Written Preview for Episode 6 of Drunken to Love You
Knowing how hard and how intensely Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru loved Avril and Yi Xian, respectively, it makes my toes curl when I consider how deeply they will fall in love each other. And what’s even better is that they realize how special the other person is because they’ve been through the crap pile of love that Avril and Yi Xian heaped on them. TW-dramas tend to have one or both leads not appreciate the other until it’s too late. But here it’s the reverse – they appreciate each other first before falling in love, thereby making their love so much stronger and real.
Written preview for episode 6 of DTLY:
Who is the third party here?
To shed the pain of the past, Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru, this fake wedded couple, go on a honeymoon. What is unexpected is that Jie Xiu, who is capable of cutting one-liners that can kill a person with frustration, when he decides to be romantic, is capable of sweet nothings that can kill a person with tenderness. With the help of Jie Xiu, Xiao Ru starts to gradually forget the pain of her failed love. What is waiting for her is a series of surprises arranged by Jie Xiu.
Avril sees Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru’s growing intimacy with each other. Her jealousy flares up and turns her into a vengeful goddess. Right when Avril is about to disrupt, Rickie stops her. Rickie’s overreaction to Avril’s third-party interloper ways appear to be connected with a very painful memory for him.
On the other hand, as their honeymoon winds to a close, Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru’s feelings for each other are increasing rapidly. Facing one interaction after another that affects their emotions, the two of them can no longer avoid the truth that they affect each other. Under the influence of alcohol, ardor wins over sanity. On this night, they decide to throw the covenants of their contract out the window, wanting only to completely possess the other person……
My Thoughts:
O……O.M.G…….*thud* Thank you drama gods. Perhaps you have been rewarding me for going on a recap bender this past month, but this preview leaves me breathless to watch this weekend’s episode.
in sec 08
Please, please don’t interrupt them. And I think she won’t because I watched a preview and he was laying naked in bed. Hopefully, they did something!
thanks for the preview.
can’t wait for their love to blossom. treasure all the moment you highlight in the series.
off topic: appreciate if you can express your tots rgdr M3 dvd. it will surely make my day.
tq captain (wink wink)
Written preview! Yay! Could Sunday take any longer to get here?!
Thanks so much for posting this ^^
Oh ye Drama Gods..so this is where you bestowed all the Smoldering-Sexual-Tension-That-Is-Actually-Acted-Upon . Why must you leave Kdramas usually sadly lacking? And by usually I mean 9 out of 10 dramas?
Thanks, ockoala! So… I vote we skip over Saturday and go straight to Sunday. Who’s with me?
I think we should thank Rickie for stopping Avril LOL *finger-crossed*
i can’t wait till monday !!!!! Some1 plzz build a tym machine i wld have build one on my own if i wasn’t fed up of studying phy
lol alcohol leads to amazing things once again! ^^
i’m a little disappointed that they were under the influence of alcohol to make love, but whatever…i can deal with that considering how hot this scene is bound to be
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t wait!!!
Ahhh… can’t wait. But if they don’t show the scene in ep 6 – I will be going nuts!!! Or if they do get interrupted or somehow come to their sense (lol) — sigh… I think that’s probably what’s going to happen, but we shall see.
Probably…check this out and see what you think.
Show Luo <3
hes so cool.
This drama is aired just once a week? I’ve chosen a drama that can make me go nuts just waiting..
I started watching this just this afternoon and I finished the last episode and I was like “where is the next recommended video?”
Second TWDRAMA I’ve watched after Fated to Love You…
He is NEKKED and asleep in bed while the two girls are yelling at each other!!! And then we have the obligatory split … it looks like. Let the angst begin!
Wah! Can’t wait.
ahhh… divorce already???
I really enjoyed their “married” life hehe… thanks for the clip, OP.
OmG! It’s nearly sunday! Can’t wait to watch.