
Da Mo Yao Chapter 12: Invitation — 48 Comments

      • lol.. but when i saw that it reminds me of Yu-er encounter with the assassins with Jiu Ye. It’s ironic how both man try to claim her for their own but unlike the every other girl, Yu-er is the last person to want to be owned by anyone

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE HQB!! I missed him so during his manly military trip haha
    Looks like he came back hotter than ever.

    This is insane every time I read one chapter, I’m already craving more. Officially addicted thanks to you Ms. Koala. The nicest thing though.. is that you are actually feeding our addictions in an insanely fast rate! Do you sleep at all SuperKoala?

    Thanks a bunch! Looking forward to the next Chapter.

  2. You are an angel!!! With my limitation in chinese I try to find a book and try to read it with the help from my dictionary and the result is a big headache, so I coming back to your playground and voila…..the new chapter is here already 🙂 Thank you so much!!!!

  3. Thks again for such lightning speed update – do u sleep at all? It is now 01:15am in Sydney – cant sleep yet whc was not unusual so tot I lurked n boy was I in for a treat !
    My Jiu Ye is missing in this chapter T_T
    I do like xiaohuo alot but … Jiu Ye is very mature & calm ….
    I’ll just be quiet n enjoy d ride….

  4. Muchas gracias. Love HQB. Just my opinion . . . I am not getting HQB’s “manly aura and bravado” vibe from Hu Ge. HG is definitely attractive. But an actor that comes to my mind that personifies HQB is Russell Crowe.

  5. This is definitely the chapter Yu Er starts to notice she feels something more for HQB.

    And I’m a sucker for “cold man towards everyone but his loved ones” types x) And how HQB, who never does anything for anyone but himself, cuts meat for her…? LOVE!

    As always, I’m very thankful for the translation.

    • Totally agree. And loved how he showed her how to break into his estate…because he knew she wouldn’t go through the front door!

  6. Mdm Koala, thank you for these translations and for an introduction to poetic chinese novels…wished i’d attended a chinese medium school. Just wanted to ask whether Jinyu will meet up with the Xiong Nu in later chapters? I find her lack of empathy towards the war against the Xiong Nu people thus far perplexing. Sure she has bad history with the current Shan Yu, but she grew up with the Xiong Nu and had lived with them. surely some emotional ties were created? perhaps her pov on the war against xiong nu is in future chapters. as it is, i’m finding her cold n calculating n much too self assured.

    • I think you’re likely putting your own value judgments and emotions into how Yu Er ought to feel.

      She grew up with the Xiong Nu, but her father always reminded her that she was a Han person and wanted her to go back to the Han. Plus her father and one of her closest friends in the Xiong Nu, Yu Dan, are both dead, and the man she respected and adored once caused it all.

      According to Chinese ethics, Yu Er should be supporting the Han, because a child is told to be loyal to her family and her heritage. Her father supported the Han, so she ought to. But she doesn’t take sides in the Han/Xiong Nu war because she does have ties to the Xiong Nu, and she isn’t all that into Confucius and the beliefs that she ought to subscribe to.

      She is a very personal person, so she cares not about heritage and nation, she cares about the people she loves around her. So she will support helping the Xi Yu countries escape the fighting between the Han and the Xiong Nu because that is what Jiu Ye wants, and she loves him.

      She was raised by wolves, I see her calculating nature and decisive streak as very indicative of her wild upbringing for so many years of her life.

      She doesn’t have a POV on the war, not until it affects those close to her. Not everyone needs to care about a conflict on a macro level to be seen as caring. Yu Er epitomes the Chinese adage – if you don’t hurt me, I don’t hurt you, and we each do what we want.

  7. hotdamn! The chemistry between JY and HQB is sizzling! Can’t wait to see this play out and I love each and every one of the scenes between these two – admidst the serious, dark, and politick-infused environ, theirs is just so playful and passionate. Thanks, Ms. Koala 🙂

  8. thanks so much ms. koala!! you truly spoil us with all of these translations/summaries. things are heating up (in more ways than one!) ^_^

  9. Jin Yu finds herself yet again in HQB’s embrace. Nice!! With him showing her how to climb the walls of his estate and cutting the meat for her, all this adds up to great fangirl moment! I can’t wait to see how this progresses! 🙂

  10. ” my person” rawr! Oh! Lala! I like that huo was mad that she meet the emperor because he don’t want the emperor to like her. Awww…

  11. My favorite chapter so far because the OTP has so many scenes!! and their interactions never fail to make me squee like a fanboy, then blush like a school girl ^^ I love how he seems like the typical clueless buff guy….but then you realize he notices everything in the little details. Like when he saw her on the rooftop looking at someone else…..instead of getting mad….he turns around and shows her the way to *his* rooftop instead!! *bwahaha* <3<3<3<3

    Ssoooo…after re-reading this chapter about 10x I needed something else to feed my addiction so I went to google and started reading random forums about this series. From what I've read…let's just say…as much as I'm enjoying Book 1 now…i CAN NOT WAIT until we get to BOOK 2!!! Koala dear, I hope you will enjoy translating it as much as I know we will LOVE reading it. *claps hand in anticipation*

  12. Oh, loverboy is back….HQB is so steadfast in his affections towards Jin.

    I’m glad she’s goes places with him. He was the one that caused her heart to leap for joy.

    Thanks Ockoala!

    • Yeah, it’s hilarious how dense she can be. This boy makes her feel tingly, weak kneed, out of breath, and oddly lurchy in the heart. And yet she still is fixated on Jiu Ye, who makes her feel safe and warm. Hhhhmmm, girlfriend needs to figure out the difference between wanting a man like dad, and wanting a man who potentially can kiss the bejeebus out of her. Ooops, potential spoiler right there. 😛

      • Kisses. Oh, joy!
        Potential spoiler or not, the girl should have a clue regarding her reaction to said kiss…..Analyze later Jin Yu, just work with him. 🙂

      • Ooooh don’t mind spoilers, especially of the kissy kind 🙂 i’m certainly hooked on the story and characters. Thank you, Ms. Koala!

      • hubba, hubba…am I hearing this right? Steamy, sexy, kissy scenes? Bring it on!!! Gah, would it be wrong to say that I’m already salivating in anticipation of the scenes to unfold. HQB can bring the sexy so effortlessly and then some. Man, JY does not stand a chance 😉

  13. So much chemistry between our OTP… kinda can’t wait till she starts reciprocating his feelings back (since my heart’s gonna shatter for Xiao Jiu).
    For translating this novel, I can’t say this enough: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

  14. hahaha i think this should be in the previous chapter…but…

    i understand that in the next chapter, LY manages to get general Li’s attention by wearing a similar “Li” embroidered handkerchief in some gathering…but how does she actually get to meet and talk to him (which is necessary if she wants him as an ally) in the Hou Gong? I also know that later, general Li will pledge his loyalty to her…but why? simply because of his love for her? and was it even possible for Li and Li to get together in those days?

    Also, is general Li so angry because he could’ve married her first before LY meets the emperor? and btw, can the emperor erm request his subordinates’ wives if he so wishes to?

    sorry for the barrage of questions…i never took to properly studying chinese literature even though it was compulsory in my secondary school…

    hope someone can attend to my questions!

    to ockoala: you really got me with the triple release of chapters 8 and parts l and ll of chapter 9. ploughing past 10, which was relatively boring (and difficult to read – too must description of the books), i have started reading the novel in chinese!! (and i have never touched a wholly chinese novel since i stopped having chinese lessons hurrr). you are so awesome!!

    • The book never elaborates how Li yan manages to “accidentally” reveal the hankerchief to Li Gan. But that doesn’t mean she can’t. It’s actually fairly simple. She doesn’t have to speak to him at all…like I said she just need to reveal that she’s in possesion of the hankerchief. And since Li gan is a high-ranking official himself, he will always need to to present himself in the palace, but of course not necessarily the hou gong where the king’s women live, but in other more public gatherings e.g. Queen’s birthday banquet or whatever celebratory events where Li yan would also be present, being the King’s favourite concubine.

      Li gan pledges loyalty to her because of his love for her…yes, it’s that simple, and she doesn’t have to ask (and she didn’t, choosing to play the innocent and coy card). All the more, because he felt that he could have met her first and swept her off her feet before the King comes into the picture (which was why he was so angry at Jin yu). Once the King laid his eyes on her, it’s basically game over for him. No matter how dashing or swoon-worthy he may be, he’s no match for the King (because he IS the King, and him being his loyal subject, he can’t even hope for a fair fight…). In the end, he feels that the only thing he can do for her is to pledge loyalty to her. To silently offer her unconditional support so to speak, because with her background, she’s no match to the powerful Wei clan. It’s a calculated and manipulative move on behalf of Li yan, taking into account his strong feelings for her. She doesn’t have to reciprocate his feelings, maybe only showing a little concern and kind words, which will make Li Gan even more regretful and drown even deeper in his “what-ifs” world.

      And no, I hardly think it’s possible for them to be together, unless they want to be on the run for the rest of their lives, PROVIDED he can sneak her out of the forbidden city in the first place and IF she reciprocates his feelings.

      As for your last question, the answer is yes and no. The king, being the King can do whatever he pleases (including requesting his subordinates’ wives). BUT in reality he won’t, because that would cause an outrage in his court and maybe his people. He would lose the confidence of his subordinate and being a Confucius society, may even lose his standing among his people and eventually risk being ousted. Having said that, there are many ways (think more unscrupulous means LOL) to achieve his goal if he is that intent (gah….I blame this for the countless dramas I watch).

  15. This is one chapter that I was a bit iffy about. While I adore that HuoQuBing is all fiery and straightforward, I thought that slap on the head was a bit uncalled for. Sure it’s because he’s worried about her, but since when is violence an ok way to show it.

    • I think you read too much in the slap/hit….it’s not a violent kind of hit/slap. It’s rather akin to a playful flick on the forehead…but perhaps in his anxiety (and he’s naturally stronger than the average man), he miscontrolled his strength a little.

      Err…I see my GFs hit their BFs all the time, playfully of course but still, I think it hurts too. LOL.

  16. Yay,! Our military hero is back and he’s totally letting our girl know that she is special.

    “Why are you all touchy feely with me, that is not the behavior of a gently bred lady. But…..” and he tried to grab my hand “I like it.” — Ah, this is one of my fave HQB-Yu Er moment. And by golly, how cheeky is he when he said “but….I like it”. 😉

    I cannot wait for the day when she realizes that she lurves him too. I have a feeling these two together will combust into flames. Rawr.

  17. LOVE in the air!! ^__^ I just love the interaction between HQB and JY. RAWR! made me giddy when I read about them while imagining Hu Ge & Shi Shi..I hope JY can realize that she has some feelings for HQB soon and choose HQB instead of Jiu Ye.

    btw, “One can get bored looking at peonies and want to pluck some dog tail grass to play with one of these days” is this some Chinese proverb cause I don’t understand it when it comes to this part.. ‘I angrily laugh “So I’m a dog tail grass, that would make you…..” I don’t finish my sentence. “Make me what? What am I?”

    can someone explain to me? Thank you

    • I think HQB was jealous, implying that the Emperor might take a liking on Yu Er and make her one of the concubines.

      Peonies = Li Yang and dog tail grass = Yu Er
      Meaning that even if Li Yang is drop dead gorgeous, the Emperor might get bored with her beauty after awhile and decide to have someone spunky like Yu Er as well.

    • The first part is correctly explained by *Yeisha but I just want to add a little more for the second part…

      JY: “So I’m a dog tail grass, that would make you…..” I don’t finish my sentence.
      QB: “Make me what? What am I?”

      Basically this is a slip of mouth by JY, when she trails off mid-sentence, it’s fairly obvious that she’s aware of QB’s interest in her, but she’s been opting to pretend otherwise.QB’s response is teasing…because he knows that she’s aware that he likes her.

  18. Love this chapter because 1)HQB’s forever positive attitude – so YR you like to climb walls, perhaps one day you may miss me and come climb MY wall. Let me give you a first hand initiation to the how to and let the dogs familiarize themselves with you! 2) YR is obviously keenly conscious of HQB’s presence as a man and excited by his physical closeness. She is just deluding herself that he is nothing more than a friend. 3)HQB appears to be the same and yet he is not exactly the same because going for war has matured him and added an additional aura of manly strength and charisma.

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