Lee Min Jung and Lee Byung Hun Release Candid Pictures Prior to August 10th Wedding
In what is far and away going to be the most star-studded Korean entertainment industry wedding of the year, on August 10th top star Lee Byung Hun will be marrying actress Lee Min Jung at a purportedly lavish fete in Seoul. The two went public with their relationship last August, but have admitted that they did date even earlier than that but the first go around ended in a break up which subsequently made both of them realize each other was the one. Lee Byung Hun has been effusive all year opening gushing over his future wife while on the media circuit promoting his movies ranging from Masquerade to G.I. Joe 2 to Red 2. Neither have been officially photographed in public together except for earlier this year when tabloid newspaper Dispatch caught them out on an ordinary date. The happy couple released two official wedding pictures to the media this week in a low key way that has come to characterize their entire relationship and wedding prep. While Lee Byung Hun’s very high profile relationship with Song Hye Kyo nearly a decade ago was covered extensively by the media, this time around this couple seems to have earned a well deserved reprieve from the prying masses. Probably because they seem quite down-to-earth in expressing genuinely happiness to be with each other. The two wedding pictures look like candid shots and are in fact that, with the couple electing not to shoot staged scenes but instead film their entire wedding pictorial by having a photographer follow them around as they hang out. Their wedding invitations have also been revealed to the press and it’s a very elegant and classy black and white simple invite. I especially love the ribbon which has their initials together, but hers going first in a lovely gesture. Comedian Shin Dong Yup and actor Lee Bum Soo will MC the wedding together while veteran actor Shin Young Gyun will officiate the ceremony. Lee Bum Soo is one of Lee Byung Hun’s best friends, with Lee Byung Hun hosting Lee Bum Soo’s wedding 3 years ago. I’m looking forward to the wedding which is surely be prime star spotting opportunity.
Congradulation!!! Wish then forever happiness!!!
So surreal, so sweet, so happy. Thanks for writing a nice and warm article on the couple, just two days more to walk down the aisle. The card’s arrangement is indeed a lovely touch.
Wishing Byunghun & Minjung a lifetime of happiness and bliss. Be each other’s strength and support, everlasting & everything! Congratulations!
Awww, congratulations to them <3
Awwwww!! Seriously that is so so so adorable! They look fabulous together, but more importantly, they look happy. I really hope celebrities can have more public weddings even if they date with discrete. I just think its good to share such auspicious occasions with your fans for all the well wishes and its also just added fun to see such a high profile wedding go well…
May they have a blissful long life ahead!
their wedding will be closed from the public and they invinted almost 900 people O.O it’ll be huuuuge wedding.
Ironically, their wedding has been in the news for being a lot smaller and more intimate than other celebrity shindigs.
Wow, for such high profile stars, I love that their wedding invitation, prep and photos seem to be simple and low key indeed. I read from other articles that having 900 guests is even “small” by Korean celeb standards.
Honestly, I would never have expected it of Lee Byung Hun and Lee Min Jung. But then, I don’t really know them but have only read of them from obviously sensationalized sources. If these reflect who they really are, my admiration for the couple just zoomed up several heights. I do love Lee Min Jung (have since BOF) and admire Lee Byung Hun for his acting, so I truly wish this couple a super happy forevermore and many cute and talented babies! p.s. gushing over LMJ’s black and white dress – I want!
What an adorable couple. Hope they can keep their egos in check and support one another in their careers.
very classy invite. I like.
I feel a bit sad now. i was totally gushing over the fanservice in Red2. <3
Lovely couple.Be there for one another.I wish the best.Happy Married Life!!!