
C-Heirs with Choi Si Won and Yu Xiao Tong Starts Filming and is NOT a Remake of K-Heirs — 12 Comments

  1. Definitely a sigh of relief! The Korean Heirs was simply not good. Remaking it would have required a complete reworking of the script and the addition of a plot (which the first one sorely lacked for a significant portion of the drama).
    I must say it was brilliant on her part to have rumors flying around that it was a remake for as long as she did. Free publicity is good publicity.

  2. The Chinese Heirs (if I may call it that) plot sounds really interesting. Does anyone know how many episodes it will have? Are Chinese dramas an hour long episode (each time)? I would watch that drama. Does anyone know if it could be broadcasted on ICN in California? I am curious about that.

    • Mostly all Chinese dramas are dubbed though, its almost a given. But I concede its damn annoying knowing the person has a completely different voice.

      • You can say that again… ANNOYING… And the dubbed voices sound like robots with no feeling and no acting.

  3. I’m gonna wait and see what becomes of this drama. Although relieved that its not a remake of heirs I still have my doubts about this one.

  4. I personally like Siwon and think he has potential in acting, but we will see. Regarding the plot of the story, I mean I guess it sounds okay? Doesn’t sound that excited and complicated. Still kind of weary about YXT, but I guess it was inevitable since he is teacher/student with Li Shao Hong. We can only wait and see I guess.

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