Categories: K-dramas

Stills of Cut Scenes from Lie to Me

SBS has been re-broadcasting Lie to Me on weekends, and this weekend’s re-broadcast of episode 14 actually added back a scene that shows more close-up pictures of the very public declaration by Ki Joon that he loves Ah Jung. These pictures further confirm one thing for me – both Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye are falling so out-of-character, and have been for quite some time. It’s been going on since episode 11, mostly with Ji Hwan since Ki Joon has morphed into someone resembling the real life personality of Ji Hwan. But lately Ah Jung’s more reserved demeanor coupled with a new-founded shyness also screams Eun Hye to me (contrast that with the tomboyish personality of Ah Jung in the early eps).

At this point I don’t even know what LTM is anymore. Is it a drama? With a plot written by a screenwriter? Or it is Ji Hwan and Eun Hye goofing off on set and dating onscreen for all to see? I’ve seen plenty of trainwreck dramas, but never have I see a drama become not a drama, and something straddling that fine line between fiction and illusive fact. I’m also bringing some stills of a cut scene from likely episode 7 or 8 of the drama. It shows Ah Jung (still with longer hair) browsing at a toy shop that sells miniature models. I can’t wait to get the D-cut of LTM to see all the cut scenes that never made it on air.

I would have loved to see this little scene of Ah Jung going shopping for the miniature models that Ki Joon confessed to liking. It really highlights how much she really wants to get to know him when she started falling for him. My favorite part of the early push and pull between them is how much Ah Jung wants to get to know Ki Joon, and how Ki Joon allows Ah Jung so much leeway in disrupting his life.

[Credit: all pictures from DC LTM Gallery]


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  • Koala, I totally agree with you, never seen a kdrama that runs off better with the OTP reality dating than that of the screen writer....actually the outcome i think was much better than what could have been the writer's ending???
    ohh how i love the way these two become the king and queen of ad lib in drama as we have seen all those scene that they have ad libed was so good you wouldn't know it wasn't in the script if you wouldn't have told us. and only them i think can pull such a stunt ha??? i can't wait to watch the final episode of LTM...i hope that SBS would give their international viewers the ending they like to see...though LTM wasn't that much rate by korean viewers but its good to know that internationally they are quite famous and widely accepted hope they take that into consideration in filming the ending...anyway, praying for the next LTM drama or another drama with KJH and YEH....they are for me the OTP in and out of the screen...
    Thanks a million again ms Koala for giving us updates and news regarding this very adorable pair...hope SBS have a follow up drama for them after LTM...or much better hope to read that they are dating for real....and that both of them are trying to give each other tips on how to clean the house and do interior design with their homes....that would be AWESOME!!!!

    • You know, the minimal plot and writing that went into LTM may have actually been a great canvas for KJH and YEH's acting skills. Both actors are well known for being quick and sharp, with KJH having huge theater background and YEH with all her variety show experience and being allowed to push scenes by the PD in Goong and CP. It shouldn't come as a surprise that they ad-lib so well. What's great is that they feed off each others' energy producing really great chemistry on screen.

      Because there was so much room for improvement in the actual screenplay, they had a lot of space to be creative and really bring their characters to life rather than just rely on plot and lines to dictate the story. But what's even better for us is that their characters are really close to their personalities in real life... which is where we all get super excited and gleefully confused.

      Though LTM lacked so much on the writer's part, it almost seems so perfect to see our OTP really stretch their acting muscles.

      • And I heard that if the ratings suck, the leads are likely to bond real tight through cheering and reassuring one another. If the ratings soar, they could share the joy of success, but most likely they get really busy and dizzy with tons of future offers and sudden boost of public interests, which easily leads them to go separate ways with their works ahead, after all they are working individuals.
        That's why we get to see more RL couple from less than mediocre series.

    • Thats what I'm saying since episode 11, it's like the flow of the drama you don't know if this ki joon or ah jung anymore in the drama. They make them so close and sweet to each other that they affect the ah jung and ki joon in the past. And the 2 remaining main character Yun ju became miserable, they didn't fix her character and Sang he was left behind they just let him to be a stupid guy not to let him to express his feelings, they didn't fix his role too. They focus too much to ah jung and ki joon that they didn't know that it's affect the story too much. I really like the old writer, the first writer of Lie to me I want them to get her back. Why they change her, that she even get the drama good than the new writer. They shouldn't change the writer until the end because it gets complicated if they do like that, like what we are see right now.

      • But first writer sucked big time. If you read her scripts, you can find whole lot of it has been changed when filiming. Much of the results you see on screen is not what she wrote in the first place. And surprisingly, it was improvement for the most part.
        For instance, the written preview for legendary 8th ep is completely different from the actually aired one.
        I guess they changed the writer because they couldn't afford time to revise the scripts anymore.

  • thanks koala and me too, idk anymore about LTM....YEH-KJH already really out from their character AJ-KJ...

  • Im so so liking this.
    Koala, thansk to you im preparing to shell out big bucks for this directors cut. Never done this before, will never do this again. But I have to have it. gah.
    And, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this week go by a little faster than the previous weeks? I'm not complaining mind you, I'm just kind've astounded. Anyways, Why are there no more spoilers SBS!!

    • omg ME TOO. I hope they release a region 1 or an All Region dvd set... otherwise I'm gonna have to find one of my old (now obsolete) mac laptops and change its region to Asia just so I can enjoy the dvd.

      • OMG I didn't thinl about that region code. gah. Well sometimes all it takes is for you to download the right player. OMO, im still gonna buy it.

      • Tech advice at the ready here. First VLCplayer will play about 70% of discs regardless of region. It actually depends on the drive, not the disc. The key is to set the computer to NOT automatically start the disc. It should do nothing, and then you start VLC. Chances are pretty decent it will work.

        Now, should that not work, or should you be addicted to tech as I am, you merely buy yourself an external DVD drive for $35 or so, and set it to region 3. There. Done.

        Personally, I have an internal drive set to 1, one set to 2, and an external drive set to 3. I watch a lot of imported movies, so it's simpler than wrestling with software to keep my drives set nicely.

      • Thanks @momosan. I dont mind buying any new gadgets. I'm so obsessed with techs that its a wonder why I still dont have the Ipad. Gah. but I'm seriously wondering if I should splurge on it or save diligently, that way I dont feel bad for dropping so much money at once. I can wait though.

  • Thanks koala!I'm also curious about that scene..hope they shown that scene so that we can really see Kj's side..why so many cuts?!okey today is sunday and tomorrow is sad.... last 2 episodes..=( ... I don't know what will I do after LTM ends..guess I'll be watching it again and again and again!I don't see AJ and KJ in every scene at all, all I can see is YEH and KJH after the cola kiss!!Is there really something between them?Or they're just great actress or actor?!oh well only destiny can tell..but i'm crossing my fingers!hehehe..

  • I bet they will include these to the DVD under deleted scenes. BTS will also be added cause in the past few weeks the SBS did not release any new BTS (wonder why?--are they hiding something)

    • Whats with the ? mark? hehehe

      Looking at the first couple pictures, I had an errant thought: What if before they filmed the "Hyun Ki Joon shouts his love" scene, Kang Ji Hwan whispered to Yoon Eun Hye that he's doing it for real. HAhaha That would be so cuute.

      • How I wish he really did that Leishers..sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the actors acting as couple or the couple acting as actors...but I'd rather choose the latter one, that perfectly fits them.

      • Hahah I prefer your latter too. I like YEH so much, but I really wanna see her get married. Usually I just wanted to see who that lucky guy would be. But now, I know who I want that guy to be. I just dont want them to use the excuse that because they were acting so intense a love couple, they didn't trust their true feelings. Gah, im still hurt from Ariel and Joe though I love them to pieces. Heheh

      • I agree, I don't want him to use any scene as an excuse, if KJH (hopefully) feels something for YEH he must do it in the right way, then quickly tell us the news because we are desperately waiting for that :).. I just want them to have a happy ending like the My Princess, MGIAG, and much much better like the BL.

      • I watched both MGIAG and bits and parts of My Princess--esp the ending, and I liked them, but not too much. The happy was so short. Though I think MGIAG ending was very fitting. But with LTM, I'm looking for major fan service ending akin to Secret Garden. bahahahha. Well more happy. I do hope Ah Jung get to set that Aunt of Ki Joon straight though, so the aunt can eat major crow. I'm just so tired of seeing half of the OTP get verbally abused by the other half of the OTP family. I mean, someone needs to stand up and say enough is enough!! Like wiatch, I love your son (in this case nephew) but your not going to talk to me like that. I know who I am, and what I'm worth and its a whole hell of a lot. So you respect me and I respect you, or else we can just ignore each other for the rest of our life. Gah I swear. I mean, yeah its nice to have manners to elders, but dont let them brow beat you and make you feel like you arent worth salt. Who died and made them god?
        Sorry this is all my anger from a weekend drama I was trying to watch because the plot sounded so cool. I should have known. I mean the main girl keeps letting the douche bag's mother slap her in the face and throw water at her. When is she going to slap that Bit back? Gah, got me up and going crazy. And gomo just betrayed me that I have no qualms about extending said anger to her.

      • Silly of me, how can I forgot Secret Garden..the ending is definitely awesome..yah more like that kind of ending for LTM please...the one thing I like about SG was how both of them fought for their love. It's just so annoying sometimes when we see our couple suffering because the opposition sick and tired of those scenes, with an exemption of SG of course since the OTPs fought back together. One thing I like about LTM, they didn't exaggerate things that much...okay, I admit..who cares about originality if it means a happy ending for AJ and KJ...writer-nim, do it kinda SG way..

      • I'm with you two...I wish LTM ending just like SG n hope even Hotter (kissing n boating scene) wot..wot..wot!!!!

    • @ angelito... is there something wrong your keyboard PC/Laptop? or did you miss me? ... I miss u gals... miss our fighting haha..
      Ooo I get're bad mood over the LTM's tomorrow eps, rite? same as just like me. I don't hate it, but I don't enthusiatic as before .. I just want this torturing feeling is over. I know I'm gonna miss LTM so much ...I know I will... but, u know.. even if so many spoilers pics comes out this week..still...I feel numb :( I just re-watch the best moment LTM so it can helps my mood up...but ..still the feeling is there.... damn..this time I have to know the preview... I shouldn't read it, it is effect me too much.... T.T

      • @Peipei78, Nowhere
        She's most likely down like the rest of us about LTM ending, but when she started to comment vincenzo snatched her away to comfort her in the *wink wink* nicest possible way. Heheh

      • @Peipei
        How do you know me so well?

        I don't wanna end, but I don't wanna keep suffering either, is a bittersweet feeling, is tearing me apart!!! .....I'm down, is the first time, in my history with dramas, that one hit me so hard!!! LTM, hit me in the face, grab me by my hair, and beat me down!!! I dont know how I will manage the last episodes. I think is gonna be like, the aftermath of a natural disaster!!!

        I miss you all so much, that is why I don't even wanna post anymore, this sadness is too much, I feel like I'm loosing my friends, people who understand my craziness.... This thing hit me hard, too hard!!!


        I'm down, really, I think, I take LTM madness, and all the good times, cry times, get-to-war-times, for granted, and now, they are biting me in my, butt!!! I'm not joking this is bigger than me, I don't even watching more dramas anymore, I don't dare!!! It affect me!!! I know is stupid, but it did!! Kind of lame.... I know, I know!!!

      • I understand your feeling not alone!!! we all suffers the same feeling wot wot wot!!!

  • ahhhhhhhhhh a drama not anymore a drama... so all our speculations are not all the product of crazy fantasies of collective fans!!!! wow!!! thank you madame koala for bringing us news such as this!!!!

    all together---- squeeeeeeeeeeeee

    • oh dear...suddenly it dawned on's Sunday and tom is ep 15 and after that.... waughhhhhhhhhh i am depressed!!! LTM is ending!!! no more crazy speculations about whether KJH and YEH are dating in real life... no more bonding with the wacky bunch who can make 100 comment in less than an hour for such a trivial news as the ep 15/16 preview... oh dear i shall miss my chinggus here...snif snif you all make my life exciting and fun...waughhhhhhhhhhh

      • Its sunday your way? Its only saturday here.
        But Its ok Mizweng, hopefully we'll have that aforementioned LTM forum to go crazy on, once LTM goes. (T.T) So we can still speculate as we please. But hopefully, we hear some RL dating tidbits. And even if that doesnt come to pass, we still get to see them at the awards together...Hopefully.
        This ween did go by fast.

      • It's Sunday here in Philippines, actually still past 6 a.m and just like you mizweng it suddenly hit me the end is really fast approaching :( I'm exicited to watch how the show will end but I don't want to miss my favorite couple..I hope Ms. K will open a forum for us LTM lovers where we can meet and what about continuing the story with Ms. K as our writer? can we have that request Ms. K? You don't have to write everday, just do it Monday and Tuesday too...please?

      • @ Leishers

        yes it's sunday here and I believe we are only an hour ahead of S.K... thank you for such comforting words

        @ Conie

        Hi Kabayan!!! where ka banda dito sa PI?
        Am rewatching the episode 1 of LTM...haaaay am missing our OTP already... waughhhhhh

      • @mizweng: Dito po sa Iligan City ..Mindanao..ikaw saan naman? It's good to know there are many Pinoy going crazy with LTM...makes me so proud of myself hahaha

      • am from Davao...used to work in CDO almost 2 decades ago... and Iligan was part of my area then... nice to meet you here... Bisaya sad ka? hehehe

      • @ mizweng @ conie @ elma @nowhere @ larkspur - Hello Kababayans! Wow! It's nice to meet you guys here at the playground. I've been enjoying your banter back and forth. I'm also feeling the pangs of separation anxiety from the OTP. I've been wondering how my Mon and Tues would be after LTM...@ Leishers - the week kinda flew fast.

      • @ mizweng @ conie @ elma @nowhere @ larkspur @drmjs

        hello mga kababayan! I am also fr Phils. sa Rizal, I never knew that LTM is sooo popular down south.. hehehe I am sooo happy to find that many Filipinos like YEH and KJH ^^ though we will be sad for the end of LTM we are happy that this... this had come to exist to give us more than entertainment!~♥ It made us crazy, for something that we know is only a drama, a fiction.. but we hope that will come true to life. :)) parang fairytale baga. ^^ That's why we are supeeeer kilig and hoping that this will be the OTP that will come true.. ( but 50% of me is still wishing for Joo Ji Hoon and YEH so please don't hate me, ok? )

        Just hoping that the rating will be higher for the final ep since that the other dramas I think have finished soooo... what are the other KOrean dramas showing in the Mon-Tues time slot? Was it Best Love?

      • @jingelbells
        pinay here! :) baby face and ripley are on mon-tue slot, but i don't have a slight idea if these two are good 'coz these are LTM's rivals and i'm a loyal LTM follower.. :) :) :) City hunter is good tho. :)

      • @ mizweng @ conie @ elma @nowhere @ larkspur @drmjs

        hahaha! nagkalat ang pinay! hello mga kababayan ko! it looks like that LTM virus is all over the globe.

        @jingelbells san k s rizal? i'm also from Rizal.

        so sad that LTM have to end this week. i'm just hoping that the couple YEH & KJH will have a follow up project soon.

      • @pious0907 dito sa montalban ^^ hehe ikaw?
        taas noo rizaleno! ^^

        We could already create a Pinoy Fan club here, thanks to koala's playground we were able to meet all!

    • @Mizweng and @conie
      You guys are making me miss my guy best friend. He too is from the philippines and I use to love hanging with him and his mom. His mom is soo awesome, ugh I miss em so much!! (Y.Y) Patty cake!!

      • we can be friends too Leishers..though we can't be that close, definitely, like your bestfriend's nice to have someone who shares the same passion as me, I'm so looking for one because none of my friends here love Kdramas as much as I am crazy about them...I don't mind having you as a friend, how about yah? *wink *wink

      • @Conie
        Definitely! Friends...or as I like to say chinguuuu!!!! I am facing the same situation as you. My friends totally dont like K-drama. I got one of my friend to watch a K-movie and that was all because she couldnt get over how sexy the guy is. Heheh I only got my sister in it, and shes only occaisonal especially since I dont live near anymore. Gah. But I welcome a friend anytime, especially one who loves K-dramas and YEH.

      • nado nado count me in but I think am more of an Unni or a komo (aunt)?...nah let's stick to Unni, shall we? hehehe yay!!! i feel a lot younger being with you guys...

        I thought you Leisher is an asian too... and nice to know that your bestie was a Filipino...

      • @mizweng and conie include me as one of ur kabayan. I'm here in sacramento, california and die hard fan of eun hye n kang ji hwan.

      • @Mizweng
        No im not asian, but when I fell in love with CP, I swear I was korean. I'm Jamaican, my dads family is irish and my moms family is syrian. Thats just me :( nothing too exciting heheh. Yeah my best guy friend is filipino. We are planning a reunion of epic proportions. We met senior YR of High school and we made everyone go crazy. We were an awesome duo.

      • wow!!! i bet you're a beauty Leishers... You have a very interesting bloodline!!! It's so amazing that the love of kdrama goes beyond races...hahaha

    • I will miss everything here tooo time same as Philipines..mabuhay mizweng n conie....hahaha...its sucks that it will end soon..oh my beloved OTP...when can I see you together again???hope forum LTM will be open continue feed our LTM addiction!!!

      • let's just hang around here even though LTM ends..okay? Hanging around Ms. K's playground is never a waste of time for me..thanks Ms. K, now I got more friends online who also love KJH and YEH! cheers to us all!!! :)

      • oh yes nowhere and conie...we can still hang around here...and hopefully, find another drama to go gaga with again... actually, am more on a KJH fan although I also like YEH (of all the young female actresses, I like her the best)... but it's really KJH who stole my aging heart!!! bwahahaha but seeing them together made me a giddy teenager... I haven't squeee ot scream in ages!!! my son is so embarrassed of me lately...

      • yup..I will hanging..lurking...stalking at this playground till we find other drama that make us crazy like LTM did to glad to know so many chinguss n can share everything about LTM...I love YEH more than KJH..but now my love for them is equal huahuahuahauhua!!!!

      • @Nowhere, Mizweng,Elma, kumusta po sila, I'm glad that I'm not the only Filipina dito. Nice meeting you guys, I'm From Virginia Beach, Virginia. I'm hoping that this OTP they will continue see each other after this drama. Hoping for a good ending.

      • Thanks Ms. K and her playground now I have you all here...let's all have a good time stalking in this playground back and forth...Leishers, asian or not we are very glad to have you ;)

    • Hey mizweng, Conie and elma, count me in as your kababayans. I just live down under now. Had been "staying" in this playground since PK (I was still back home then).

      • YESSSSS!!! thanks to this playground we got the chance to meet.. LTM became more special to me because I met chingus like you... Now, let's all prepare for the last lap...

        Been watching LTM again...found a YT channel who had the entire subbed episodes and I am LOL going back to the times when AJ and KJ weren't in love yet...

      • wow!! ..@larkspur I've been coming to australia quite lately this past 2yrs just to visit my "kumo" (she lives at gold coast) @ mizweng n conie I'm also a bisayan from cebu, just born there but grew up in manila. so all of you guys.. misweng,conie lieshers,amy, mzyumi, jinglebels, ish nowhere and!! so many nice to meet you guys. and also thank u thank you ms. K for meeting all this chingus in your playground. until mon.............

    • Wow. May Pinoy United thread tayo dito sa AKP, ah! :) Hello Conie, mizweng and elma! :D

    • oh well nice to see people crazy as me with lie to me , im yeh fan ever since goong and her chemistry with kjw is so phenomenal sad is going to end , like best love end n ... hope to see another drama of yeh and kjw again , it just sad sometimes in kdramaland that most the hottest couple doesnt do another drama again .....

  • I so wish that they really are taken with each other in real life. Gosh, they look so good together! And seeing them together even for the first time in Baeksang, felt like they belong together! Although they suffered in ratings, at least they found each other through LTM. Oh, did I say, they really absolutely look darn good together?! I wish they get married already lol!

  • I'm still hoping that they'll bring back this cut scene (of AJ buying toy tanks) as a flashback to a present she'll give HKJ. (Or that YEH decides to buy a toy tank for KJH as an after-filming present.) Simply because Kang Ji Hwan drove tanks around during his military days (hence the obsession with his baby-Hummer)... would be so perfect.

    *channeling HKJ on the steps of AJ's office before the airport scene... closes eyes, breathes in deeply*
    I'm in trouble... I miss them already :-(

    • wait... when did we change directors? because the guy in this scene looks like the same 2nd PD from this declaration episode...

      Is there a possibility that this is for the last two episodes still? And they put a wig/extensions on YEH? Besides, she didn't really wear dresses just for funsies during the first half...
      It's probably less likely though... but I'd still love to see this in before the show ends.

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