
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 56: This Love Has Become a Memory We Chase — 15 Comments

  1. i really want to kill liu xun. i hated him with all the veins of my body. poor yun ge. indeed karma for her. thank you for the chapter translation. because of your site, i begin to watch chinese drama. i even finish bubuxing drama. i am so looking forward for this drama. thnaks again.

  2. Isn’t it strange that at the end of the day, Yun Ge is Liu Xun’s blood relative? He ended up being such a dissapointment and kill joy.

      • They are second cousins twice removed.

        Yun Ge’s paternal grandmother (the mother of her dad Huo Qu Bing) is the younger sister of Liu Xun’s paternal great-grandmother.

        The novel laid out their connection from the very beginning when we learned Liu Xun was the lost Wei royal grandchild. They are so far removed they are definitely kissing cousins, so it doesn’t make Liu Xun’s interest in Yun Ge icky.

  3. I read this chapt in Chinese and it brought me tears. Reading it here again has not lessen the sorrow. Poor ping jun, poor baby, poor crown prince. All for one man’s greed.

  4. Koala unni, I haven’t been devotedly following your beautiful YZG translations only because I didn’t want my heart shredded into a million little pieces. However, curiosity got the better of me today and I read this chapter.

    Sigh, what makes Tong Hua such a compelling writer is that her characters are never black and white. You want to hate some of her characters but then you can’t hate them completely because the reasons for their actions are compelling and at least understandable.

    Liu Xun may have killed Liu Fu Ling, the love of Yun Ge’s life, but in some ways, as Meng Jue pointed out, Liu Fu Ling was even crueler than Liu Xun towards Yun Ge because he allowed it. To adapt Meng Jue’s quote, “Emperor for a day, emperor for life.” In the end, Liu Fu Ling would rather “gu fu” Yun Ge than let down his citizens by leaving them in the clutches of the Huo family.

    I hope that you will consider translating Chapter 58, Koala unni. I think that’s the one in which Liu Xun goes back to the tree where the gang once picnicked so happily and carefree-ly. It’s probably mean of me, but I look forward to Liu Xun’s mental thrashing.

  5. wow what a beautiful writer tong hua is. That image of Ping Jun waiting for Liu Xun under the snow is so beautiful and heart-breaking.
    I know this is beside the point, but this chapter answered a long-held question of mine. Liu Xun indeed loves Ping Jun. While Yun Ge served as a pretty attraction, Ping Jun was the fire-lit house under the snow. I really love that imagery Tong Hua made of Ping Jun. How Liu Xun treated Ping Jun reflect the mistake many people often make. In other to gain the word, Liu Xun lost his ‘home’. That is why he is so cold, because now he is without a home.

  6. Thanks a million, Ms K, for continuing with your translation. I’ve been visiting your website, hoping against hope, you’d relent and find some time and energy to spare on Yun Ge’s story. No matter I cried buckets of tears reading this chapter, I’m still eagerly looking forward to the rest of the translations. Too bad I haven’t a word of Chinese, both speaking or reading, and so you can guess how frustrated I’ve been when you stopped midway in your translation. But I still thank you for the random chapters which you’ve translated as they are powerful chapters which really needed to be read by us fans of ZYG.

  7. Hi Koala, your translation is so great!!! I really like this novel. Could you please let me repost this novel in my site? I promise that I will write the source and give you back link. Hope to hear from you soon~ Dear!

  8. I have been crying continuously for so many chapters. Thank you for sharing this story with us, even though it hurts…

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