
First Impressions on History of the Salaryman — 18 Comments

  1. Wow…I just finished reading the recap on dramabean and now that I read yours I realized just how much more interesting that makes the drama…whether it will keep following history or will add a twist to it….will be looking out for the similarities between history and plot!

  2. I can use a few good laughs to start the new year, so I will give it try…also in the mood for something a little different…thanks for the recap.

  3. love love love your summary i saw the 1st ep apart from laughing like crazy almost throw up with all the gross scene LBS is perfect for the role of yoo bang and i love all the character they all are just f^%$**&^ crazy if you know what i mean it would be brilliant if this drama can keep the fast pace till the end.2 thumbs up

  4. Love your insights and first impression.. Thanks for pointing out that Chairman Jin’s full name is Jin Si Huang.. Haha! How ironic – Emperor Qin Shi Hwang was looking for Immortality Pill and here we have Chairman Jin Si Huang looking for Eternal Youth Pill.

  5. there were so many lol moments in this episode. i love the golf course scene, especially when chick ripped her skirt so she could kick the guys ass. awesomeness. hope they can keep up the funny.

  6. Sounds much much too insane for me to even try watching – farce is not my thing, but kudos for the makers for trying something different.

  7. They’re connecting Lu Zi and Liu Bang in the FIRST episode? Doesn’t he need to meet her Grandfather or something….

    You didn’t like Jung Ryeo Won in Hello Francesca? I used to love that show.

  8. It’ s so fresh in the Kdrama land ! I cant’ wait to see episode 3 !
    Jung Gyu Woon is so cool ! i like his new style!

  9. I’ve never really liked Jung Ryeo Won in any of her past dramas either, mainly due to her anorexic and unappealing appearance which really distracted me from her acting.

    However, she was really quirky and endearing in Castaway, the movie. You might like that if you like eccentric characters.

  10. Hi! Just saw the first episode and I’m seriously amused. Never knew that JKW could actually make those expressions with his face.

    After your comment on the connection to the Chu-Han Contention, I went online to read more about the contention and its backstory. I’m just imagining the possibilities with all of the happenings of the time; no offense, but there are some pretty crazy things that went on during then. I mean, the singing of folk songs to demoralize the enemy which actually led to mass desertion? When looking at it from a historical perspective, it seems terribly tragic, but I’m just imagining how HotS can spin this around. Eagerly waiting for more!!

    Did you notice any other connections between the characters in HotS and the Chu-Han Contention besides the ones you listed already? I’m not having any luck connecting the secondary characters to generals in the contention.

      • Thanks for the info! Like Grinchmas above, I’ve been trying to connect the two but my Chinese isn’t very good, so I’ve been having some trouble. I wonder if they’re going to keep to the fundamental plot of the Contention and adapt it.

        This makes me even more curious as to who the unconnected characters are and their motivations. The secretary Mo Ga-bi seems to be important but who is she???

        Anyways, I’m liking this story the more and more I think about it. Hopefully, HotS continues to deliver!

  11. for those who think this drama is just going to be bunch of psycho dark humour it has more than meets the eye the blending between humour and real life start to kick in ep 2 and i believe the director and the writer really prepared to showcase more in store and they really did their homework well. By the way the ratings start at 8.9% then up 10.2% lets see next week progress but kudos for the drama tried to be different with cliche elements with new twist.

  12. The fact that you used “chutzpah” in your description made me want to start this show. And now that I have, I’m glad I did. The music video teaser they put out helped clue us in that this show was going to be unashamedly off-the-wall, while still having just enough reality (or just barely enough lol) to make me believe this show could possible make it to its last episode in the same sort of farce-y way.

    Thank you so much for the historical context behind the names, too! As a person who knows next to nothing about Chinese history, these names would have just remained an unexplained joke to me. Now that there’s the reasoning about that, it only adds to the show’s charm.

    Here’s to hoping this show can keep up its antics until the final episode’s credits!

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