
Cheongdamdong Alice Episode 14 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. Wow! That’s quite a climax that finally SJ woke up with a great waking up call but still tried to go on sleeping…

    Indeed it was such a good start & so much fun to watch BUT the fire distinguished so quickly! I stopped watching at Ep 6 & thx Ms Koala. I only followed your review to know what happened! 😉

    So I might in d end watch d last 2-episode for a closure then will I hv a go to TK2H as suggested -LOL 🙂

    Cheerio !

  2. A time bomb & a hand grenade . I think a farmhouse in the outskirts of Seoul or better yet , outskirts of Paris would do them both good. They can detonate there. Talk or scream till the cows come home. No outside communication but gallons of wine & other yummy french grub. Long Talks & walks. Fly in Dong Wook for couple therapy.
    Sigh I doubt we’re gonna be treated to some french scenes wt great korean cinematography though. But I can still wish . Digressed.
    I find Tommy’s all consuming concern & preoccupation a bit too.much.
    Doesnt he have a biz to run?? But I guess its heartwarming for Se Kyung to have someone in the know, on her side since her close gal pal isnt.
    For all his professed love and adoration, Seung Jo seems coldly & clinically able to just write her off, Im curiouser & curiouser to see how he’s gonna come back to a level of loving close to where he left off. In reality, it will be like a vase glued back together with hairline cracks ,ready to come apart wt future provocation. Ah but its Kdrama so Im expecting my unreal but forseeable Happily Ever After.
    That’ll do it for me.

  3. Thanks for the recap Koala! You are great!

    I didn’t like watching this episode at all. It was all angst but no real satisfaction to any of the revelations.

    We were made to think of In Hwa as this amazingly capable and shrew business woman, who then throws away multi-million collaboration so that she could soothe her ego? Come on!

    Her family was also amazingly unbelievably COLD – no one is much concerned about anything else except to salvage the deal with the Royal Group – doesn’t matter if your daughter is one crazed B, your son’s marriage is in trouble, oh no…your daughter-in-law still has some use (“we can deal with her later”), WTH?!

    SJ’s reaction was as expected, super childish. Do the writers expect us to believe that such an immature and irresponsible individual was picked to head a multi-million conglomerate in Korea? Ya right.

    When your fiancee tells you she has done wrong, you say “now you go and spoil it all ….by telling me the truth?” Er….yes!

    SK’s “confession” to SJ was no big shakes either. But I wonder how does one move from here? “Look, you have shown me what you are….now let me show you want I am…” er how? It’s not as if you could show a movie of your life – you are expecting a person so totally hurt and who feels so betrayed by you to stand in the same room as you to give you a chance to show what you are? How does one move forward in such a relationship? So SJ spends time with SK, what how does SJ (who can’t tell fantasy from reality) accept what is real and not from SK at this point? Even if she were sincere, then what?
    The writers have really messed up here. I wonder what can save the story now?

  4. Even though the wake-up call came a bit late….I still appreciate that they do have one, I was worried that SJ and SK was going to get married without the beans being spilled.

    This episode was wonderful to me, SK tenacity is a force to behold…I love how she digs her heel in when she decides on something (in this case, wake up SJ from his fantasy land and insert reality into it, however painful it might be). The next 2 episodes is going to be exciting to watch.

  5. Totally agree, this show went off tangent. I am sticking to it because i am curious about Yoon Joo…I started off disliking her actions, now i am rooting for her to get her own happiness. As for SK AND SJ….i don’t know…they story is made into something that is grandeur. Everyone has an agenda when they are looking for the right person…it is called having your standards and a making list. They are making a mountain out of a mole hill which is just frustrating, especially In hwa…really girl, cool your horse. Pft, i know that i want to marry someone rich…but you are not going to see me weave my way through so that that person doesn’t know and I am not going make unwanted, elaborated plan with others to keep him from knowing. I will even let him know then are there, “hey i do like you for your money, but you are nice and cure too.” This show started off with high potential, now I just want it to end. Let me just see a freaking happy ending.

  6. I like your blog a lot… Thank you for all the recaps.

    I like every episode of Alice in Cheongdamdong. And I hope that they will end up together not just because they look good together but because of there imperfection that make them perfect for each other. It is good that revelations are done before the wedding so that when they really get married only true LOVE remains inside there peaceful HEARTS.

    I really appreciate the writer of this television novel. It is great!

    • I agree.
      Somehow, I ship this couple.

      There were definitely moments of confusion/disappointment with the plot but now what I see is a couple perfect for each other. If they solve all the issues of the past, overlook each other’s faults, then they surely can be happy together, and would be able to make up for each other’s imperfections.

  7. The entire last 5 episodes should just be replaced by last 5 minutes of episode 14.
    Just like many Korean dramas,Cheongdamdong Alice is fun in the beginning but gets boring as the episodes drag on.

  8. WOOHOO. Love how SeKyung is not afraid to confront reality.
    You go girl!

    This is not the best romance drama but certainly gives depth into people who run away from reality like SeungJo. SeKyung is what SeungJo exactly needed at this moment – someone who can bring SeungJo back into reality, someone who is not afraid to show every bit and piece of her heart to him, and someone who GIVES HIM the choice of abandonship, instead of abandoning him.

    SeungJo… please be saved by SeKyung,
    come back to your senses and love her for who she is.
    Just be a happy couple.

  9. I don’t think his reaction was terrible all things considered (now that I know the I’ll kill you wasn’t literal that is), but I think all of this should have happened a long time ago. The love line is pretty dead for me right now. I don’t see how the can possibly fix it in two episodes. I’m also saddened the side characters became so unimportant. Yoon Joo is the most compelling character in this story right now. She’s one thing I think they did well.

  10. I still love our otp and I do feel like they love each other but I don’t necessary see it.

    However, I personally am liking se kyung even more after this episode and am liking seung Jo a lot less. At this point, I almost want sk to leave seung Jo cause he’s really not ready to love her like he should. He’s selfish in his love which is hardly love at all. Except I give him pass because he is ill and I truly believe that sk can help him get out from under that if he were to let her support him in that way, plus therapy. I can believe that she is the one who can help him when yoon joo could not. But seriously, if he was illness, I would’ve slap him upside the head already. He is a good person who has done some bad things and she also is a good person who has done some bad things too. So what in the world makes him any different from her in that respect. If he cannot understand that to love someone means that you forgive them for the things that they have done, and he can’t forgive her then, he doesn’t deserve her. I feel that she loves him a lot and she would be willing to do a lot of things for him. It just drives me so crazy how his character is written. At first, it seemed like sj would follow sk and that she was really manipulating him but I think more and more, he has been the one that is controlling her.

    I agree this should have happened at least 2 to 3 episodes ago. Sigh… I feel like they really Didn’t capitalize on the good chemistry between the otp and now things kinda fall flat. Both sj and sk were crying their eyes out – wonderfully done by psh and mgy. But I can’t help but wish for more, a lot more. There were very few moments where I felt like sk was truly happy. 🙁

    • agree to all your points. i think he will forgive her, just like sk forgave him when he showed all his bad points (whether or not that was also because of her own guilt).

  11. Thanks for the recap. U r very detailed. Was feeling very sad last night after watching but I felt better after reading your comments. Tonight, will watch flower boy next door after reading what you wrote to cheer me up

  12. I think SJ’s reaction is classic, from denial and shock to anger and running away. The drama continues to challenge societal norms based on class and now we have two camps – us (poor, talented, sticking together, lying but trying to atone for sins) and them (arrogant, closed-off, entitled, powerful, having no remorse is squishing those below).

    SJ’s daddy was great in this episode and I loved watching In Hwa’s family scrambling in panic to save their business deal.

    YJ at this point has nothing to lose and she finally can show her intellect and spirit. I am glad she stopped playing an obedient wife and daughter-in-law who kissed collective family asses. She too questions if the marital love was real or if it was all pretense, a contract on both sides.

    I like the complexity of the drama. Disagree that what the characters are doing makes no sense. Tommy is more engaged because this is his chance to feel human again. SJ’s daddy is learning how to be a father from SK’s dad. In Hwa gets an ugly reflection in the mirror. Everyone is changing, except for the doctor because he is just absolutely perfect.

  13. I really like your reference to Alice in Wonderful when relating to this drama. I mean first off they did name this drama Cheongdamdong Alice, which in a sense would mean she is like the character Alice in Wonderland where she enters a world unknown or unlike to one she is used to and has to make choices. In Alice in wonderland, Alice first start off also making all the wrong choice. Whether it is drinking from the different bottles of potions to whether or not to listen to the caterpillars advise. Same goes here with this Alice. She also starts off making the wrong kind of decisions even though her heart was in a good place. Then as she travels through the road she has chosen she also comes to realize that she would have to grow up and face the consequences of each choice. As to the reference of Seung-Jo to being the mad hatter. He is really like that character which is wild and weird and creates a world of their own liking. I just hope that this drama finishes off with a reasonable good and relating ending wrapping up all the loose ends.

  14. I hope that the last two episodes will give us a lot of love and loving. They might rush the story after wasting 5 episodes or so in going round and round the circles. give us LOVE LOVE LOVE…

  15. omg only 2 ep left and its hitting the climax! he need some serious mental help and healing. he never really healed himself and she’s there to help him face reality but with only 2 ep left? maybe they should of extend? idk but i hope everything will turn out perfect!

  16. Well… all I got to say is, it was worth skipping a few episodes for ep 14!! The $#!% has hit the fan so now it’s clean up time!!

  17. “Dude, pick this guy instead” o’boy, i agree with that. Tho a few episodes ago, i’d like to punch his face to a pulp.

  18. you know what, i always admire you becuz of your words.. even sometimes we have some different thoughts but for me, you’re still a good blogger..

    just like this Alice’s recap, i have my own thought but when i read your comment on it, i smile.. becuz you’re not a hater, you gave your own opinion.. who cares if some people here disagree..

    thanks for your recap.. please continue… thank you 🙂

  19. Wonderfully insightful as usual. I kept trying to see the real romance and the real people through all the little screenwriting machinations and script uber-plotting. It was hard. I’ve been just reading recaps. I’ll probably watch the last episode, but I so wanted an actual story. I feel the story let me down.

  20. I think this drama want to peel sheet by sheet life of the richest in Korea… marriage of the richer based of Love is simply is bonus and luck, I may say it’s cruel, if it really happen in korea then I think I might understand why plastic surgery and suicide are common thing there, sorry, really out of topic, but overall that’s my conclusion after 14eps of watching this drama, two thumbs up for the writer and producer, they really have bold to strip of their own society, bravo

  21. Man is a complex creature. How he responses to life’s stimuli depends, most of the time, largely on his emotional state. Man is vulnerable to being hurt by other people, whether intentionally or not. And when hurt, he is apt to retaliate to protect and avenge himself. He tends to think of revenge, and to react and respond to that hurt by striking back, an eye for an eye, thinking that in doing so justice has been dispensed. He thinks that by hurting the person(s) who hurt him will make him feel good to see the “hurter” suffer as he/she made him suffer. This is Seung Jo. The thought of exacting vengeance from the people who have caused him so much pain and misery is the driving force that propelled him to survive his darkest hours. But in his deluded desire for retaliation he has lost himself. He might have experience satisfaction for the payback but this is short-lived. In his solitary moments he drowns himself with the “happiness” and “satisfaction” but these are not real and this act erodes his sense of well-being and peace. To an outsider, he is a man of poise, of confidence, of success. Deep inside, he is a total wreck. And so, as a coping mechanism, he builds himself a world of make-believe. And this is where he has placed himself and Se Kyung. When SK smashes his make-believe world by making him see reality he is enraged with disappointment. She has ruined his world. Once again, SJ is hurt. And his natural instinct is to run away from reality.

    It is understandable where SJ’s outrage with reality is coming from. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. However, by living in self-denial, by hanging on to the hurt, with anger, bitterness and resentment he is harming himself more. He has to acknowledge the hurt, express the pain, and heal himself completely by forgiving those who hurt him, release the pain and let go of the bitter experience. Most of all, he has to forgive himself, because subconsciously he is blaming himself, too. Only then can he start anew.

  22. thanks for clarifying what “i will kill you” means. when i first saw the show, i was scared hahaha. i was even scared when she was alone with him in his condo.

  23. As a whole, I liked this drama. For me, there were some scenes where the comprehension of the dialogue between CSJ and SK wasn’t too clear (due to the subbing). Also, there were times that it bordered on silliness (CSJ’s portrayal-I don’t mean this in a negative way), yet I concluded that some humor did help to tone down the seriousness throughout many of the scenes, and he had such a beautiful smile to carry it out!

    One scene that kind of jolted me was when SK confessed to CSJ after he told her not to tell him and his response was that he would kill her!!! Those aren’t light words by no means at all! Regardless whether its a Korean way or whoever’s way of warning a person; all sorts of red flags and red flashing buzzers of ‘do not proceed in this relationship’ warnings immediately went off in my mind! If this was reality, I would tell SK point blank…girl, now is the time for you to take that trip to Paris by yourself and don’t look back!

  24. Thanks for these. I find the hour-long episodes a bit much especially when all this bad stuff is happening. So I gave up and wanted to just read summaries. It’s not even *just* a pacing or plotting issue, seems to be almost part of the style for Korean Dramas and I am not a patient viewer.

    I half agree with your editorial comments and half don’t. I *never* felt the love between the two leads. They seem like a really strange pair that don’t match at all. While sometimes they are sweet together and I like them both separately there’s always been something really off about them together. I root for them–but only in principle.

    Speak of which, this show has done a really good job talking about principles. I am engaged by that. The hypocrisy of status. The disillusionment that accompanies adulthood. The moral ambiguity of real people. Whether it’s possible to remain true to your values when they objectively have no value to anyone but you.

    And the amount all 4 lead actors express with just their eyes is really well done. How many different ways of crying have they done!

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