
Joe Cheng is Mature and Handsome in Latest HK Magazine Pictorials — 21 Comments

  1. I enjoy seeing him with short hair. I’ve been rewatching The Rose so that’s all I can imagine, but I wish he’d smile in at least one of those photos. Such a nice smile.

  2. Joe’s smirk is indeed very unique….now can we please , please get him back on our screens…though with each project after ISWAK, my worries about his career increase,,,plz, plz plz pick something wonderful ala ITWY next!!!!

  3. Wow…haven’t seen Joe Cheng this hot for a while.

    Everytime I see him now…I can’t help but see Ariel, and wonder why in the world did she not choose him?! lol sorry the shipper in me just can’t get over it.

    • It kinda reminds Me of that scene in they kiss again when zhi shu fell down the stairs and broke his ankle while saving Xiang Qin ..

  4. “No one, but no one, smirks like Joe can smirk in the picture above.” YES!! YES!!!! YES!!!
    Koala you said it. I though i was the only one who–I should have known better!! No one! No one can smirk like Joe. Gosh damnit, I love him. Hes sooo hot. And he way he looks at XQ in ISWAK, always made me swoon. The way he just smirks so sexy. I love his pictorials, I just love him. Gish hes hot. And hes a June bug like meeeeeeee!!

  5. Good grace! I’ve always had a soft spot for him, prolly after hours and hours of drowning myself in a heap of ISWAK and TKA goodness…..and yes! He smirks like no one else!

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