
Two Weeks Episode 5 Recap — 13 Comments

  1. really a daebakkk episode unni!!!! lee jun ki is just awesome in this drama,the way he showed his emotions in delivery scene is too good! what a cliffhanger in the end! enjoying a drama to heartfullll content after a lonnnggg time!

    thanx for fast recap unni,u r awesome 🙂

  2. and again ‘cliff’hanger ending. so intense yet still has the right proportion with the drama and characterisation. Junki’s character is something new in the k-drama land as a leading man v.interesting. Finally he’s back, i didn’t enjoy his character in arang that much. Anyway, thanks unni, you are so fast~

  3. You are so fast. Thank you for your recaps, I enjoy reading them so much. Eagerly waiting to read your thoughts after every episodes. For me, Tae San is the character I think Joon Gi acts out the best to date, only my opinion.

  4. I’ll admit, I cringed a little at the helping someone give birth scene..But the result was nice. I love Killer Kim haha he is so good at tracking Tae San down! Ugh Seung Woo is really bothering me as time goes with his insistence that Tae San is a bastard. I hope Jae Kyung connects the dots that people he meets help him escape. Do they not interrogate the ‘hostages’?

  5. Thanks for the recap!

    I am starting to feel like this is more of an Odyssey for our Hero than a desperate escape story, although, they can go together.

    All the encounters with interesting people makes me think of Cold Mountain, another Odyssey story, and I love how each one brings TS closer to understanding the world and his place in it.

    Who EVER would have expected a birth scene to play out that nicely in a story about a man on the run from murder? The fact that it didn’t stop the narrative cold impresses me.

  6. Ack. Every time I read a recap for this drama I’m on the edge of my seat. Yes some things seem crazy like finding a pregnant woman in the rain but the story and writer make it work. He’s been shot on the left side…pretty darn close to his heart…how will he get out this one? Also, I hope we haven’t seen the last of country mom and daughter.

  7. I really like the TS character and the daughter is just adorable.

    It tickles me that when he has these inner conversations, we see a child. Yeah, it’s cute that the daughter shows up, but the conversations are actually too mature so watching his struggle to grow up is interesting.

    Here’s to hoping the journey of TS makes him realize that “his life” matters…it matters to others no matter how trashy he may perceive himself to be in these catch and release episodes. He has to come to this conclusion about himself even if the catalyst is being a needed donor for his daughter…re her birth and due to the health risk.

    Boss Moon is really a horrible human being. Using his son (by a mistress?) the way he does leaves no room for doubt that the man does not have a clue how to live decently…I look forward to see his comeuppance in the end.

    Thanks for the recap.

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