
Monstar Episode 10 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. I’m the first to comment! ! wooohooooo
    thks a million for the recap
    I luuuuuvvvvv monstar to pieces …
    you’re so fast capt Koala ….
    fantastic !!! can’t wait to see SeolYi ‘walking date’
    toooo cuteeee …

  2. owwww ….I’m not d first … must beat me while I’m reading thus the page hasn’t refreshed itself …Never mind …lol …

  3. Haha, happy Seolchan is so cute! And Nana was smiling some when she was dancing. Now we just need Sunwoo to break out and do something cute and embarrassing.

    Thanks for the recap!

  4. ^ Hipployta i agree!!! i adore both of them and their characters even though i try not to because i’m a sunwoo/seyi shipper. won’t they look cute together? seolchan and nana, seyi and sunwoo… i loved all the football pairings. kyu dong and donam… LOL.

  5. Thank you for the recap. Aww, I’m glad they are comunicating with each other instead of assuming. So much good going on in this episode. ^^

  6. I think this was the best episodes yet! My emotions are all over the place and I think I’m watching this again ^.^
    I’m so in love with the songs fron this episode. Does anyone know what the duo was singing? ** also, doesn’t that one guy from the duo look like Kim Ji Soo from Dream High 2? Meh. Maybe its just me…

  7. Omo, that last part just made me grin like an idiot. I’m so glad Eun-ha finally got to express her hurt at being invisible — because honestly, isn’t that how most teenagers feel? I’ve never been in a love triangle with two uber-hot, talented guys, but I sure can identify with Eun-ha. I’m a little sad the show didn’t do a better job of establishing her character before this, though, because she is the most “normal” of the characters and probably the one we can identify with the most.

    I have to say, I’m loving the way the relationship between Sun-woo and Nana is developing. I could watch a drama just about those two, I think. Maybe that’s because, as much as I adore Seol-chan as a character, in real life guys like Sun-woo are much more my type. (Except for the part where he never defended Kyu-dong against his tormentors. Bad Sun-woo. But I did like the beat where he acknowledged to Teacher that they both knew what was happening and didn’t stop it.) Two episodes is not a lot of time for Sun-woo and Nana to start a relationship, but I hope we end with at least a glimmer of hope for them, because I really like them together.

  8. I love a good bromance, but nothing beats a strong sisterhood, which is what I think Nana,Eun-ha and Seyi are going to have with each other.

  9. what a heartwarming episode! i’m so glad that they’re giving Eun Ha a chance to shine. I hope there will be a reunion portion in the last episode so we can see how each of the misfits from Color Bar are doing. Thanks for the fast recap! 🙂

  10. Finally we got a little bit more facts about Eun Ha, I think the weakest point is the over exposure of Se Yi and Seol Chan. I get it that they are the main OTP but they are some great supporting characters that needs some fleshing out. Eun Ha’s was long overdue.
    I really felt for Eun Ha because I know how it feels to be invisible and it’s not a very fun feeling at all.

    Sun Woo is still pining over Se Yi. I just want to punch him sometimes. I just think it’s getting silly that he’s still pining over Se Yi who has not given him any signals that she would see him as something more then friends. With Nana he seems to be at ease and now there is only one date left. I hope the ending gives us some hope that SW might start returning Nana’s feelings.
    Nana and Sun Woo, maybe someone could make a drama just about those two.

  11. Thanks for the recap Koala. This episode got me reacting with every embarrassing encounter of Seol Chan and Se Yi or when they would be alone analyzing their actions. I found myself laughing and talking to my screen as if I was there giving them advice. lol Usually I would just watch and enjoy the interactions of the characters but this time, they had me responding to their angst, sympathizing with Eun Ha, cheering for Kyu Dong and Do Nam’s friendship, clapping when Se Yi, Seol Chan and Sun Woo wrote a song to make Eun Ha “shine”. Finally fleshing out Eun Ha’s character was long over due. No wonder she was adamant to keep her “Oppa” stay as a star not a guy who is also a human being. It is sad that she needed him to escape from her reality of physical abuse, but it is understandable; what else can a teenager do to deal with her challenges. She could have gone to a different route besides writing and putting an idol upon a pedestal. I hope that the writers would conclude the story without any loose ends.

  12. Thank you for the recap. I am glad the writer did not leave Eun Ha out and give her a live of her own. I am also glad Seol Chan and Sun Woo worked together to help Eun Woo without giving each other dirty looks. Right now I am hoping the ending will not disappoint us. Thanks again.

  13. aaaaaaaaaaaa eunha =.= and our fangirl hearts

    (And thanks for the recap, Mz Koala! I always feel that you recap with a deft touch and sense of sincerity too^.^ just like what you’ve said on what love about Monstar.)

  14. Hey what is the name of the beautiful song that Sae Yi was singing. With the two guys singing and following? Id really like to know!

  15. I could not stand the musical duo harassing Seyi in her head. Those two scenes were too drawn out for their own good, ESPECIALLY the second scene which seemed like a very bad Family Guy repetitive gag. Yes, we’re suppose to get the idea that Seyi is going nuts over him. No need for this five-ton steel hammer, though.

    I have no complaints whatsoever about seeing Dahee show off her secksay moves. *puts the scene on repeat*

    Although I’m glad that Eunha was given a chance in the spotlight, I must say that I’m disappointed in the way it was handled. We didn’t get glimpses of her crisis until after the Colorbar performance, and the crisis didn’t really affect her interaction with other characters until this very episode. Surely, they couldn’t have shown her at home being deathly scared of things going bump? I know that as a victim of parental abuse myself, behavior at home vs. school are worlds apart. Even if Eunha was bright and bubbly at school, a scene of her at home cringing or crying would have given us a better illustration of her situation than her just staring at SC’s poster. Her abuser doesn’t even have to show up on screen for his presence to be known!! Instead, the writers just had Eunha tell it to Seyi (and us) straight up, all of a sudden.

    Furthermore, her resolution was…. well, not only a bit rushed, but rather generic. Yes, it was great for the other members (INCLUDING her idol oppa) to make her feel welcome… but at what capacity? Auto-tuning her shaky vocals? Everyone and their mother expected her to be able to use her writing skills to write a song for the group. (After all, she admires SC for his songwriting skills, so why not follow by example?) But as predictable as that would have been, the writers gave us something even more generic by just having her sing.

    The preview is getting me antsy about the next episode. Really – ANOTHER SW x Seyi date? You’d think he’d go for the consolation prize who’s fifty times hotter (especially after the clothes-fitting date and seeing her dance – COME ON!!), but it appears that he’s as boneheaded as his childhood crush is. But more revelations about Not-Adam’s accident would be interesting…

    All in all, this episode made me jealous of Kang Haneul and Yong Junhyung of having so much physical contact with Kim Dahee. That’s about it.

    • Further thoughts: It would be nice if SC can demonstrate to EH that he can STILL be her oppa while being able to romance Seyi. How so? He could just hang out with her, maybe a little friendly date, or even actively encourage her to involve herself in the band. Again, this gets back to the songwriting thing. Nothing would fill Eunha’s heart faster than seeing her name plastered next to SC’s in the songwriting credits. In this manner, Eunha wouldn’t need the idealized SC, because she’s got the REAL SC all along. Plus, it would work wonders for SC’s character development, when he gradually learns to be less of an ass to everybody, not just the object of his affection.

  16. I enjoy watching this drama and reading recaps!! Seolchan and seyi’s reaction after the kiss mke me laugh loud.. They both look adorable.i dont know if im the only one who love their team up!! In this ep really love every scene!!

  17. the seol-yi ship is moving so slowly…but i adore it to pieces. i’m glad they are moving slow, they represent first love in it’s truest form…insecurities, confusion and worries. but at the same time, nothing feels better then just basking in the other’s presence. Can’t wait for the last few eps…i’m going to die when this drama finishes…sigh.

    • Hi there,
      I really liked this drama and the actors as well. But can somebody tell me the name of the song that Seol Chan is singing in his car ( Monstar Episode 10 – 45 )with his manager?? I am searching for this song but i do not know the singers nor the song’s name. an you help me ? Thank you so much, KOMAWA!

      • For those who wanted the song it’s a 2009 song called ‘So to speak’ by Kim Sung Jae :)

  18. What is the name of the song preformed by the duo preformance that is following and tormenting Se Yi??? its really good

  19. ear Softy: I can not believe it is already Friday and time to say farewell to this drama. Thanks a million for the endless hours you spent recapping this drama. I came first to read your post and I will watch later. Thank you again for your blog site. I would be lost without you. When I type, you make my days brighter and better, I am not exaggerating. I am an addict to Korean dramas and love to read your posts. Have a great one everyone!!

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