Park Sol Mi and Han Jae Seok Release Classy and Romantic Engagement Pictures
For every high-profile dating surprise (see Kim Tae Hee and Rain), there are many more low-profile K-ent romances that probably run a greater chance of succeeding in the long run. Of the group of 90s leading men, there are actually quite a few that still aren’t married yet but Han Jae Seok is just resigning his membership in that club. I guess staying single until the right one comes along may be better than a marriage-quick-divorce track, such as what happened with Ryu Shi Won. Back to Han Jae Seok, who I always want to call Jaws because he has one of the manliest jawlines among K-actors, he has been quietly dating K-actress Park Sol Mi since 2011 after they both worked on the weekend sageuk Merchant Kim Man Deok. He was the male lead opposite Lee Mi Yeon while Park Sol Mi played the second female lead. They recently announced their engagement and upcoming marriage, and while neither are stars I follow regularly (acting-wise they are solid but they don’t tend to star in dramas I’m interested in), I’m so utterly in love with their engagement pictures I have to showcase it. The three official pictures released are all exquisite, completely different in attire and mood but all three fairly drop with old-school movie romance. Park Sol Mi is one of those actresses that never broke out into leading lady territory, and I’m not sure its for lack of talent (she’s like a Park Shi Yeon to me, always getting bettter) or simply that looks-wise she’s more femme fatale and Korea loves their Candy innocent leading lady types. I hope this marriage lasts because they have a chance to be the next Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra, a top acting power couple with one of the most stable and publicly admired marriages in the industry. Congrats to Han Jae Seok and Park Sol Mi, now go make some pretty babies and keep on acting! I am a little surprised she’s getting married earlier than her ex-boyfriend Ji Sung, who has been dating Lee Bo Young for 7 years now. Time to put a ring on it as well, Ji Sung.
She looks a little different from her Winter Sonata days – in shots of her actual wedding day I mean…something about her eyes…
She looks like Kim Min Hee in the last shot… nice photos.
She’s a very elegant femme fatale.
You made me miss Park Si Yeon… good luck to her
And congrats to the couple. They look lovely and happy~
I loved Han Jae Seok and Chae Rim together when they did that korean drama.
I hated Park Sol Mi in Winter Sonata but congratulations to her and her groom. Hope their marriage lasts forever.
I love how she took the initiative to kiss him in that photo above. Well, I just love it when women make the first move hahaha.
I don’t remember watching any Park Sol Mi drama but will make sure to check some out. As for Han Jae Seok, I will always remember his All About Eve.
Anyway, congratulations to the couple. Hope you populate the world with your cute little Mini-Mes.
Wow, didn’t even realise their paths had ever crossed, and that they were dating and now getting married.
These are two forgotten stars for me, it’s been a long time since I saw any drama of theirs. Han Jae-suk used to be the favorite leading man back the starring in almost every other drama, together with Chae-rim.
Don’t recall Park Sol-mi as much from Winter Sonata Days as BYJ’s gf.
What’s more fresh in memory is Park So-mi dating Ji-sung = paired from their ALL IN days.
It’s quite the shock to realise it’s already been 7 years since it’s been Lee Bo-young. How time flies!