
Arang and the Magistrate Episode 7 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. It seemed like the malevolent ghost had multiple personality disorder. Maybe he’s become a composite of all the ghosts he’s eaten. I also think Lady Seo isn’t really Eun Oh’s mom, but that she harvests bodies as well as souls on the leap moon.

    I know that the princess carry isn’t romantic. At all, but it’s so powerful because we know what Arang does not. And her feeling romantic towards Joo Wal is understandable from her POV, but soooo creepy from ours.

    I’m excited that we get more Moo Young from here on out. He’s such a great and mysterious character!

  2. I agree with you miss Koala. The first half of this episode was so tiring where we see only Arang-Eun Oh doing something annoying in the cave. Eun Oh even can’t walk himself from outside to inside the cave. But he absolutely can wake up and bite when a liver eater spirit disturb Arang. unconsistence condition.

    Besides that, Lady Seo (I prefer called her Lady Seo than Eun Oh’s mom), she has her own soul reapers. What the hell is she?

    • EunOH explained how he managed to summon sudden strength to save Arang and himself from the liver eater – his fear of being eaten. Something akin to an adrenaline push I reckon. I think he was conserving his energy previously.

  3. Thanks for filling in the blanks.

    I know you hate JW with a passion, and don’t feel sorry for him, but I like that he is beginning to grow a conscience. He may not be fully redeemed by the end, but he definitely will end up sacrificing himself to save Arang at one point. He HAS to. That is the reason for his existence in this story.

    As for the cave? Let’s go deeper into the cave where it’s really cold for a little, then come out. Hmph. Don’t understand why that happened. I see they wanted to introduce us to Evil Spirit Sybil, but still – couldn’t they have at least warmed up in the cave, or made their way through to the other side right before meeting the liver eater?

    I had a really bad feeling that the Magistrate is going to turn out to be a really bad spirit or something, but I hope that’s a feint by the writers.

  4. thanks koala for the fastest recap!!! Its killing me to wait for it to air!!! Well, i hv this big feeling it will b a sad ending… Jus my two cents!!

  5. Well, your feeling and interest is different then me and dramabeans.

    I beg to differ. I dont know why, i want sizzling romance and more character development but i satisfied (heck ya, i so hard to be satisfied in terms of drama) but i think the scenes in the cave is needed to show that Arang is really care for Eun Oh – her character development- and how she can put herself before magistrate – arent we say that she is a selfish person- before. Tough i hope the writer will mesmerized us with the potentioal romance scenes more in the cave- they hugging and warming up to each other longer and more intense scenes. that’s all.

  6. One more thing i just hope Eun Oh will lessen his cold character and yelling, and bickering with Arang. He has to know, she is a woman for once!

  7. Wow, that was another lovely episode! I just love this drama more and more!

    I have a feeling that EO is a half god-half human creature or something like that. I am so happy they’ve finally started to talk about him in heaven! 😛

    I like how A&EO keep getting on each other’s nerves, instead of longing for romance. This is their true character, they both too proud yet.

    Oh, JW and his romantic side, I love that too! I know it’s creepy, but I love that he’s getting to use his knowledge/power over evil mom, and I think he really likes A, I still want to know, why did he engaged A 3 years ago.

    Poor A will have heart pain(hope not literally) when she’ll find out JW was the one who killed her probably twice by now.
    He truly going to sacrifice himself to help her, but so will EO. They’ll both love her deeply.

    So good that we still have 13th episodes left!

  8. Koala, halloooo ^_^ anyong, everyone!
    gosh, I’ve missed ur site. U also made me miss My Princess now, too 🙂 ahhhh even more so when the creepy ebil mom said “because of You!” Remember the scene when our Princess was yellin that? Lol
    K… so… I love the drama, soundtrack & photography. I’m even falling in love to the fashion costume & ebil mom’s hair 🙂 I want the butterfly is t biryo? She’s sporting…
    Danggit, I got distracted… I was saying, it’s slow moving. I wanted Arang to be more forward like Gumiho chat & more skinship & total chemistry comin out of my viki app like it is on Secret Garden.
    TT^TT I had high hopes for cave but man… There’s lots of scenes need to be shortened. It’s almost as slow as the romance on a fave Japanese drama Hotaru no Hokari. Hwaiting patiently for fireworks…

  9. Fantastic!

    This was a scary and good episode. Loved the ghoul.

    What in the hell is Arang and how is she JE’ secret weapon?

    I thought JE mentioned JW as that person “being completely overtaken with the dark forces”. If so, good because that means he has alterior motives for not following the shaman’s orders directly.

    This is so good. Our OTP can live anywhere.kkkk

    Thanks ocKoala!

  10. I feel that, the scenes where Eun Oh shouted at Arang when she felt is one of the most heart-breaking scences in drama for me. To die a multiple times? painful and to watch she fall in your eyes. Beyond painful. I think the way he shifted his talk by saying you should remember good memories reflects on how far his emotions has go for the two of them.

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