
First Look at the Leads in Character on the Drama Set of Yun Zhong Ge — 16 Comments

  1. Hi guys, I have a question for you, from here do you read C/T-celebrities / C/T-news gossip?? I don’t really know english sites that can provide info.


  2. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO MY MENG JUE????? He looks so old and why is the white hair there? Is that meant to make him look wise? Gosh. It made him old instead Liu fuling and meng jue are my fave characters and yet chen xiao is not playing any of them. Sighhh. Anyway im alright with the casting of angelababy because I think she’s a pretty plastic girl. Oops 😡

    • Meng Jue has a streak of white in his hair. In the novel it describes him like that when Yun Ge meets him in chapter 1.

  3. The costumes are beautiful. A Japanese friend told me that a lot of their culture comes from China. Till 1900 Japan looked to China for everything and after that turned its eyes westward.

  4. Uggh! Still pretty disappointed with Meng Jue casting when he is supposed to be a teenager! He looks like her father and it gives me Percy vibes!

  5. Sigh… The casting for lead males in both dmy and yzg is so disappointing.meng Jue is all wrong and don’t get me started on huo qu bing…

  6. I’m excited with Chen Xiao as Liu Bing Yi.
    I guess it’s the same feeling I had when I knew that my dearest Hu Ge asked to be Meng Jiu. I’m actually happy that they are breaking out of the stereotypes the industry or their companies have set for them coz that means they want to grow as actors. I can imagine Hu Ge as xiao Huo but then that also means that he has been playing such roles for too long.

    Side note: I don’t care about the cast preferences anymore. In fact I can live with Eddie peng as xiao Huo coz he’s quite delicious to loom at too. I just want my Da Mo Yao to come on screen. It has been a too-long wait sob sob

  7. the perfect meng jue in my eyes would be yuan hong …. with chen xiao playing liu bing yi, that really throw a wrench in my pairings

  8. Completely agreed that DMY’s cast feels more off somehow than YZG’s. While Meng Jue isn’t quite the mixed beauty I’d imagined him to be… I don’t think he looks that old (or at the very least it’s better than Kevin Cheng in BBJX/HXY). Although, isn’t Meng Jue supposed to be dying his hair black as an adult? It seems somewhat out of character for him to just let his premature graying hair show after he starts caring for his image. Other than that though, they all look great! I particularly like the way Yun Ge and Liu Fu Ling (saw pics posted online recently) look in this adaptation. Both are surprisingly fitting!

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