
The Sprawling Color-coordinated Cast of IRIS 2 Attends Press Conference — 16 Comments

  1. Wow.. so color coordinated.. but even if it is black and white.. I really wished some of them picked better looking outfits.. I’m not going to name, but I think we can all figure it out.. can’t wait to watch this!

  2. I skipped a few episodes of Iris, dropped Athena early on only to return for Kim So Yeon’s brief appearance, (it was so good but it only made me realize how bad the rest of it was), so I have no idea why I’m so ridiculously excited for this thing. Maybe I’m hoping for a spy drama where the spies are actually, you know, competent. As long as nothing in the preview turns out to be a dream then I think I’m in. (although still slightly bitter that KSY ended up in The Great Seer and not this :p)

  3. Hopefully this drama is not bring the main characters (either one) die by the end otherwise it will be a continue saga…IRIS 3 maybe 🙂

  4. Iris was all polish and no heart for me, but I’m holding out hope that Iris 2 will be worth the watch.. Love Jang Hyuk, & lots of the other actors in this are awesome. Please don’t suck, Show..

  5. I’m not a big fan of Lee Da Hae but this woman is gorgeous! I remember being thoroughly unimpressed by Athena (more a love story than action flick, imho) but maybe with a revamped cast? Can a girl hope? 😀

  6. Lee Da Hae’s face looks so uhmm hard? She’s not even pretty anymore. With that hardened face, does she find it easy to emote? Her cheeks could hardly move.

  7. For some reason Jang Hyuk always goes heavy one the fon de taint. Each and every photo of him, his neck and face are completely different colours.
    He is actually one of my all time fave actors and despite the fact that I don’t care for LDH that much (My Girl excluded), I’m eager for IRIS II.

  8. They all look really good. I specially like Lee Da Hae and Im Soo Hyang 🙂

    I really can’t wait for 13 Feb to see the drama. The teasers looks all great and I really hope it don’t disappoint ^^

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