Written Preview for Episode 6 of Best Love
Best Love continues to get better and better, and my love for it continues to increase bit by bit. This drama always takes me by surprise, and so far nothing has been predictable or dull in terms of plot development. I laugh and swoon within seconds of each emotional twist and turn, and end up with a feeling of contentment.
Written preview for episode 6 of Best Love:
Dokko Jin takes Ae Jung and sneaks out of the theater. Kim PD and Writer Han (the PD and writer for Couple Making Season 3) ask whether it’s true that Jin and Se Ri have broken up? They are also curious about the young lady seen with Jin earlier. Pil Joo is worried about Ae Jung…..
At the location shoot for Couple Making Season 3, the lady contestants ignore the dating activities and engage in a game of competition with each other. Jin unexpectedly arrives at the location shoot and is annoyed when he sees Ae Jung’s intensity in the competition. His temper leads his sneaky side to emerge….
[Credit: written preview released by MBC, translated into Chinese by Best Love Baidu bar, translated into English by me]
omg XD I love it that in Hong Sisters’dramas, once the male lead recognizes his crush/love, he’ll go all out (in the most sincere & hysterical way imaginable). Can’t wait to see Dokko Jin’s jealousy flared up at the Couple making location shoot 😀 😀 wish work could be over so i can go home and watch the raw -_-
BWAHAHAHAHA. Sounds like loaaaads of fun indeed.
OMG i’m dying to watch episode 5 and then episode 6 looks so awesome!!!! this is the funniest drama ever!!!!
thanks for sharing 😀
THANKS!!!! ep. 6 looks like is going to be awesome to say the least.
Out of all the dramas that premiere is May Madness..:P this is Superb,
I could rewatch the episodes and not get bored… Hong Sisters are doing
an excellent job, they take you in rollercoaster of emotions and is full speed
IKR! This is the only one of the May dramas that I go back and rewatch my fav scenes. The others are good…but so far this one is the best, and it’s not even the one I was looking forward to the most!
lol so looking forward to seeing the jealousy. you know it’s gonna be hella funny too. Im looking forward to how Cha Seung Won handles it..lol
wow. how on earth do you get all these recaps out?
Thanks for this preview. I’m excited to read your recap of Episode 5…
I thought we were at ep. 5?
I love the kiss mark part…that was very sweet 😉
BL is truly superb! As each episode unwinds, it gets better and better. I feel tickled all over when i see the scenes between DKJ and AJ. He’s so sweet and awkward at the same time. How completely adorable. I like it that the male lead fell in love first. I’m so excited to watch them everytime and i could watch them again and again without getting bored. Truly one of the best K dramas!!!! Thanks for the recaps and preview OCK! 🙂