
Man of Honor Episode 10 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. Thank you for the recap!
    I did a lot of big smiles this episode…I totally loved Mom and Jae-in running away from the norebang guys intercut with PIE singing his heart out.
    Loved that Sec. Kim finally gets his moment to scene steal. We all know he can be really intense or really funny from his past work. Glad to see his part start to take shape.

    I know you all love the OTP to pieces, but I’m clinging to the hope that our (yet to be) second lead will show us enough of his broken heart that Jae-in has to develop feelings for him. In all fairness to In-woo, he had Jae-in first. It’s In-woo’s purse that Jae-in carries around as a hint of happier times.

    Can’t wait until YK Oma finds out that Jae-in is NOT the product of a sordid affair!

  2. Definitely I am also loving them (our OTP) to pieces!! The cute moments are still there between the these two in this episode… I can’t never get tired of watching these two… I really want to slap back IW’s mom… and the funny moments between DS and YK at the cafeteria just crack me up!! Hahaha… YK, poor you… LOL.

    Thank you so much for Episode 10 recaps!! ^^ We will have to wait for next week to see more exciting developments! Can’t wait!! 😀

  3. this episode makes me wonder what will happen next.. so many things that hanging and bring a big curiosity about what will happen in next episode.. But I do loveeeee the scene between Young kwang and Jae in when he ask her to call him Oppa…Only by reading it makes my knees week too.. LOL.. And so glad that mom finally melting for Jae in..
    Thanks Ockoala for the recap.. maybe you can post preview for next episode.. Thank you again..

  4. thanks Captain..

    im another happy camper.. MoH story is actually very predictable (with a few twists here and there) but it is still enjoyable.. i love love all the scenes leading to the noraebang and the aftermath.. our OTP is so so cute together and since when PIE can do hot?

    wish list for next week – pls let YK know the truth or at least give him a hint. JI’s memory can come back later, i guess. in the mean time YK’s mom please continue to treat JI kindly for the real mother is still not 100% capable to go against Evil Dad yet.

    the comeupponce for IW’s mom – once JI’s revealed as the true heiress she’ll def regret slapping JI for that one slap.

    IC – he’s a shade of gray, I wonder wat his actual plan is.

    minor complaint, im terribly bugged out by KY’s eyes in the few scenes she has in this ep – i usually ignore stuff like this

  5. Thank you sooo much for this, again, dear ockoala unni!

    I am so glad Mom is warming up to Jae In. Those Mom and Jae In scenes just warm my heart. Well, photos. I wonder when I’ll be able to watch this episode. I would also want her to know Jae In’s true parentage since I do like her now and would like to stop her from thinking about how he was wronged by her husband. It must really hurt her so bad. She would surely feel sorry for Jae In and would love her to make up for her husband’s wrongdoing as she really is softie inside. I also would like her to be on Jae In’s side as she is a force to reckon with (hah) and would be a formidable foe for those who want Jae In hurt.

    In Chul is rather scary. I think In Woo would really transform and be Jae In’s sole protector against In Chul and evil dad, not to mention evil mom! I so hate that woman!

    As for PIE, well, I just hope that he finds that baseball soon (the one he gave Jae In) and stop his confusion. It’s funny but I also feel sorry for him for having those inner conflicts with Jae In. He’s just so cuuute and so I hate that evil dad for screaming at him. That bastard! I know Young Do has a free rein to employ who he thinks are the best. But what if it’s Young Kwang and Jae In who were, again, had a parallel experience of being fired almost simultaneously even before being employed by the couple from hell? This will be so much fun…

    Mom will soon find out Jae In’s true identity, then I know (I hope) that Young Kwang will follow suit and Jae In will be the last to know. But I would really like to watch Young Kwang’s reaction after knowing it. He will not divulge it as it will implicate his father and fearing Jae In would hate him if she knows…Then we’ll see In Woo and Young Kwang getting into each others’ throats like they always do (starting when they were little), but now, Young Kwang is fighting as her oppa, not oppa brother, but oppa boyfriend-like aha ha, my goodness. I know this is really kdrama staple – the love triangle – but I never grow tired of it. I just love guys fighting over a girl, it makes me giddy, I don’t know ha ha. Oh dear, I can’t wait for the next episode. So tormenting…

  6. thanks for the recap!! Not so much excitement on this ep except for the chase scene which I found too unreal and funny…every staff I think on the noraebang is after mom and JI..can’t help but wonder who was left attending to the customers-and to think that they were hiring becoz they were…but our OTP is almost getting to where I hope them to least their feeling’s are mutual… can’t wait for the next ep. I hope YK’s mom would not think or assume that JI is her husband’s kid with JI’s true mom…omo, that would really complicate things even more…

  7. You’re fire – LOL that is a bit coincidental with both of them getting fired by In Woo parents at the same time?! Yeah the OTP is getting charming by the days and please let the cat out of the bag already! Thanks!

  8. Thank you for the great recap! I stumbled upon your website before but somehow lost it, and found it again while looking for info on MoH. I love the way you write ^^ I have one question; why does Jae In feel so embarrassed when YK asks her to call him Oppa once? I know the meaning of the word yet I still can’t apprehend what it fully implies. Why does she so frantically try to avoid it? Or is it just over-dramatized for effect? I’m not Korean as you may guess, I’m from Turkey and although some social codes are very like of ours, addressing other people is one I still haven’t got a hold of.

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