
Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love Episode 2 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. The second episode was awesome. I’m loving the last part of the episode when they introduce all the characters plus the breathtaking music. It’s just make me really into the story.

  2. This drama is my new drama crack. I am loving it too. The only kdrama I have been watching in the last round is HYI and even with the new crop, it’s iffy. Just GFS and JOJ. I have been thinking about JOJ since Tuesday. I can’t get enough of our otp. I think they have decent good chemistry although not sizzling. But it could get there. The kids were so adorable! I am a sucker for these so called first loves most of the time. I love them here. I know the political battle is going to be fierce. I know that king sukjong (LS) will put aside his love for “power” and a better Joseon.

    I am really looking forward to more scenes between our otp. I thought that one scene in ep 1 was not nearly enough. Lol more cuteness please at least before everything goes down hill. I am definitely interested in seeing the battle between minister min and Jang. Both quite evil. I like it when baddies face off with other baddies. Should be no noble sacrifices or any of those things here,

    I hope it continues to be good. 🙂

  3. Hi Ms Koala, thank you for recapping ep 2, I waited a while for this and thought perhaps you liked Gu Family better and stopped recapping JOJ. Anyway, regardless of which you choose to recap in the end, I will wait patiently and forever thankful.

  4. Thank you ! i’m so looking forward to JOJ & “Lee seung gi” i love this guy but the drama itself kinda dissapoint me… well we’ll see how it’ll turns out

  5. Tbh… I actually thought Ok-Jung would be the drama that disappoints me due to all the changes. And I didn’t like episode 1 like you did. But like you I really loved the 2nd episode. 🙂

    I would keep an eye on Dong Yi…. even though Queen Inhyun isn’t a damsel-in-distress here, I would say that Dong Yi has the potential to be really evil.

  6. omg no i shouldnt have start this drama.. now i must endure the pain of waiting every week. this joj drama really took me by surprise..

  7. I was waiting for your recap for this ep, because well, nobody else does recap for this drama. Everyone is busy having their attention on GFB or other current dramas. I rarely finish a sageuk, but I find myself re-playing first two eps of JOJ these days while waiting for next Mon-Tue.
    IA, I like that he wasn’t stuck to his loss first love/crush, as a crown prince future king, I expect more. I like my characters to have directions in their lives, their own principles and beliefs. for that I applaud the writer for this look at the childhood story, it’s memorable and poignant without being unnecessarily over-dramatic like MTETS was.. Now I can only have high hopes for the adults story, esp SJ & JOJ’s love story, please don’t butcher it.

  8. Ms Koala, you recapped episode 2!!! I am so happy! This is a great show. In fact Hong Kong has done a sageuk recently which did an interesting twist on Empress Cixi and her infamous eunuch Li Lianying, whom everyone knows are the epitome of evilness of the Qing dynasty. But the show has shown that in fact history did not show the real stories behind them and goes to tell the interesting twists. I think JoJ is going to be the same and I am so looking forward to see how the writer weave this tale. Thank you Ms K.

  9. Thank you so much for the recap Koala! I really hope that JOJ will be able to maintain the current standard. I’m so glad that you decided to recap it because I can’t seem to find anyone else doing recaps of JOJ!

    I second what you say about how it’s so great that the hero doesn’t forget his day job after finding love. What I really hate is watching people become vegetative love robots after falling in love. It’s great that Lee Soon understands and undertakes his responsibilities, actually behaving like a normal person!

    My favourite scene this episode must be where the young Lee Soon tells Ok-jung to become his concubine so that he can be her clothes and erase her lowly status. His sincerity is so sweet. I can see the limitations of the child actors, but I think they did an amazing job of bringing out the emotions of youth, naiveness and young love. I really hope that Yoo Ah-in and Kim Taehee are able to build upon the foundation which has been set up so well.

  10. Agree. I find JOJ narratively better and more sensical than GFB, although that doesn’t take away from all the feels when I watched GFB. Seems like both are only similar in that they’re saeguks, but GFB is a combination of everything — fantasy, comedy, melo, etc. So i can see both stories taking on entirely different paths so comparison matters won’t come that easy. I’ll definitely be tuning in to both — it’s too early to see which will own my heart.. But i can see how the OTP here might have already established their sizzling and undeniable chemistry. Seriously. that gaze from yoo ah in in the trailer? Was fanning myself. But i’d watch seung gi anyday anywhere and anyhow. He owned my heart in K2H. Both have their pros and cons.

  11. Thank you so much for recapping this. I think the kid actors did amazing job and I found myself enjoying the cuteness~ especially the “bromance” between Lee Soon and Dong Pyeon! And Sung Dong Il~ what can I say, he’s an amazing seasoned actor. His eyes are full of anger but at the same time they look sad. I can’t help but feel sympathy toward him and Ok Jung~ and it thanks to the story that gives room to their background and motives. I also love the father-son relationship between Lee Soon and King Hyunjong, since I never thought King would be that softie, warm, and care so much about his son. It’s untypical King-son relationships to me.

  12. “But a kiss has to be done out of love, with the woman you’re going to marry” Adorable. Great recap,thanks! 🙂

  13. Wow, like you this wasn’t the drama that I thought I would like, but I’m actually in love with it by now. I can’t wait for all the romances to develop and the court politics to take place. I’m actually more interest in the power plays between LS and the court officials. I’m most looking forward to Dong Yi since she doesn’t seem like the goody two shoes portrayed by Han Hyo Joo. I want her to be the real EVIL here, that would really interesting. Here’s hoping Han Seung Yeon can act.

  14. ive always thought soohyun and taehee resembled each other, but seeing them side by side in the same drama, i can barely tell inhyun and okjung apart. (i was really ready to ship dongpyung and okjung in ep1 until i realized he ran into inhyun not okjung -_-)

  15. Thanks for recapping this Koala. Am a huge YAI fan and I was waiting for the Ep. 2 recap to be posted on this site. I’m glad you were able to do this and please continue to do so. Will eagerly anticipate your recaps on this show.

  16. thanks so much for recapping, I totally agree with you on the ratings, this drama still rocks despite the ratings they are getting.
    Anyways I love this show and your recap and glad you like this drama as much as I do 🙂
    I can’t wait until episode 3-4!!!

  17. I have finally caught up!
    I don’t have a lot to add except that I liked that we did not have idealized beautiful child actors playing the teens. We saw awkward teenage boys with voices changing in their glory, and not smooth operators by any stretch. We have seen a lot of child versions in love stories, and I feel that THIS one plays it the most realistically.
    We have youngins getting a hold of porn; we have a hormonal boy peeking down the girl’s shirt(!) We have a kiss, though accidental, that doesn’t send the girl running away in shyness, but more attracted to the boy. Finally. Young JOJ was not a wilting flower and I agree that you get the feeling she can take care of herself. They are also very very close physically to the adult versions.

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