
Two Weeks Episode 11 Recap — 11 Comments

  1. HOLY CRAP CLIFFHANGER! He must be wearing a protective vest and helmet? Do they MAKE bulletproof helmets?? Even reading the recap has me on the edge of my seat. I will admit, if it Lee Jun Ki I probably wouldn’t have lasted this long, but all of the actors are great in this drama.

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode. Thanks for the recap!

  2. I know many people asked this question already, but still, how do you manage your time to recap that fast Koala?
    I like this episode when things seem to get clearer to every character, no more secret and the good guys start their teamwork impressively. Haha, when looking at the scene with Tae-san disguised as a girl and take Jae-kyung hand, i was thinking “Jae-kyung is the man in this *relationship*” 😀
    And Tae-san can draw. Soo-jin must be so happy if she knows there’s one thing she takes after her dad.
    But, every time when In-hye tells Soo-jin that “Omma will tell you everything after the surgery”, I feel scared that what if Tae-san doesn’t make it until he finishes the surgery :(. Writer So Huyn-kyung has made me drop a river of tears when watching 49 Days, I don’t know if I’m ready to take it one more time 🙁

  3. okay so that was epic! hope Jun ki doesn’t lose his memories. And who else thinks the big baddie is his long last daddy? I would not be surprised but i hope there is one!

  4. Thanks for the recap.
    I was sooo relieved to see Sang Hoon is not the mole…I can’t remember why I suspected him in the first place.

    I think that the memory chip Congresswoman crushed is not the only copy, so even if the digcam is no longer a threat, the video still is.

    Why couldn’t Tae San stay in JK’s apartment again? It would be the safest place…Who would look for him there?

    Subs are almost at 100% for 12…

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