
SBS Confirms K-drama Today’s Webtoon with Kim Se Jung, Daniel Choi, and Nam Yoon Soo for July 2022 Fri-Sat Time Slot — 9 Comments

  1. Pingback:SBS Confirms K-drama Today’s Webtoon with Kim Se Jung, Daniel Choi, and Nam Yoon Soo for July 2022 Fri-Sat Time Slot - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  2. This is a really refreshing pairup. Just hoping the korean version lift some of the more interesting storylines from the jdrama and write their own original story instead. The jdrama was not that great a watch. High on very shallow things and too much empty bolstering. I hope the kdrama give a bit more depth and story development to each and every character instead. Best to follow less. Once again though Nam Yoon Su is one of the cutest rookie actors these days and choi daniel is always a gem. Happy that sejeong will get to pit her acting skills alongside these two. Definitely tuning it!

    • Ive seen him in a few variety shows. His character irl seems to mirror AHS as well. Introverted, shy, quiet and so very tall (187cm also!!!). Once again she will need to work her magic and draw him out of his shell more. Their interactions on instagram are already so sweet. Liking each others postings often. So excited to watch this. The PD is terrific as well so the last arc remains a good script. Hope it doesnt let down.

  3. I’m really getting into workplace dramas to get a behind-the-scenes look at interesting professions and industries. And as reader of korean webtoons and as someone who really enjoys Kim Se Jung, I’m excited to see this.

  4. Looking forward for this kdrama.with the PD of pinocchio & i hear your voice which i’ve watched im sure its gonna be a good one too.
    I hope Sejong, daniel & yoon soo will be great in the character given to them.

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