
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 6 Recap — 57 Comments

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the recap !

    This is my new crack drama as well! After JOJ, I thought I’d never get another one, and I passed by all the recent popular romantic drama at the speed of a sushi conveyor belt ^_^. Nothing pulled me in so far. Until this one! Wohoo I love all the 4 main leads and YOo Kyeong is awesome!

  2. It’s been such a long time since I’ve loved a second female lead (heck, when are female second leads ever enjoyable?). Yookyung has a smart head on her shoulders, and she’s now my second favorite character after Shin.

    • Yoo Kyung is wonderful. She makes Se Joo more interesting frankly. Otherwise he’s about as cardboard cut out of a second male lead as they come. And JYH plays him like the second coming of Shin Woo oppa but with more money and with a leeeetle bit more acting development than 3 years ago.

      • I agree Ms. Koala, I’ve watched him through his character as a band boy in that Hong Sisters drama as well as the one in Heartstrings. And actually I’ve seen improvement from him so far, especially through the first 4 episode

      • Same here. I came in rooting for Mi Rae, and now I’m blown away with Yoo Kyeong. Shin and Yoo Kyeong are written and played very well by LDG and HCA.

    • I was surprised at how much I liked Yookyung in this episode. I was so annoyed with her when she first appeared (her aegyo was vomit inudcing frankly), but I am really liking how her character develops.
      She embodies this career woman who’s still insecure and filled with self doubt, but determined to succeed through whatever means she can and that is something I really respect.

      • In retrospect, I’m happy the aegyo was vomit inducing. It cements the fact that aegyo is not part of her real personality and it’s all just an act to up her own status in life.

        (Sidenote: I’m really happy this drama attempts to illustrate some of the horrifying patriarchy that occurs in workplace. Usually this kind of stuff is just overlooked–and worse yet, the blame tossed on the woman.)

      • Hahah I love what you said bout the aegyo. It is indeed vomit inducing. Hah, finally someone who sees it like I do. I get that its a culturally accepted thing but damnit, i cringe I cringe I cringe. The worst is when Kim Sun Ah does it. I am so happy that I liek Yoo Kyung, I am tired of all second lead female having to be liars and meddling creatures. Yeah she did lie that one time about mirae, but it just helped to let Kim Shins true feelings be shown a bit more. I love this freaking drama, and I cant wait for Yoon Eun Hye and Kim Shin to get crazy in lurve. Hahah And was I the only one who was happy to see Mi Rae oppa so freaked in wondering if Kim Shin liked his sis? Haha

  3. I had one of thos ework days where you work and work and still don’t getting anything done because of the crazies coming out. So thank you so much for the recap, Captain Koala. Thank you so much. I can never have too many pictures of Lee Dong Gun. There are better looking actors, but I don’t know that many that can “look” at women better than he does. It positively curls the toes.

    I also like the way the couples are still moving towards each other and the real grown up way they seem to be relating. It is very refreshing and warm. I wish this drama was getting more love or at least the love that it deserves.

    • I would pay someone for the right to watch LDG onscreen. Thankfully I do this for free, and its twice a week, plus nth more times with re-watches. Life doesn’t get any better than this. YEH+LDG is as good and better than we all hoped for.

      • LDG is hitting it out of the park in every scene he is in. It is astonishing to watch, and I amnot saying this just as a fan. I was actually nervous that my memory of him would overshadow the reality in this show. I was fearful of what he would be like after his long time off and whether it would take him a long time to warm up, but he has surpassed my expectations. He really picked a good role that is much more layered than I expected. Some of this has to do with the writing of the character, but much of this has to do with what he puts into it and his interactions with YEH. In lesser actors, both these characters could fall flat.
        Oh yeah, and I could do with more wet LDG as well. Shold there be a fountain scene? A scene in the country during irrigation season? Interviews with the Olympic swim team?

  4. I agree.. I LOVE THIS DRAMA. For all the reasons you mentioned. It seem to drag for me until this episode and then BAM… I am addicted.

  5. I wonder when will the drama crack for The Heirs arrive? I hope so soon too. Love this drama. It is going to be one of those that did not do well at the beginning but will steadily improve in its ratings. Great rom-com.

  6. Squee
    you know are a drama crack head when you will sit and wait for recaps

    not since lie to me have i watched a drama raw
    maybe coz i love yoon eun hye but
    she has chemistry with everyone

    so I will ship the couple and hope that this could be the one for her in real life not just reel life
    loving my new drama crack

  7. I ecstatically labeled this as drama ‘crack’ from episode one, although I’m nowhere near as good as listing all of the reasons as you are. Seriously, Shin and Mi-rae’s scenes are so chemistry loaded I’m surprised my screen isn’t starting to melt. And I “squee-d” more times during this one episode than the entirety of most series. I actually like all four leads, surprisingly interacting with each other. Yoo-kyung and Mi-rae’s few scenes have cracked me up with Mi-rae calling Yoo-kyung out on her aegyo. And Se Joo and Yoo-kyung, those two give off some pretty intense sparks themselves, can’t wait to see them ramp up their own interactions (it’s gonna happen.)

  8. they really had to end the episode in this specific scene… Urgghhh..

    – Douchey Sejoo. hahaha. but no truer words of Sunglass+night = Douche
    – YooKyung definitely is a a woman of myriad characters. Sometimes I feel for her , sometimes I tune her out but definitely she is wholly endearing
    – oppa, well what can I say but I love you oppa. please don’t die
    – Mirae, the future and the present. I actually don’t have a definite stance on their character. I like then yet sometimes they get on my nerves as an individual character as well as a pair. but then again they are one and the same.
    – And lastly Shin. Shin and his principles. the only thing missing from him now is a cape, cause definitely he is a superhero in my eyes now, like superman, batman, spiderman oh wait he can be ANCHOR MAN.

  9. I don’t know why the raitings are low , this drama is better than the heirs. Amazing work , yoon eun hye’s work never been disappointed . I enjoy all her dramas the best actress for me . I’m not gonna worried about the raitings anymore this is such a great drama .

  10. Ah I’m loving this drama so much too! Everybody is so interesting and layered and it’s great that being told about the future isn’t making Mirae determined to escape what her heart is dictating her. She’s stepping up and taking control and that’s just great to see. I hope that the ending scene doesn’t create a misuderstanding that lasts a long time because I want to see more of Mirae and Shin interacting and having fun together. I would say that the Mirae-SaeJoo ship sailed a long time ago and Mirae and Shin will of course once again marry each other and perhaps with a better knowledge of each other.

  11. I think this was my favorite episode. So many things to love. Shin and Mirae are just perfect together in how they are growing and falling in love. Favorite moments were probably Shin telling Mirae she’s special and then denying it, but admitting it anyway (I squeed a little bit), Yoo Kyung stopping the cockblocking moment ruining Seju. Thank you. You are now my #2 favorite character after Shin. Shin taking Mirae’s hand was also really lovely. Love it.

    And finally the best moment is Mirae telling off her future self saying Shin and her have both changed. Love it. Bout time she mentioned they are no longer the same person anyway.

    I kind of enjoy douchebag Seju who wears his giant sunglasses at night more than normal Seju. Oh man the hilarity of Seju thinking Mirae would run away from him if she knows about his money when she’s actually going after him because of it. She’s not nearly as simple, free-spirited and innocent as he has imagined her to be. That’s why I can’t feel tooo bad for him because I think he’ll move on pretty easily.

    • Yoo Kyung stopping Se Joo’s cockblocking attempt was AWESOME. If I could reach into the screen to hug and kiss her I would. Mi Rae and Shin had only eyes for each other, the way the water came down from the sprinklers was a slo-mo moment right there waiting to be captured. *___*

  12. I know I am in the minority here. But this show is so frustrating.without the future Morse, this show is no more than a regular mediocre romcom. Future mirae better have a compelling reason
    for doing what she is doing. Its not fair that sejoo has to go through a heartbreak. I have strong second lead fever. It is beyond my understanding why female lead rarely choose the second male lead who is awesome almost all the time. Exception is queen inhyun man and I hear your voice where male leads are awesome and nice throughout. Again futuremirae better have a good reason for causing sejoo a heartbreak. Secret which is leading in ratings is a better show, it started slow and ordinary but now it’s on fire

    • You can like his character more, but I can totally see why she won’t pick Seju. Other than their rough start Shin is always awesome all the time and his awesome just blows Seju’s awesome out of the water. He’s also usually nice, especially to her and despite being a hardass on the surface Mirae sees through it. He’s a really nice and caring guy (caring about people over ratings..!) overall and she can see that.

      While Seju has delusions about who she is and neither are honest with each other. I don’t think she knows him and he doesn’t know her. It’s just mess with those two. Seju and Yoo Kyung both know each other better than Seju and Mirae know each other.

    • regular and mediocore!!! sorry but because you don’t like Shin-Mirae together and prefer Mirae to end with SeJoo doesn’t make the show medicore! YEH and LDG are the main leads of course they are gonna be together in the end, on other hand the story till now is very original and cool and doesn’t bore me at all I like it even more than Heirs! Secret is a whole different genre it’s one of the best revenge stories out there, but it’s not about OTPs and fluff like rom-coms! ( seriously I feel sorry for LDG! he is a GREAT actor but it seems many people don’t appreciate him enough especially YH fans)

      • Hey, that’s an unfair generalization. I’m a YH fan (main reason I started watching this) but even as a fan I went in knowing he wasn’t the main lead and him being there was not going to take the focus from LDG. LDG is a great actor, I’m loving him in this drama and I’m shipping more Shin-Mirae and Yoo-Sejoo than Mirae-Sejoo. Other than that I totally agree with you, this is not a mediocre drama at all. Something that hasn’t been really mentioned or overlooked is the fact that Sejoo’s character is not the gentle sweet second lead at all, there have been small hints here and there that he only shows that side to Mirae but he is actually very cold and temperamental, he even snapped at Mirae already (when they are sitting in a table outside and she is blabbing about something and he yells at her to snap her back to reality). All four characters are very dimensional and I love it.

      • I’m not generalizing all YH fans! sorry to not mention that, all I wanted to say is that I don’t feel LDG receives enough love and attention after his 5 years hiatus! and of course in every single fandom we find rational fans and crazy ones, I’m not bashing YH or his fans in contrast I find his acting skills are better than his previous dramas he is really improving, it’s just I hate that most the comments on the drama is like “I want Mirae with se joo” and that’s all! they don’t care about anything else, that’s what I don’t like. anyway everyone free to ship whatever they want.

      • @D Yeah, I’m with you on that, I would’ve understand in the first two episodes people wanted Mirae to stay with SeJoo but now that the story has evolved this much I really want Mirae with LDG and SeJoo with Yoo, even if that means SeJoo would be heartbroken for a little bit but I see his personality matching Yoo’s a lot more than Mirae’s.

    • To be honest, I think I kind of get where you’re coming from. To me, Mirae’s choice is a nice and entertaining watch but nothing too deep. But I feel – I have a similar feeling about Heirs actually – that the premise sounded so promising that I wish the drama would do more with Future Mirae. Her character or her involvement doesn’t seem all that important or pivotal to the story, even though we do start to see some effects of her meddling. I just wish the stakes were a little higher, that there was a little more tension and self-doubt and worrying about one’s choices and future path done by current Mirae. I don’t know, but right now Future Mirae could disappear, hex Sejoo’s grandma or declare Korea as part of Europe and yet Mirae would still whistle the “Don’t worry, be happy” tune. (Okay, maybe not that tune exactly, but I couldn’t think of a more fitting one… 🙂 )That kind of annoys me. If I were Future Mirae I’d say: “Fine, have it your way. See if I care” and poof go back where I came from.
      But that’s really the only gripe I have with this drama. I really love Lee Dong Gun and am so happy to see him back on my screen.

  13. If the characters are going to end up how they were supposed to end up. Then what’s the point? This show does not make sense. If the past is altered dramatically, the future should be changed dramatically too. Maybe none of them end up together. Maybe they will end up with different people outside this love square. The writing is so lazy and at times idiotic. I understand why ratings are so pitiful. The way they wrote future Mirae is so bad. There are almost nothing that resemble the past with the future mirae. Maybe this show will improve in the future. This show seems like drama crack at first but the after taste is horrible.

    • I totally see where you’re coming from, which is why I don’t feel an intense attachment to the show that goes beyond “ooh, candy!” The writer certainly has her strong moments (like when Mirae stands up to FMR and says that the future has already changed for Shin and herself) but there are some major loopholes in the narrative structure that is obviously problematic. I however, don’t think that the present is exactly the same as the alternate timeline.

      In fact, the world we are currently watching is drastically different from the world FMR came from. The motivations and development of all the relationships are totally changed. If you notice, originally, both couples met in pretty idyllic ways, which basically means that they all built their relationships on a seriously rocky foundation.

      This time around however, everyone is meeting their “destined” under zero false pretenses. Shin and Mirae see each other for who they are, and likewise, Yookyung and Sejoo. This is what Mirae’s Choice is really about. The first time, Mirae fell in love beyond her control. This time, she fell in love because she had the choice to–because she knew that Shin was the right person for her in all of his strengths and faults. The same is true between Yookyung and Sejoo.

    • Remember that the future Mirae is an embittered woman brought about by a principled and stubbornly proud jobless husband. How he turned out totally drained the romance of the relationship and gave Future backbreaking years to support the family. That can really drive a woman to despair if she weak on the inside.

      Remeber, too, that this is a fantasy drama. A future Mirae coming back to convince her present self to change her fate is non-existent and absurd. The absurdity of it all is what the writer is putting forward…

  14. Shin totally got me with his final closing line: “Fate/future might be scarier than we knows, but it can be changed by a single moment’s decision”. How can any girl not fall in love with this awesome guy!!!
    Shin and Mi Rae are definitely my OTP of the year 🙂

  15. What a great freaking episode!! Thanks for the recap.

    I loved the scene at the subway where the Shin and MR were probing, even so non-chalantly, each other about their feelings.
    YEH played MR’s vulnerability so well, and the uncertain looks Shin threw her way were fab.

    I was pretty impressed with how they pulled off the subway fire with no need for special effects or BIG explosions. They just flashed impressions of the fire here and there, so we believed it. The shaky hand-held camera phones worked. The tension was there, and I actually cried in relief when Oppa found his little sis was safe.

    LDG and YEH, geeze louise, make this looks so easy. The hidden glances, puffs of jealousy, hopeful questions – worded so as not to reveal too much…Reminds me of that Billy Joel song, And So It Goes,

    “I spoke to you in cautious tones
    You answered me with no pretense
    And still I feel I said too much
    My silence is my self defense…”

    The almos hand touch, gah! THIS is what a romcom is supposed to feel like!!!

    No matter what they do with fate and stuff, I love this OTP. You KNOW the YDG/YEH kisses are going to put the Heirs ones to shame…

    Poor SJ…but I have to hand it to YH, he really has that wounded “Why don’t you love ME?” look down. He’s so cute when he is heartbroken.

    • This episode was like a layer cake of budding romance between Shin and Mi Rae. Everything else fades into the woodwork when they are onscreen together. I love that he always thinks of her when he’s in need, when he’s lonely, when he’s in doubt. First with the basketball to tell her he’s being sent away. And then asking to take her along and the first thing he tells her is of his own insecurities and selfish fleeting hope that the fire does happen. He craves her company deep down inside, but its not one that is shallow but instead of a connection as impossible to describe as maybe having shared dreams of romance together.

      When they dream together, it’s of the most intimate of moments, laying in bed stroking each other, kissing when she’s dressing. When they are together it’s an open tentativeness. I know you loved TMS and while the chemistry there was good the OTPs relationship drove me nuts with the talking in circles and using symbols and allusions All The Time! Here I have my OTP saying it like it is. “I’ve never done this with anyone else before.” “Because I’ll think of you.” “I learned something, too, I discovered that you can’t die.”

      Mi Rae won me over by her sticking up for Shin consistently in the last two episodes, in front of the Team and definitely in front of FMR. To her – Shin’s ruin pains her rather than scares her away. How the hell does FMR not know what kind of person she is inside that she could hope to make herself not love Shin. Wuri Shin is her heart. And he’s got such game! Even on a technique level Se Joo can’t compete. Remember how he extended their date beyond basketball immediately after she arrived, by making the outcome of their match being that the loser has to treat? Great way to take a girl to dinner, Shin. The way he smoothly grabbed her hand then put it in his pocket, how could she not melt into him right then and there.

      This is rom-com at its finest with the combination acting chemistry and character synchronicity.

    • Oh Jomo, I wanted to put something down about expecting the powerful kisses in connection with how often these two are wet, butevery phrase came out like some soft porn/ adult video game description! Still there is something about the heat betwen these two, not just what we imagine is their passion, but true warmth towards each other. I love how they actually talk, but it does not seem staged. There is this other connection between the two.

      I know people are annoyed with future Mirae, but now I actually like her not her personality but the effect of her actions. Her interference seems to be making each of them better people because they are reaching out to each other more and feeling confident about trying to be the people they want to be, which bodes well for a different future than the one she is desperately trying to erase.

      • Yes, I like how her interference is backfiring!!

        Another change that I think is really really important is that Oppa and Shin seem to be getting to know each other differently than the first timeline.

        Whatever horrible thing that happened/will happen to Future Oppa that hurts FMR so profoundly prolly had to do with Mirae having to choose between Shin and Oppa. Since she has reset everything, I am sure that event will roll out differently, too. Either, the choice won’t have to be made (doubtful, since that is one of the titles of the show) or it won’t be as imbued with bitterness.

        Perhaps Oppa willingly sacrifices himself, as opposed ending up adversaries with his sister as a result.

        The Oppa/Sister thing is a lovely theme we are seeing. It is as poignant as the one in Reply 1994. They care but fight.

        When will the rest of the staff figure out they are related, btw. Or do they already know? They DO both have the same last name, and she calls him Oppa.

  16. OMG! I think the fire of the subway train gave toooo much heat for our OTP. That was some steam coming from them. Cannot wait for more. Though I feel bad for SJ cuz looks like he will be the only one to really suffer from FMR meddling. Everyone is on cue for the love interest but not him. But apart from that this show rocks!

  17. really, really amazing and impressive incredible episode, thank you very much for the summary Mrs Koala, this episode has me really heaven sbido this dram is my bias.

  18. LOVE that I am so in synch with your POV – your succinct advice to Evil Hag Ahjumma was right on the money, and like you I am loving what they’re doing with YK. Even though I’m a hardcore YEH fan, Han Chae Ah was a big part of my reason for watching this, because I wanted to see her get a better part than what she was stuck with in All About My Romance. And the writers have answered my prayer – YK is a fascinating, real person, and I like that at the end of the episode I really felt sad for at how dismissively SJ was treating her thanks to his single-minded focus on Mi Rae. Probably the best episode yet I think, really looking forward to reading more of your enthusiastic insights, thank you.

  19. Ockoala, the rating went up from 6.5% to 7.4 %…so it’s not continuously dipping…hopefully it’s well on its way up. Haven’t watched the episode though.

  20. I, too love shin. Love that he is so full of integrity and hard on himself when he thinks thoughts that most would given the same situation. Its very real this internal struggle and very human. ( this show reminds me of broadcast news in that aspect). And i like that so far, being principled and being successful is not mutually exclusive. I dont think se joo was wrong – he thought about the people’s lives and he thought about the news and ratings. He has to. If ratings are bad, people lose jobs and the company may have to close down. And even if you want to tell the news (ie facts and truths), you will have no avenue. Its easier to hold onto principles when one doesnt bear the responisbility of other people’s lives and livelihoods on their shoulders. Ad even shin is starting to realise that and without bending principles, consider others in his decision making process.

    I like both male leads snd this being my first time seeing YJH, i find him a much better actor than i expected, given previous comments about it. I am finding female second lead very well written too and played by han chae ah, i find myself really sympathetic towards her character.

    Its really good to be able to watch a drama where the characters interact and relate in a completely believable manner, uhhh.. Unlike some very hyped up wed-thurs drama. Thanks koala for the recaps and your thoughts.

  21. lol some fans of YH pissed off YEH won’t end with him. They should know, he is the second lead, on kdramaland they don’t get the girl, ever. Not if they are PSH or KSH. So please get over it.

    I’m the one NOT shipping MR and SJ? Why they want MR with SJ so much? When it is clear she doesn’t like him back and only see him more as a good friend? Plus, SJ is better without MR too. Image if he finds out she knew, all his thoughts of ”pure, strong, naive” MR would go down the road and so would his ”love” for her. He loves the image he created about her on his head, not the real MR, plus deep down SJ isn’t that great too, he has his flaws (thank god btw, super perfect second guys are boooring) I wonder if SJ will step up and maybe even fire KS. It is clear their opinions clash and etc… and you can see how SJ thinks he is ”superior” than KS just because of who he is… SJ you won’t trick me! I know deep down you are not this perfect prince you might appear, but I like it btw.

    I’m happy he could see real YK, something makes me believe he fell in love with her like he did for MR: Thinking she is pure and naive and all this image he created about his ideal girl on his head… later he found out YK wasn’t what he thought and maybe he regreted it ? That is why future MR doesn’t seem guilty of breaking them apart? Hmmm… or is because KS is awesome and YK went after him after her marriage not work with SJ, and future MR misunderstood them?

    • Yeah, I’m thinking SJ subconsciously fell for YK as well, because it was mega weird that he just let the secret on YK (not that it was hidden well) and asked her to keep it, but not without mentioning that women tend to approach him because he’s rich and that he wanted to keep MR’s innocence (GAG! Ugh I hate that he thinks of MR like some pet.).

      So what, is YK like chopped liver to SJ? Something must drive him to put faith in her so easily…and since is dramaland, not realizing a girl next to you is indeed a woman, probably means that you like her to some degree at some point in time. And more often than not, you’re usually the OTP. Ergo, SJ/YK should be the ultimate pairing (besides KS/MR).


    • Ah people keep saying that YHs fans are mad, but is funny because if you go to the Yonghwa threads on most sites and even in tumblr/twitter, most fans are supporting his role as the second lead, and a lot are shipping him with Yoo more, so I don’t know why people keep saying that is the YH fans that are mad he won’t end up with Mirae when that is actually more coming from the netizens and not so much the actual fans. Lol just thought I would throw that out there 🙂

      • Now I know some are mad. Viki is pretty bad with the fangirling and crying about how the drama is ruined and how boring Shim and Mirae are compared to their OTP.

      • @melissa to be honest I totally avoid the Viki/DramaFever comments :s not just for this drama but just in general.

    • did you based that only in 1 website? coz i visit numerous dedicated yonghwa fansites and they cheering for yookyung and sejoo. fans already wanted them to be together and not with mirae becoz its obvious she is for shin

  22. Thanks so so much for the recaps!

    When I watched the ep with Eng sub, I couldn’t quite understand the holding hands part – I didn’t get it what was it that was bothering them. My initial impression was that what was bothering them was their hands brushing against each other’s. Unfortunately, I still fail to get it when I read the recap here.

    “Shin is upset at himself for not yelling louder for her to get away.” Get away from where? From the bouncer or from the fire scene?

    Am I missing something? Maybe I’m really dense… haha… Would be grateful if anyone can enlighten me on this scene. Thanks!!!

  23. Last part of ep.5 and this episode gave me goosebumps for the awesomeness. Actually for me, the story unpredictable twists and turns are relieving me from having to think too hard about what will happen in their future. By letting the show surprise me it makes me relaxed and enjoying the ride.

    Thumbs up to MHIYD

  24. finally after months of not watching anything, thanks to your recap, i am now convinced and will watch Mirae’s Choice. 🙂

    your recap keeps wanting me to watch everything you’ve described here. 🙂

    thank you. 🙂

  25. for me, all dramas of eun hye was such averyvery nice drama,she’s flexible and all her leading man has achemistry with her..she is a great actress,hope she have her lovelife too,we love you eun hye…from philippines

  26. I feel that in this present, the couples are getting to know each other better. When they show shin’s dreams or even Mirae in the hospital together, they didn’t really know each other’s flaws, maybe I’m wrong since they didn’t show much yet. But in this new present, Mirae met the bad side of him and is seeing him slowly change to a better person. While in the alternative present, he started being nice to her from the beginning and all she did was see someone who she could depend on financially and not bothering to follow their dream. Future Mirae changed their spirit, made both of them want to fight to get what they want and work hard to succeed in their career and in life. I love this Drama!! I love how the characters and their relationships are developing!! You are right this drama is Crack lol!!

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