
Miss Rose Episode 12 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. OMG, my dear Koala, in the 1st 2 paragraphs, you really express everything I have been thinking about MR. R u a worm in my stomach? J/k. Hehehe…
    Originally, I did not want to start on MR but wait until it finishs first. But u keep on writing about it, and I said to myself that I’d just have a peak on it. A peak after a peak and a peak became a hook. Hahaha…

  2. Thanks for the recap!
    I haven’t seen that many TW dramas, so this and OG to me are my lovely intro to them.

    OK, I appreciate YC. Yes, it was a touching scene on the beach with the impending storm…That is as much as I am willing to invest in him. For me the problem is he is playing catch-up, and smells a bit of desparation. CK won my heart waaaaaaay back in the beginning. I can’t let him go now.

    Love the unspoken here:
    “Cheng Kuan sighs and says he’s known her for over 10 years now.”
    AND NEVER REALLY LIKED HER! Ha! I will not be nice to Viv, and I want to set her on fire. And, please, no, CK has not gotten intimate with her. No, no, no.

    Love that SY took the egg to bed with her and put it on her nightstand. She’s low key about it, but she is in lurve.

    Looking forward to CK telling the CEO, “No, thanks. I can survive just fine without you. Go sell your daughter to someone else.”

    • If we go back to episode 7, when Yi Chun asked Cheng Kuan what his relationship was to Si Yi, CK responded “To me, she is a woman that cannot easily be discarded.” Since then, CK has stayed true to his vow and his heart in doing everything right so he can keep her beside him. I love him so. CK is thisclose to vaulting into rarified Qin Zi Qi territory of awesome.

      • Re whether CK and Viv were “intimate” — so where did her nightgown and robe come from? Perhaps they are his Mom’s and she left them there? 🙂

    • Yeah, it totally seems like they’ve never had a real relationship—just two people who are meant to marry one another, but have done their own separate things before that dreaded day. But I can’t explain away the nightgown and robe. Unless they’re Cheng Kuan’s mother’s? I’m hoping. My only other explanation is that they’re things Vivian has been slowly moving in, with every intention of getting to use them.

      Also, I find it interesting that she looked so disappointed that he never came to bed. Did she really think that was going to happen?

  3. HURRAY, the Miss Rose Fairy FTW! I LOVE this show. I agree that it feels different from many other shows. i hope people ee that fans do not need crazy histrionics or long-term brooding to be caught up in real drama.

    Here is a conversation my daughter shared about this show. She was in volleyball practice pairing up with one of her friends who happens to be an international student from Taiwan (we live in the US), and she says to her “Hey, do know a drama called Miss Rose? My mom is obsessed with it.”
    Friend: Really, my mom watches LOVES it, too. She mentions it every time I call her.
    My daughter: Wouldn’t it be cool if our moms could get together to talk about Miss Rose?
    Friend: Yeah, but my mom doesn’t speak any English.
    My daughter: And my mom doesn’t speak any Taiwanese. (Sigh. Pause.)

    I told my daughter that it wouldn’t matter because we could probably just watch it together and still squeal and laugh at the same things. Language barrier be damned. I think you are right, Madame Koala. You either get (and love) this show or you don’t.

    • LOL, I totally agree. MR love transcends language barriers or the need to do anything else other than grin like a loony when watching it. I swear this drama is like picking the blue pill and staying happy forever.

      • Apparently, they also had a conversation about how both their mothers cried (and cry) over Autumn Concerto as well. So I am thinking we would most undoubtedly be friends despite not understanding anything the other person says. We would both just argue (through gestures, of course) about how best to feed Roy Qui and Vaness Wu.

        Picking the blue pill . . .does this mean we could all go to Miss Rose land? Can you picture us all–denali, nonski, SillyCrab, angskeet, ck10z, Jen, jomo, and the rest of the Miss Rose crew–sitting at Si Yi and Chen Kuan’s wedding? I’ll be the one wearing the big hat.

      • Ahhhh, the Miss Rose gang led by yours truly as O’Captain My Captain, crashing Cheng Kuan and Si Yi’s wedding? You wear the hat, I’ll be the one attempting to make out/make off with the groom. I also screamed at lot at the screen watching Autumn’s Concerto. That was one frustrating drama towards the second half, the very SETTV tactics I have grown weary off. When Mu Cheng broke Tuo Ye’s heart that one final time around episode 18 or so, I checked out of the drama. By then I just wanted to spend my free time cuddling the poor puppy and rather wished Mu Cheng and her noble idiocy complex to perdition.

  4. I actually have no soft spot at all for YC. None. There are no do-overs regardless of second chances, for if trust is broken, the feat in completely repairing/rebuilding it is rarely conquered. I’m also not a fan of CK choosing love (romance) over career, because I don’t believe that’s the case. If it is love, it’s a deep regard and strong sense of integral responsibility to himself and his future, therefore I’m thankful, he’s choosing freedom and peace of mind. Vivian is so completely clueless, there are no kind words for her. How can she expect anyone to like, let alone love her, if every sentence is doused with a belittling comment? She also has given no real thought to his words, nor evaluated herself in anyway. She hasn’t even tried to change. She’s like an exasperating child. And please don’t get me started on his mother!

    Overall, I’ve completely fallen for this drama and can’t wait for each new nugget. I love that there is very like makjang crazy, it’s a wonderful journey, like a leisurely walk on a Fall afternoon.

  5. I really love the characters in this drama! They are all very realistic in many things. I can’t wait for the next episode! Cheng Kuan seems like he will finally be making a move.
    By the way, does that egg thing really work with bruises??

  6. Thanks koala for the recap! I wonder if when SY said that if CK didn’t ask that question with the hypotheticals, that it meant that if he had asked her to be with him at that moment, she would have said yes?

    That scene btw SY and SQ was really warm 😀 It was nice to see that btw SY and SQ and not just btw SY and XK.

  7. Fantastic recap as usual. I’m really happy with the mature tone this drama has been exhibiting. Sometimes it’s fun to watch the drama llama, but it gets tiring after a while.

    Very impressed at how Roy is picking such dynamite roles for his recent twdramas — Qin Ziqi was childish and immature for sure, but so darned sincere in his love for Xingren that that made up for everything. And Chengkuan is just… *o* Just wondering, has Roy ever played a bad guy kind of role? I haven’t gotten around to watching his earlier stuff, but I would like to see him in a role where he’s extremely hard to like. And not like 機車男 insufferable, but legitimately hard to like.

    • He was supposedly a “bad” guy in Woody Sambo…but stay away from that drama…it was horrible. I watched it only for Roy & skipped many parts. The lead guy was annoying and couldn’t act and Amber was blah and kinda annoying in it too (she has improved though).

      • I think I watched the first half of the first episode, just to see the Fated to Love You cameos, but by then I’d already had enough lol. Maybe I’ll try again, just for the Roy scenes.

  8. Koala unnie, you are a life savior!!!! i am so in love with this drama that i am watching it raw, so your recaps are a big help to me for, this my first T-drama and i sooooo love it!!!! thank you again for making me discover it!!!!

  9. I like Miss Rose a lot at present because the plot keeps moving forward rather than circling. It’s not great steps but I really like the fact that CK keeps evolving in his feelings for SY and he keeps moving towards her. That for me is so reassuring. So as long as it’s still there, I am following it. Besides, until you pointed it out, I don’t have the stupid screeching female characters around. Thank goodness. You know the fortune teller, that noisy aunt that character in a drama that I can’t understand is written there for.
    Yay for Ms Rose.

  10. I have to agree with your view point on the direction of Miss Rose; I find it to be very mature. It’s realistic and the comedy it not over the time which I hate in TW drama. The chemistry between CK and SY has so much depth. I really love CK characters and his development, what I mean about development is not that he changing but adjusting to this new emotions (LOVE) I’m really enjoy watching him fall in love. CK is falling with so much style, it seem to have made him shaper, smarter, hotter. The way he handles Vivian, her father, his mother and SY for that matter comes across so rational, he not a man that going to start jumping on a couch that for sure.

    I really love you recap, I don’t know if it because you are taking my thoughts right out of my head or that your fan base seem to have they own mind and view point. Whatever the reason I glad I found this blog and you just received and new fan keep up the great work!

  11. Can’t wait for epi 13! Thanks to Mz. Koala I have her recaps to reread. I also indulged myself looking at Roy & Megan’s cute motorcycle pics at fyroychiu’s Tumblr.

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