
Written and Video Preview for King Flower Episode 14 — 16 Comments

    • agree with you… that would be great for story wise.

      thanks Ms. Koala, i’ll definitely watch ep. 14 start from minute 10+…

  1. Hahaha. I saw the preview and was wondering whether to read it or not. You’ve not been really happy the last few weeks. I still haven’t started the drama but happily reading your recaps. Your wet Terry though… maybe I will have a sneak peek tomorrow.

  2. WHo are we trying to kid? All Captain Koala had to say was “wet, naked Terry,” and everyone would have opened the link and watched the preview.

  3. I would like to see that test at the end……. see which guy will stick around if Da Ha pretends she had reversed her surgery back to
    her original self.

    • Same here! One of the reasons why I like Terry is that he is falling for her in spite of what she looks like, and I think guan jun really didn’t decide he loved her until after the face change.

  4. Thanks for the heads up! I will definitely fast forward until 10+ minutes of the show! I can’t wait for the scenes between Terry and Da Hua. 🙂

  5. I just watched episode 14… there’s definitely forward on both parties but I still can’t take DH seriously. She talks about helping Terry but all she does is back out of everything that’s related to him. Especially now that her family and friend know her real identity, she doesn’t think about Terry situation much and just wants to spend all her time with them. Which, I understand, but I don’t sympathize with her =/

  6. For Da Hau this episode could be the start of something big with Terry. It’s appearing on the horizon that GJ will disappoint DH because of his decision to work for the Gangster Boss however noble his reasoning. This will also put GJ in close proximity to HXF and cause more problems between he and DH. Only guessing but I would say that HXF will be working with GJ. This should be fun! Also it looks like GJ will offer to sell the land to Terry for an unfair price and DH’s protective instinct will kick in towards Terry.

    The attraction DH is feeling towards Terry is the budding of her more mature adult feelings coming to the surface. The dude is gorgeous! I would like to hear DH private thoughts thinking of those moments she had with Terry. Is her brain going to kick in and start working? The feeling are there. There is no where to go with this but back and forth and then back to Terry who’s prediction that DH now has a different fate and that she will see that for herself and understand then. Can’t wait for episode 15 to air.

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