
A Gentleman May Compete Directly with a Time-traveling Doctor for Weekend Ratings — 11 Comments

  1. I have the feeling that the only reason MBC pushed up Dr. Jin is because they knew whatever drama they aired during that time was going to lose the ratings battle unless it was this one…at least it would have a fighting chance with another hallyu star as lead…but this is going to be making it very hard for the production because of,the time crunch, once they do have everything settled,and ready to go and this, I think might compromise the quality of the show….which, is a shame because looking at the source drama alone, I think this one has more potential…even if AGD is whole lot of fun

    • Yeee, I read about it on dramabeans..,
      Embrace you’re self, it’s gonna be hell of the ride.
      Oppassssss 😉

  2. I don’t think there is any sure fire ratings winner calculator.
    SSH in EofE? High ratings.
    SSH in My Princess? Not so much.

    Still – I don’t see how the double threat of a JDG/Kim Eun Sook combo could not win, unless the Towel Slip Dr. Jin script is soooo good, it will survive all the pre-production issues….You know like not having a leading lady, or the legal right to the words you want to film people saying…

  3. Not a fan of either JDG or SSH…. but i would rather check out JDG’s drama cause…
    1) I will always be biased and preferred the J-drama version
    2) SSH cant really act, the male version of Han Ga-In… in my humble biased opinion…
    2) Jin vs Faith… give me Lee Min Ho over SSH any time any day….

  4. I have no incentive to watch AGD (dont really know JDG) and all the reasons to at least check out TimeSlip (I mean, there’s Jaejoong AND SSH!). I do have a feeling that the latter drama will be behind in the ratings game because it doesn’t seem to have any solid… anything (except may be the general story, since it’s from a manga).

  5. Omooooo !!!!
    Which to choose ?? Left hand or right hand ???
    Sigh ….
    Good Thing i cant watch live so i can watch both at the same time when someone kind enough to upload them … And depending on which side Mrs Koala is going – that’s where I’ll be I reckon !!!

    • I am soooo agree with you..I trust Mrs.Koala sight. though I still hope somehow in someway she could recap both. Sigh..I’m crazily in love with both JDG n SSH. =D

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