
Calvin Chen Returns to TW-dramas with Love Touch on CTS — 14 Comments

  1. This drama plot sounds like a movie Just My Luck with Lindsay Lohan. In the movie she is almost luckiest person on a planet until she meets a guy (Chris Pine) who has worst luck ever. Everytime they kissed they’re luck changed. All I can say is movie was horrible…

    • LiLo’s movie was the first thing that popped into my head while reading about the plot of this drama. Hahaha. If they exchange luck like in the movie maybe they’ll be lots of kissing scenes then.

    • It looks like in this case the do the forehead touch for luck instead of kissing.

      Why do TW dramas get such long trailers? I feel like I reaaly no longer have to see this to know how things will happen.

  2. *looking up from excel spreadsheets–yes, I know it’s a holiday weekend in the US!* gasping. Did I hear someone mention Chao Chun Ya? Did I hear someone mention Chao Chun Ya with his own love story? Can I stop waiting at the airport for Yi Chun, now or will this show break my heart, too?

    • You are the first one that came to mind when I read Chao Chun Yah and said “I wonder if Ms Trotwood commented on this already?”. I had a huge grin when I saw your comment. 😀

      • I guess I have become too obvious. I thought the hat and sunglasses disguised me at the airport. I mean this disguise always works in dramas, right?

        Really, I just want him to have a good role, meaning one that stays good until the end. He had such potential in Miss Rose only to be turned into a murderer wannabe/corporate espionage liar and then he gets the part of the crazy-eyed, doctor Frankenstein friend to the purely perfect purple-sweatered Terry. He needs a good part soon or he’ll have to resign himself to being a character actor.

  3. Calvin Chen!!!?? I’ll be here waiting for you, baby!!! Actually, I’m salivating and drooling now. J/k…. I’m in and have computer on to be ready for him. He is another of my favorite actor. 1 more week to see my man, I can’t wait…

  4. I’ve always thought this guy was somewhat gay before as I watched his past dramas not to mention the uneasy feeling when he appeared because I always thought there was something really wrong with him and usually blamed it on his appearance secretly. But with this promotional stills on top I think I rather he chose more manly clothing and somewhat more mature roles than the usual school boy character I mean they’re quite old, frankly speaking.

  5. Of all the people, why DpHuaMei? Her acting is like…Plus isn’t she always acting cute or something?

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