
Written and Video Preview for King Flower Episode 12 — 15 Comments

  1. Thank you 🙂
    I am eagerly waiting this episode, I think Terry is falling deeply!That will be hurtful to see his sad eyes over Da Hua and his guilt over Liang Yen !!
    I understand why she does not want to tell the truth to her mom BUT it wil be a big blow to Da Hua mom and I wonder how she wil react!

  2. I am going to take a wild guess. I love happy ending but I think DH & Terry will realize they are in love but he dies at the end because I cannot see how he can avoid the legal issues. DH is left by herself and can only have a brotherly relationship with Guan Jun because she is a woman now and knows what love is. What she had with GJ was just a girlish one sided adoration.

    • Terry dies? Oh heck no. I don’t recall SETTV idol dramas ever killing off one of the main leads, it’s not a weepy C-melodrama. Liang Yen was a shocker but I think the drama always intended her to be a figurehead and catalyst not but a participant in the “adventure”.

    • how about they investigate liang yen death and found it to be accidental? he’s only jailed a couple years for replacing her with da hua. but seeing this is an idol drama, they can somehow navigate around that. i think terry will one way or another lose the company to that cousin, but he will win it back anyhow. i feel like there’s always that mini-arch in most cinderella story. like a mini test – she like him when he’s rich, and stuck with him even when he’s poor. wait did i jump the gun too fast and decided that da hua will like terry?

  3. I think GJ and DH are in a relationship too fast. I mean for DH, it’s been years just to get with her GJ gege, but for us viewers, it’s like fast. Usually the relationship in a drama that starts first never last, look what happened to LY and Terry haha. I also find no significant to GJ’s storyline, he’s there, but Terry and DH are carrying the storyline for this drama. I feel like GJ’s character and personality are so second lead as with comparison on other drama characters that I have seen so far.

  4. Anticipating tomorrow’s episode so much.

    On an unrelated note, I keep getting redirected to some random webpages when I try coming here. Is there a problem? Hacked?

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