
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 13 Recap — 20 Comments

  1. Future Mi Rae has killed this drama for me. I really do not think this drama is well written. This drama circle round a old woman’s selfishness and not willing to accept responsibilties for her mistakes and push everything onto her husband. Thus she messes around with everyone’s lives to mend the pain in her heart.

    • How I’d wish this time travel thingy exist. I don’t feel future mi rae is selfish, given a chance I too would go way out to prevent sadness in life. The two deaths is devastating for anyone to bear, so why not just do whatever to ensure that does not happen?

  2. Romantic or not, it’s obvious that Mirae needs Seju, as much as Seju needs Mirae. Mirae knows that Seju genuinely cares for her, whether she reciprocate or not, so her crying her out to him like she did in this episode, just makes it even harder for Seju to just leave her alone. I think we should take into account that they are friends too, regardless of the love issues so I really don’t expect them to just ignore each other and go on with their lives like they don’t know each other even if Seju decides to slowly let his feelings go. Seju had nothing to do with Kim Shin and Mirae not being in each other’s arm at this point. He’s only giving Mirae the emotional support she needs, other than that Kim Shin and Mirae have issues of their own to resolve. I still think there’s more of Yukyung, particularly of her marriage with Seju that is not being shown that can make a sense out of Seju not falling for the same woman at present. Seju and Yukyung might not be the happy fated couple we thought they are. As for Kim Shin, I don’t really understand his hostility towards Seju. What has the guy done to him, that is so serious and drastic? Can’t think of any. Or was that just him and his pride and ego? I’m also giving the writer, the benefit of the doubt. If there’s one thing she succeeded at, it’s her characters… compelling and thought-provoking. The characters and the actors are the saving grace of this drama. Seju, Yukyung and lately, Mirae are my favorite characters off this drama.

    • I think the only reason Seju and Yukyung are not “fated” this time around is because writer-nim needs Seju to be the third-wheel and keep viewers guessing (and shipping) until the end.

      Everything we’ve seen of Yookyung’s real self shows that she’s a wonderful person, right up to how she lets go of Seju and admonishes Future Mirae in this episode.

      And how do you explain Shin and Mirae getting flashes of his actual timeline with Mirae, but not Seju and Yookyung. PLOT DEVICE.

      Offtopic, this is just my speculation, but remember how F/Mirae said Seju is incredibly successful in the future? I’m reminded of the saying “behind every successful man, there is a strong woman”, and that’s Yookyung. Just like when she told him off for being too heartless and business minded, and thinking of his job when he came visiting her home.

      Also, I’m annoyed that the despicable F/Mirae is still trying to mess with Seju’s life, but at the same time looking forward to (any) Miranda’s interference with Seju and Yookyung. Unless, of course Seju remains obsessed with Mirae till the very end (which seems likely to me).

  3. this episode might be immersed within the first 10 episodes of this drama , too late at this point .I don’t like the writer . she must leave the proyect a long time ago if she didn’t have enough confidence .too late I bet the ratings went down again. Future mirae is not the problem , she’s an actress doing her work , all the cast is working good , in this drama the big problem is the writer, that’s for sure .

  4. Wasn’t this drama marketed as more of a romantic comedy? I’m sort of surprised at how depressing it can be sometimes and how like you said, it’s sort of devoid of actual romance.

  5. I like where the story is going now, I just wish she would’ve done this a few episodes ago, there is only three episodes left and I feel like she is just going to rush the story. I really wanted to see more development between the two couples, specially Sejoo and YooKyung, like when she said that she has had dreams of her marrying Sejoo, I wonder if it’s something like when Shin and Mirae had dreams about eachother. I wish they would’ve done that.. At this point I don’t know if the writer is really going to give us that satisfactions since she seems to be stuck in pushing SeJoo into Mirae.

    Notice how they finally said that Shin does die because of FMR and no one is surprised anymore, everyone’s reaction is like “Yeah.. we figured, what’s next?” That’s when you know she failed in the plot delivery.

    • I agree! writer Hong is getting on my last nerves with this drawn out situation. More romance PLEASE! The best thing to come out of this drama for me is Kim Shin. I`m so in love with his character right now. He’s smart, direct, pretentious, confident and unapologetic for being who he is yet he still has empathy for those around him which makes his personality so alluring. I see and feel nothing for Se Joo`s character because he’s basically the same old run of the mill down-to-earth Cheobol Prince, that’s been done too many times. You know with or without Mi Rae by his side he’s gonna be alright. I’m with everyone on the fact that they needed to bring the info of Shin dying two episodes ago. The writers need to give the audience more credit than this.. most of us knew the plot set up two or three episodes in, just waiting for the writing to catch up so we could get to the good bits that were promised. ROMANCE.

      As always, thanks for the recap! 🙂

  6. Thanks Koala for your recap and thoughts. Though this drama did not produce a drama which was originally marketed as romance-comedy, it successfully engaged netizens to speculate and provide their thoughts on the characters and script. However, it is a disappointment that it did not deliver the romance we viewers long for. I approve of the the characters’ growth in this episode especially after knowing the truth about FMR’s meddlesome ways. Mirae’s personality in the beginning seemed to be insipid though we saw glimpse of occasional fortitude. I’m glad to see the slow but steady improvement of her character. I just hope that she will have a chance to improve her and Shin’s communication to prevent any future tragedy in their relationship. I also admire the way Yo Kyung continues to be straightforward and yet she is not afraid to show her vulnerabilities to Se Joo. She is even candid about her situation in her conversation with Shin. Yet despite her heartache and challenges, she moves on. I think she is the best written 2nd female lead that I’ve watched so far. The nuances of her personality is enjoyable to see and probably the most honest of all of the leads. Shin’s journey in growth is interesting in that, he learned self sacrifice. I don’t agree in his execution of it though. Hurting someone for their own good is not the way to handle challenges, rather good communication would probably be more beneficial. He could have been forthright with Mi Rae about everything he knew, and they could have worked it out together, instead of leaving her out of the decision loop. With Se Joo, I like his determination to see his feelings for Mirae to the end, but he needs to take into account Mi Rae’s feelings for Shin is not ever going to subside. I hope in the end he will learn that he could not force Mirae to love him and move forward.

  7. AHhhhhhh, I haven’t watched the last 2 episodes. I love Yoon Eun Hye, but SHIN was the reason for continuing to watch this show. This show would have been awesome for YEH if they had a romantic script. Or even minimal romance. Yoon Eun Hye is hella talented and knows how t deliver, so they lost out on that. But at least she was on my screen again. So hopefully this goes out with a bang and no last minute romance. I hate that catch up romance in kdramas. I hope Yoon Eun Hye does a movie or something awesome. But she wants rest soo….sigh ill wait.

  8. Honestly,if you know you will have a bad ending and kill the one that you love so much, will you still go ahead.

    Thanks Koalas for the recap but I disaggree as if Shin has decided to made sacrifice will Mirae be the same. Moe than dozen of us knew that Mirae is kind at heart and she will care and that’s why there is a connection between future Morae and current Mirae. They love the other so much everyone around her so they rather not be by the side of tehir love one to see the other live happily. Rather not having the child and lost him and rather Shin be happy than living miserable. Rather having a better TV network than a totally all for profit and being controlled by YooKuyng who is calculative….If it is you?Will you do the same? Fighting for your love at this point seems pointless to me as it is clearly a better future. Unless the writer has some better resolution but I rather accept things better as a whole than ..a fighting for your love madly eventho you know they will suffer.It’s too selfish.May be Mirae will not be with either Sejoo or Shin but will be standing as a strong and candid writer at a network with a different family, Seejoo ends up with someone who can help him with his view, I’d rather have him a honest person than a man is crooked with money and bottom line with his station sinking, Shin will rise up as a anchor with the help of powerful woman. And btw, I love their romance, it is not having skinship and totally hugging from the back to know you love a person. The emotional connection are there, just a hand is held you feel love, just a glance and a stare you know, an aching herat you know that it is love too.My 2 cents

    • YooKyung was not calculative though, FMR was obviously lying to Miranda when she told her that, remember in the first episode shebsiad that Sejoo inherits the company and makes it into the strongest broadcasting networkn she says something like “he controls Korea” because of how powerful his company is, so FMR lied to Miranda. Also YK has been nothing but supportive to Sejoo.

      So far, other than jealousy, there is not a legit reason for FMR disliking YK.

  9. I dont want either Shin or Se-Joo to end up with MiRae. It’d be cruel to both men having their futures destroyed! MiRae is weak and irrational and is not the heroine that one can root for like in Lie to Me.

    What a waste of great acting talent! It should have been an unforgettable drama for 2013- and LDG’s return drama. Alas it seems best forgotten!

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