
Cast for Upcoming C-movie Tong Que Tai Confirmed with Chow Yun-fat, Yoon Eun Hye, Tamaki Hiroshi and Alec Su — 41 Comments

  1. Gawd! I love this. Like you captain I’d like to see YEH in periodic film and costume. This will be her media to showcase herself as a thespian.

    Thanks captain for the confirmation. 😉

    I’m a HWANHYE shipper all the way.

  2. She will be lovely in period Chinese costume 🙂 Go YEH! And the always wonderful CYF. I really miss the days of those crazy random HK movies he used to do. He really cracked me up so much. But he’s just amazing in period pieces.

    Yay something not from the Qing Dynasty. 🙂 Hehe… as much as I love the half bald hair styles and long braided hair. Alec – haven’t seen any of his works in a long time – he was my tw idol back then.

    Looking forward to seeing this. I know it will be good.

  3. Wow!!!! ^^ super excited to see this, YEH in Chinese drab! hahahah I wonder how they will do this, can YEH speak Chinese? anyway.. I looooove to see her in traditional dress, go Unni!!! ^^

      • As far as I know, they usually dub. Sometimes the actor/actress will actually learn their lines in Chinese, usually phonetically, or they might speak Chinese to begin with, but even then it’s usually dubbed over by a C voice actor. It’s a little weird (see the Twdrama My Lucky Star), but you get used to it if the story’s good. Unless the language barrier is actually written into the story, in which case they don’t dub and let the language be awkward.

  4. Way to Go Eun Hye!!! This will be the biggest break for her, it will surely showcase her versatility as an artist. I hope this will open new doors for wuri YEH. With a good material combine with YEH’s passion in her craft, I know she will do well regardless of what project she indulge herself in. I wish her good luck to her new movie.

  5. Finally its official!! We’re gonna see adorable Eune in traditional chinese costum!! I bet her oppa is bursting with happiness right now..

  6. Thanks for posting this captain. Yoon Eun Hye deserves all the breaks she’s getting…and yes, Eun Hye in a period drama would be a great shift of pace.

  7. Tamaki Hiroshi!! I still have a mild crush on him from Nodame, so this is exciting. And yay for YEH, of course — she’s going to look adorable.

    Oh, and you should know that Chrome has apparently decided that the KP has malware (quite suddenly too, as in it was fine when I left to go shower and wasn’t by the time I got back). I don’t know if you did something or if you got hacked or if Chrome is just freaking out, but there you go. And I came here by typing into my address bar, so I don’t think it’s the same problem you had last time.

  8. weird but awesome team! omg it’s all my favourite people! YEH from Coffee prince, Chow yun fat from god of gamblers, Tamaki Hiroshi from Nodame Cantabile, Alec Su from Huan Zhu Ge Ge. AWESOME.

  9. For a second I was more amused at the fact that those names sounded so familiar, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Mu Shun. I was like where did I hear those names? Then I’m like Aaaah “Dynasty Warriors” the video game. X)

    But wooah. Tamaki Hiroshi and Yoon Eunhye!! Aaah it’s something I would have never thought of, but seeing them in one film would bring tears of joy to my eyes.

  10. tamaki hiroshi and yoon eun hye in one movie?!!!! whoa!!! *cue uncontrollable flailing*
    the casting gods have been really, really good to us lately huh? thanks for this great news, koala! you’re the best.

    p.s. just wanted to let you know that your site was blocked when i clicked on it via firefox. i hope its not hacked.

  11. Very impressive cast..

    Even more, a very interesting theme.
    Chow Yun Fat is a perfect choice to display the emotional Cao Cao in dealing with love and unity. Very passionate expressions.

    Don’t know how Yoon Eun Hye would fit in with her character, but since she’s gone beyond what everyone expected of her in Coffee Prince, I wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow fits her character very well. She always seem to become synergized? with her characters pretty well somehow.

    Tamaki is obviously great. haha.
    Alec Su is also nice as well.

    Very impressive cast members with absolutely intriguing theme.
    If done right, this movie should become a must kept classic of Romance of Three Kingdoms collection. I’ll be waiting for the DVD.

  12. Wow Alec Su will be in it too! Yea I liked him from Huan Zhu Ge Ge

    I just hope YEH’s dubbing won’t be of a pain to listen

  13. whaaaaa. i will patiently wait 2012 for this great movie..YOON EUN HYE unnie u’re so lucky to have act with CHONG YUN FAT, oh my gosh this is exactly a moving forward to your career path..i wish all for u the best until u get married….whaaa..who’s the luck guy..right now im HWAN HYE shipping heart….get married

  14. I grew up watching many CYF movie (i.e A Better Tomorrow, The Killer, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon etc.) and I think he’s a great & very charismatic actor. So I can’t contain myself when there is a rumor that he’ll be starred opposite my favorite Korean actress (YEH). I long for YEH to get a good project & meaty role cause IMO she’s a good actress and I think it’s time for her to shine. And It will surely be an honor for her to act along side a legend like CYF. With an interesting premise & great casts I hope this movie will doing well.
    Never saw Tamaki Hiroshi’s act but like Alec Su in Princess Returning Pearl.

  15. Thanks for writing on this Koala!
    Your article explained a lot in terms of storyline and characters 🙂
    Always helpful for us non Korean/non Asian fans

  16. i love Chow!! he’s an ACTOR!! Yoon Hye is perfect in any role..she’s gorgeous and an Actress through and through..good for her to team up w/ Chow..Go girl!!

  17. I said the same thing!! I am dying to see YEH in costume. She is going to be sooooo pretty. And if her character is really a warrior (that was one of the speculation) it will be so hot!! Chow Yun Fat still looks sexy, if that pic you have of him is something recent. I liked House of flying daggers sooo… excited!!

  18. Who would’ve thought we would see Chow Yun Fat and Yoon Eun Hye in a movie together?! I just might watch this, mostly for the pan-asia thing happening. But, I feel like all the voices will be dubbed. Out of all the dramas I watched, very few of them had dubbed voices, but they were all cringe-worthy.

  19. WOW!! YEH with Tamaki Hiroshi and Chow Yun Fat!
    YEH unnie, FIGHTING!!
    Can’t wait for Oct. 2012! So excited!
    Hope this will be shown in all Asian countries so i could watch it in our local theatres.
    Dying to see this!

  20. way to go YEH! 😀
    can’t wait for this movie. i’m sure YEH will look good in chinese clother with long dark locks which will compliment her beautiful complexion just like in her Ryeo CF.

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