was going to cop out, but it didn’t.
    The hidden camera thing that reveals all,
    is a ciche now, and it wasn’t really needed because of the red book.
    Anyway, don’t worry about the prez. A guy as charming and mamilupitive as him will do okay in prison, and will get out before his time.

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