
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 19 Recap — 34 Comments

  1. I thought it was too weird that the writer has not thrown in something cliché like a coma for the past few episodes. Now, I’m just waiting for Heirs to end. These last few episodes have been boring to me.

  2. I stopped watching Heirs, but I still continued on reading recaps because I was curious. Anyway, I kinda feel sad that its ending. I wonder how will it end anyway. Too many questions will be left unanswered.
    And let me just say koala, I HAVE THE COMPLETE DVDs of Veronica Mars. danggggg! never gets old. i cried when Duncan left. but we’re going to get a VM movie!!!!
    Going back to Heirs, I dont know. It would be impossible to fit in an hour all the questions that i have. Like Won’s lovestory. Hyoshin’s too. Where the hell is Young Do’s mom. What happens to Papa Yoon and Mama Esther? So they dont even bother thinking about college exams unlike most korean students? (Hmm. Well, duh. Heirs is the title. They care about what they’re gonna inherit)

    • I must had been the only one that never care for Duncan. I knew from the beginning that it was all about her & Logan. Logan was always better when she was around.

      • I never cared for Duncan either. Actually, my feelings for Duncan were the same as my feelings for Kim Tan, now that I think about it… like, “why should I care about this character, when there’s someone much more interesting around”

      • trueeee. i just cried cause i felt sad for veronica. but yeah nothing beats the veronica-logan love story. i might watch it again. 🙂

  3. I’m meh on Heirs but did you see the promos for the VMars movie? It’s straight out of fanfiction since it’s their 10 year reunion and Logan calls Veronica to help with his murder charges lol

    • Oh. Hells. Yeah. I’ve. Watched. It. Only about a million times.

      Too much Piz. Not enough Logan. Perfect amount of Dick. Weevil is married yeah! It’s been wayyyyy to overdue for Veronica to punch out Madison fucking Sinclair (“A Trip to the Dentist” is all her fault plus the Season 3 shit she pulled with Logan just because is plain wrong). Mac is back but where is Wallace?

      I cannot wait for the return of tons of rumored cameos – Troy Vandergraf, Duncan, Parker, Carrie, Mercer.

      And if LoVe don’t make out like tomorrow is the end of the world, then me and Rob Thomas will have words because when I gave money to the Kickstarter project I specifically wrote a note that all funds are to be used for LoVe make out scenes and happily ever after.

      • Let me tell you…I was just FLABBERGASTED when I saw she was still with Piz. The last episode of Logan punching dude who recorded them out and then smiling at her was the epitome of the “epic romance” complete with bloodshed.

        You see Wallace for 2 seconds next to Mac


        I was a member of so man LoVe fansites…I actually am judging myself a bit right now. VMars started airing right before I moved back to the United States for work and I enjoyed it so much.

        OHHHHH….based on reading your comment I take it you haven’t seen the behind the scenes featurette video they circulated…allow me to share it with you


      • O____O

        Kyaaaaaa~ Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you.

        There is NO TEAM PIZ. That does not even exist in this universe. Piz is a nice boy. A good man. He needs to maybe exit the VM universe because there is no place for a nice boy and a good man around them parts.

        There has been and always will be only Logan and Veronica. If this was an after school special then pick Piz. If Rob Thomas wants the VM movie to cement this as a show for the ages, it can only be Logan. Those two are either going to be happily forever after or go down in flames.

      • There is never a Team Piz…in the behind the scenes featurette when people were picking Team Piz I was like, “What? Why?” Though I get Percy aka Wallace’s reasoning on picking Piz as Veronica’s literal brother from another Mother but Piz…NOPE

      • I’m excited to see your list of rumored cameos and hope to see some staple V. Mars characters such as Vinnie Van Lowe, Gia, Jackie, Deputy Leo, Deputy Sacks, Cliff, some PCHers and a bevy of mean ’09ers return for the movie. I am sad that they killed off Meg in Season 2, she was one of my favourite characters. I also read that Sheriff Lamb won’t be in the movie and that they’re bringing in his brother (also a cop) played by Jerry O’Connell instead; and they had to recast Carrie (originally played by Leighton Meester).

        Also, I can’t wait to see Veronica and Keith scenes too (he was the perfect dad)!

        And, Team Logan all the way (Team Piz does not exist!!). There better be lots of Logan and Veronica make out scenes and a happy ending for those two (10 years is a looong time to be apart); if there isn’t Rob Thomas is going to have a lot of angry fans to deal with. Also, I love that you contributed to the Kickstarter project and I’m glad you’re on the LoVe ship!

    • I watched VM but only the first season and maybe halfway through the second.. It was amazing I just didnt have the time to finish it then forgot but now they’re making a movie??? I’m gonna have to marathon it soon 😛

  4. Soo I’m still a big Veronica Mars fan I have all the 3 seasons so The reference totally made me scream with joy. I also think that YD was the better character in this show, or the one that change the most. But the girl here was not as smart as VM. Now I want to go watch the episode with the poker game in VM

  5. The writer shouldn’t be upset about comparisons to BOF because her script was just as ridiculous and her heroine lost her spine at about the same time and in the same baffling manner as we saw in BOF.
    Happy this will end soon so our actors can move on to something better
    Thx for the recap Capt K

  6. Logaaaaaaaaaaan! My maaaan! I love him. Maybe that’s why I like Young Do character a lot. Never thought about that, but now that you mention it Koala, I can see the similarities!

  7. You hit the nail on the head with the Young Do-Logan comparison! No wonder I liked Young Do despite everything, I looove me some Logan Echolls. And yeah Tan is definitely Duncan…but at least I still kind of liked Duncan and found him interesting as a character…which I can’t say about Tan. Also sadly Eun Sang is no Veronica Mars. And Heirs is no Veronica Mars. Auuugh now I miss VM!

  8. The scene of Tan running after Eun-sang brought me back to SeGa. Lol. The bromance between Tan and YD is about to develop into something more, I can smell it. Maybe bad boy business associates. Sad this show is ending, will really miss it.

  9. You’re so spot-on with many things of this episode. This show, gosh, it sucks so badly. It is understandable why people who are not squealing “oh my god Kim Tan is so hot” lament so much about the show. It kept promising so much but nothing has ever happened or made any sense so far (and still, this is the pre-final one!!). I also waited the whole time this episode to see Young Do while rooting for him to finally find his mom. But bleh… not enough goodness in this episode to make me feel less bad about wasting my time watching it. I just want to hug him in that last scene. Aww.

  10. Off to watch Pretty Man (Bel Ami) to refresh my mood. Arg. If only the sub for this one came out earlier. I had to watch Heirs instead.

  11. I am really feeling the veronica mars comparison. I always like her with Logan. Duncan was not right for her because she was a different person when they started.
    It looks like they are going to end it like Secret garden.Dropping the kids off at grandma’s house happy ending. Can’t believe it is over. It feels like they wasted a couple episode it there. I wish yd went with rachel instead of oppa.

  12. This is what I think the show should have followed:
    1) Cut down on the American portion, or just remove it
    2) Sure, make ES middle class…a middle class heroine, how crazy is that?
    3) They have the school interactions etc, even YD in there, but don’t drag it on so long. Don’t have them play tug-o-war with their feelings so much. Let us actually see that ES likes KT back.
    4) Deal with the KT & YD friendship earlier
    5) All this stuff with daddy chairman -kicking Tan out -and for real- ep. 11-12
    6) Tan actually having to work hard -there is a lot of material there
    7) Maybe a time jump, and maybe Tan has to make a come back when he is an adult. His threatening his Dad etc. would hold more ground

    Just some thoughts…I really wish that Heirs was better and the actors were used to their fullest potential.

  13. Veronica Mars was by far one of the best shows ever! I still re-watch episodes from seasons 1 & 2 for LoVe, the cool mysteries our P.I. V Mars had to solve, and all that witty banter. I can’t wait for the movie to come out in 2014 and all I can say is it better end with Veronica and Logan and their epic romance.

    I do agree with you Koala that Young Do is the Logan Echolls of Heirs with all the bad boy antics and charm and Tan is totally the Duncan with his rich boy problems, but Eun Sang is no V. Mars. I’m glad that Heirs is coming to an end, I just hope they clear up all the loose ends and don’t try to throw any last minute plots into the last episode. I’m a bit disappointed with the overall (or lack thereof) plot of Heirs, with such a large and stellar cast there were so many opportunities to do something new and exciting in the realm of the teenage universe but we still got the same recycled plots of Cinderella’s (Candies), illegitimacy, arranged marriages, noble idiocy, etc. I’m not even entirely sure what I just watched as I was never really invested in any of the characters or their problems and everything just seemed to be going around in circles.

  14. Has anyone noticed the scene where daddy chairman is talking with Tan and Eun Sang is the same room from MHIYD (episode 15) when the president of ntn was talking to shin? I lol n thought they no other fancy hotel to go to….lol it’s almost over, finally! I am sad that I won’t see Chan Young anymore 🙁

  15. At first, l was anxious waiting for the Heirs arrival only to became lame and boring, now that l’m waiting for it to end to give You from the Star to begin its journey.Totally l was disappointed with this drama despite the casts being my favour.

    Looks like ep 19 seems to be the answer to everything with ep 20 just to wrap it up. l agreed with you that until now l just cant buy it that ES and KT’s love is so powerful. l dont feel the deep feeling in both, perhaps its because of very few skinship between them. As this is teenager’s drama with hot casts, should it be that drama should make it hot. Only 1 kiss, a desperate one with Kim Tan looks so hungry is just not everybody were waiting for. l felt that most the hug scenes between those two somesorta not from the heart even with tears incoming like rain.

    Bad writing and directing overall that makes Heirs not a favourable drama for me. The most remembered of couse the award goes to Young Do. His character gets more in deeply real feeling towards Eun Sang. Even l knew he’s not going to get the girl, he shouldnt be left out alone again. He needs ES as a shoulder to cry on not some bromance with KT like the PD seems to be aiming to.

    The only thing matter for me in this drama of course with all the winter clothing wore by Kim Won Bin (he likes striking colours, lol) and Lee Min Ho, of cosz. They are super tall handsome actors.

    l hope LMH will choose and pick better project in future, not some bargage teenage boy.

  16. l agreed, as long as l remember, only one very quick start kiss in that storeroom, others were all peek-on-cheek kisses. LMH’s fantastic kisser met with PSH’s lousy l’m-so shy-to-show-l-cant-kiss, should be done more and more. People are doing it to increase rating, perhaps PD was thinking ratings are high enough, kiss just put aside.

    Be rasional!!

  17. Dear Koala, the best part of this recap was the last part when you mentioned VM!!!So happy to read in your reply to a comment above that you’re also a movie backer *high five*

  18. Hey there all my Veronica Mars homies! Yes, the inexplicable love for Young Do. It’s Logan!
    Logan’s Dad beat him up too just like Young Do!s dad. Except Young Do’ dad isn’t a killer, that we know of.

  19. Thanks for the recap! I’ve gotten so bored with the show that I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting through an hour of it just to see the resolve. Which is sad because I love Park Shin Hye.

    Like isp said, I’d rather watch Pretty Man. Or even rewatch the first few episodes of Unemployed Romance! Guys I’m sick with bronchitis… it’s been a long slow week… full of Kdramas! Lol. Anyways thanks! You saved me from that hour long pain.

  20. My major problem with this writer is that she thinks it’s romantic for guys to be crazy jealous & possessive of their girlfriends. So UGH! That is a sign of a potential abuser not a caring man.

  21. Yes, Midori, so true. And stalking is also romantic, according to the writer of Heirs. That’s why I usually dont’ care if people like a drama I dont, it’s all about personal taste. But I think it’s just not right to cheer for such behaviors and type of “romance”. This show has very young audience many of whom swoon over ES and KT’s relationship though, that’s a bit um.. unfortunate for them.

  22. I’ve been following your site for ages and have always came here whenever I’m looking for a good, substantial recap.

    Felt like this drama could’ve ended a few episodes back but now, I don’t really see the plot going anywhere to be honest. It’s like a weak suspense. It feels like the writers are just trying to stretch out the drama by adding a few more episodes… and more… and then more.

    And ugh, I just ship Eun Sang and Young Do so much because I could really see the way his love for her develops. I feel like if the writers really want a different route with this drama, they should make Eun Sang and Young Do be together. For once, I don’t want the lead male to be with the lead female.

    One more thing, I can’t believe you watch Veronica Mars. It is only the greatest teen show ever made in the USA.

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