
Bride of the Century Episode 1 Recap — 73 Comments

  1. i’m waiting for more episodes before starting this one…it does seem entertaining enough to get me through a dry drama spell.

  2. thank you so much for recapping! I’m totally hooked already! Can’t wait for the next episode.
    Fingers crossed it has a satisfying ending. Not like for example the prime minister and 1.

  3. I’m glsd you started recapping this.. I just started as well and it’s a very addicting drama even if the cliches are abound…the ghost cracks me up and I’m very interested in learning her backstory as well!

  4. This drama is Velveeta level cheesy. But i’m so hooked! There’s something kinda addictive about it. And I can’t remember another kdrama where the lead kisses the heroine in every single episode (not counting this 1st where they hadnt met yet). Thank u for recapping it. I’m glad it’s getting some attention.

    • LOL at the “Velveta level of cheesy”! So true…and yet I still love it! Both the drama and Velveta. I haven’t seen episodes 3 & 4 yet, so I’m off to watch them now. Maybe while eating some nachos.

    • Not only “cheesy”, but “Velveeta” level – perfect description of this guilty pleasure drama. I’m glad Ms. K is recapping and so many others agree.

    • I couldn’t even recognize him without the blonde Jeremy hair!

      Dear koala, I love how your enthusiasm bounces off the screen and onto my “have-to-watch” list 🙂
      Thank you for recapping!

    • I finally watched this last week after looking at it being ready with sub for a few days.

      Jaws literally dropped when i realized it was Lee Hong Ki.. i like the female lead, the candy version is reminds me of Gu Hye Sun but less annoying.

  5. I had the same initial reaction. Pass. But i tried episode 1 and well I’m still watching. I like the interaction between the two male leads. Actually looking for something to fill in the gap while waiting for another awesome chapter of lost you forever. Thanks for the recap.

  6. I’m such a gonner for this drama. It is full of cliche and random plots… but I love it. And Lee Hong Ki is fantastic. I just love how perplexd his Kang Joo gets with the substitute bride and how he does things he would normally never do.

  7. The first episode wasn’t that good, but it was better than Sly and Single Again (which I thought would hook me because I love the main actors) so I continued watching the next 3 episodes. Can’t wait for E05.

    I missed Hong-ki and thought he would be doing more dramas than his YB costar Jung Yong-hwa because obviously he’s the better actor of the two (sorry, JYH fans!). I also like Yang Jin-sung since City Hunter. I like her playing cute, bubbly characters.

    It’s not as addictive as Emergency Couple (squeee!), but I’m invested so far. There’s just enough cheesy and mystery to keep me watching. Still procrastinating on watching E02 of S&SA, and I’m waiting for INR3 & AoF to finish so I could marathon both. I’m also waiting for subs of Wonderful Season, God’s Gift-14 Days, and Three Days.

  8. I honestly started this drama because of Lee Hong-ki, I loved him as Jeremy in You’re Beautiful and frankly he was my favourite part of that show. I knew the leading lady was familiar so I Googled her and found out she was in City Hunter, the other bodyguard girl.
    I’m currently 5 episodes into this drama and I love it. I love everything everything about it. The matchmaker ghost is hilariously adorable, Although I still feel there’s something creepy about her. This might be the show that would make the emptiness left by the awesome My Love From the Stars coming to an end hurt less, there’s No drama that will take YFAS’ place yet.

  9. I laughed and thought ”this drama is bad” and yet I’m addicted to it, arrrgh I love the main couple and want more of them. The ghost lady is also LOL love her.

    • I know, this show is just so cracktastically stuffed with kdrama cliche’s I should hate it, but instead it’s like a cute hand-made valentine (with tattered lace around the edges and lots of glitter) to kdrama, so I am sucked in in spite of myself. It is as heart-felt and gauche and charming as its heroine…it’s like King Flower except the heroine has some brains and the hero is…ok.

  10. I am sooo glad you decided to recap this drama. It’s definitely addicting. It’s refreshing and fast paced and yet mysterious enough that makes me keep guessing. All the actors play their parts well. I love DooRim and her fiesty, street smart, loveable, sweet character. Yang Ji Sung does a terrific job playing two opposite roles. Makes me think two separate actresses are playing the parts. And Lee Hong Ki makes me forget he’s Lee Hong Ki as he becomes Kang Joo. Great job!

  11. I am hooked on this drama too! I have been saving Miss Korea to binge on, but haven’t had the time yet. I just wanted a breezy drama to pass the time. This drama is exactly what I needed even though I didn’t know much about it LOL I love the bickering between the leads and all the cliches thrown into the mix. The ghost freaks me out whenever it appears, and I really want to know what is up with the mystery so…that is definitely a good thing. Yay for Lee Hong Ki being attractive in this drama. I can see this OTP being potentially super cute. I just hope the girl doesn’t stop being awesome 🙂

  12. Count me in as another person hooked on this drama. I also sees shades of Boys over Flowers with the ass kicking female lead. Although…sigh… it seems as if they are already making her into an incompetent fool. That is the only thing I didn’t like about episode 4. I can see they are already turning a hard working poor girl who was pretty competent in all areas of her life into a fool when she comes into contact with the cold chaebol.

    Also, I really like the cinematography. there are some really pretty shots in this drama. I love all of the warm tones or filters they use on the cameras. I don’t know much about filming but I like the look of this drama.

  13. Pretty addictive kdrama. Light, easy and enjoyable with a pinch of all the thing you would expect in a chaebol love triangle. Must say that both Lee Hong Ki & Yang Jin Sung makes it so much more enjoyable and additive. Can’t wait for the next episode. just want to watch more of it…addictive indeed!!

  14. Okay the whole ghost thing put me off of this but I just wanted to say that I haven’t seen HongKi with dark short hair in sooo long I thought he was KangIn from Super Junior.

    • Me too! I was so excited when I thought it was Kangin and thought he lost a lot of weight post army but when I looked it up on dramawiki I realised it was HongKi and just was meh… at least he isn’t sporting blonde hair.

  15. Lee Hong-ki is one of the reasons I still love You’re Beautiful until today. Jeremy was only second to Hwang Tae-kyung and since then, I’ve been hoping he picks up a good lead role. Started this since it aired and there’s this addicting feel to it. I’m really glad you’re covering it simply because I feel more people would find out about it. It’s a cute show and LHK is doing well, so fingers crossed it remains that way.

  16. Love the ghost lady, hate the chaebols, Yi Kyung’s brother seems pretty prone to incest (Ewwwwwwww). I watch for ghost lady and tacky but lovable Doo Rim. Hope to see more of the former.

  17. i watched this drama and got addicted as well
    hongki and yang jin sung have great chemistry, can’t help but squealed whenever i saw them together
    hongki looks handsome with black hair and normal clothes. so refreshing to see him void of anything fancy looking
    i love the ghost, she’s so cheeky

  18. Thanks for picking this up, Ms Koala! I’ve been hoping to find out more about this drama as I have a soft spot for Hong Ki.

  19. We really have very similar views on K-drama. I keep finding out that you are recapping the ones I like (like Miss Korea or Prime minister and I). This one is very entertaining, but you are right, it is full of tropes, but then again I also seem to have a soft-spot for the cold chaebol with a childhood/youth trauma (think Secret Garden). Thanks for the recaps.

  20. I like how everyone have the same thought about it : Tons of clichés, Lee Hong ki <3, addictive. I don't know how a show can be so bad and so addictive. I love the two main characters can't wait to see them fall hard for each other and the ghost!! i want to know more about her story!! Thank u for your recap and sharing your thought about it :]

  21. I love Hongki but I was skeptic when I heard about his role in this drama. It was so far from his real character and I didn’t thought that he would be able to pull it through but I was wrong. He’s good. He’s really good. I hate ghost stories but this one I like. It’s true the ghost in this drama should have more screentime coz she’s cool and creepy at the same time. I just hope this drama will have more fans aside from the ever loyal Primadonnas.

  22. This is awesome, Koala, that you are recapping!
    I am aboard for the run. It is very TW in how they are making me anticipate happily which cliche is next. It’s light and shallow, but what’s wrong with that? We can’t have steak and lobster at every meal, or vegetables and tofu, either. It’s OK to bring in some fast food, chips and dip or candy bars, right?

    And so far, there isn’t any particular character that I can’t stand on my screen.

    It must be some kind of drama alchemy where the sum of the parts is better than the individual pieces. They seemed to go out and collect all the good parts of dramas old and recent, and threw them in the mix.

    It helps that I like the OTP.Do Rim’s warm and loveable even though they have her do some pretty silly things, I like that she is the exact opposite of bitchface Roo Mi. It’s going to be fun to watch that back and forth.

    And Kang-joo’s so freaking cute with his little suits and scratchy voice and frownie chaebol face, and aggressive, too. I like that. We will talk more about that when we get there, but, yeah, he’s not giving up on what he wants from her.

    Liking the mystery lady – I am very curious on whether she’s a good ghost or a bad ghost.

    • I like the fact that Hongki plays a ice cold prick chaebol but he’s not entirely bad, he’s warm to people from his household and good with his brother, he just don’t trust people easily

      he’s trying to be mean to Do Rim but lol failed miserably and end up following her like puppy

      i love how we can’t hate him because he has a cute face and his expressions are adorable, when he cradled the kitty in one of the episode, i’m conflicted on who’s cuter, him or the kitty

      Do Rim is awesome and all sort of amazing even though she did embarrassing things, i love how she schooled Kang Joo each time and Kang Joo had that disbelief face on

  23. This is a fun bit of fluff!! Love Lee Hong Ki!! I am also watching 14 Days and Full Sun, both are excellent!! Yay!! New dramas to get lost in!

  24. Aren’t the bride on the early episode is played by Yang Jin Sung? Totally opposite with the picture’s the father kept. Can someone clarify for me please? TQ

    • if i’m not mistaken the bride is the ancestor’s bride not kang joo father’s
      the curse has been going around for 100 years already

  25. Love this drama, I found about it yesterday, also found out about this mini series( episodes just 15 minutes long) her lovely heels.. it is cute and fluffy and that is it. But the dramay has HOT hong jong hyun (the computer guy from cyrano dating agency drama) nothing hurts.

    • “mini series episodes just 15 minutes long”

      Are you talking about drama-toon After School Bokbulbok with kim so eun and seo kang joon (who i am currently smitten about)?
      I’m thinking about starting it soon since i like the premise and the characters sound quirky.

      • liz referring to the short mini web drama starring hong jong hyun and kara’s seungyeon

  26. I haven’t watched this but I spot someone in your recap, Koala!

    Isn’t the Japanese businesswoman a cameo role by the lady in Noriko Goes To Seoul?

    • yes, that is her, an extended cameo i guess. when she first appeared i was like ohhh it’s that japanese ajummah from that other Hong Ki’s drama

      • Ooooh. Thanks for the confirmation!

        I’m so happy when past co-stars do cameos on shows. I’d like to think that they somehow became close during filming and made friends in the industry. 😀

  27. Thank you miss Ockoala, I’m really happy you decided recap this drama, I thought that it wasn’t a popular one, but is really nice to see that i was wrong in that account, I love Hong Ki since You’re Beautiful, and Is a nice surprise to see him in this roll.

  28. I started watching the first episode weeks ago and dropped it halfway because of the bad acting (cough) Hongki (cough) and feeling that this drama may be a potential trainwreck. I adore him since YAB but him as Yi Kyung doesn’t do it for me. Hopefully that will change. After seeing this post i decided to give the series another try and boy am I hooked after episode two. Hooked with a capital H. I’m now almost caught up. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but this plot is just plain old addicting.

  29. OMG. i love your recap. please wrote recap episode 2 – 4. what can i say. this drama was so promising & interesting. can’t wait the next episodes. really great drama

  30. Actually, I thought this drama was more like the drama that I wish I could unwatch “I Summon You, Gold”. I don’t want to jinx it but what started as a guilty pleasure ISYG progressed into a nightmare that I had me ending up head banging after each episode moaning “Why am I still watching this whyyyyy!?!”

    The premise of the doppelgänger (evil and nice twin separated by birth? or people who won the genetic lottery and just so happen to look like someone who is affluent with a fairy godmother *cough plastic surgeon* and a musical makeover montage)

  31. Oh I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only one addicted to this cheesy but “I can’t wait for the next episode” drama. Yes the plot is a little contrite and over-used but who cares – I found the male lead very appealing and female lead is very cute. Somewhat to my surprise the chemistry between the two leads is very good.

    Back to more candy…

  32. I`m watching this drama from moment when it was available in torrent..but it is bad just bad.. I can`t stand it, but to give later good review of it I will watch it all…I`m regretting it, but there are some goodies I`m watching, so it lessens my pain 😛 first of all they changed Doo Rim make up, even if her make up artist was drunk, at least someone should notice how awful it was..omg
    and as for good point of drama..GHOSTS..the end

  33. why i think that this drama got really connected with MY GIRL?? First heroin disguise as as heiress but the hero is not his fake brother but actually is her fiance doppleganger. Then, there are random part where she slip and kiss LHK…really similar with MY GIRL too…but its true that it is really cliche but still, this drama kind of addicting,light and fun to watch…

    • I think that this drama will resemble a lot of other dramas – because it’s stolen something from each of them, LOL. I am half-tempted to start a running list of all of the kdrama cliches and tropes used in this show: I think it is trying to use them all.

  34. How could you do this to me *grabs subs OST gifs* I was watching Emergency Couple, Sly and Single Again, evaluating God’s Gift and Three Days (while ogling Her Lovely Shoes) and now.. I can’t explain why and I don’t know when but I’ll watch this, I have to. Good job Ms.Koala <3

  35. Yes! I just saw episode 4 so PLEASE KEEP RECAPPING THIS DRAMA! I know the tropes are nothing new, but if a story is told well and makes me laugh, I am onboard! I love the supernatural element. Not sure if the ghost is helping Do Roo Mi or just using her. I hope she’s helping her.

  36. Thanks for recapping! I am just a sucker for this type of drama. Watching it is like taking a little vacation. Love the Ghost addition to the story and of course the poor tough innocent girl with the cold cherobel guy is just my type of guilty pleasure.

  37. I jumped with joy when I saw the recap. I watched every episode twice. HongKi acting has improved. His acting in You are beautiful is rather stiff but very good in this show. This show so far is very interesting and hopefully has a good ending. Hope it will not end up like PM n I which is quite good throughout but did not have a good ending. You should watch the other 3 episodes also as they get more interesting. This show besides romance, it has a mystery also. I wonder how HongKi is going to protect his wife if it is true that the 1st wife of the 1st born son will die. Thanks for all the recap. Take care

    • Me too – the jumping with joy part. I got addicted to this on accidentally too; “You From the Star” had just ended and I was looking for a new fix. I’m really liking the developments in this story, actually.

      The chemistry between the two leads is awesome. For the first few episodes, HongKi just looks like he’s “playing grownup.” Until the 4th episode, which kind of explains why. The main actress looks more comfortable Doo Rim than Yi Kyung. And the ghost (OMG!)–she’s super awesome, and her contrivances make my day.

  38. Thanks for recapping this ms.K. I can sense the excitement in your writing and it makes me wanna start marathoning this series.

    There are a number of interesting series to date but so far, I am going to watch this to fill the void when You from Another Star ended. Hope it lives up to my expectation…

    Any insight on Beyond the Clouds and Ghost Seeing Detective?

  39. Im totally hooked on this drama too. I know it’s totally cheesy and I don’t even care.
    I can’t wait til your next update v

  40. Somehow, sometimes, I’m seeing Park Si Yeon in Yang Jin Sung…. Anyone thinks the same?
    Enjoying this drama too 🙂

  41. i also find this drama stangely addicting and started watching because it’s only 16 episodes and it’s not much of a commitment if it isn’t as interesting as i hope later on 🙂 currently i’m really liking the humor in this drama and the intangible chemistry between the leads…also hongki’s take on the stereotypical k-drama chaebol is nice

  42. I came into this drama without knowing much what it was about nor was I expecting to like it. BUT after the first episode, I am hooked!! It’s like one of those guilty pleasure dramas, which I haven’t had in a while… The ghost is sassy indeed and I like her when she’s not silently creeping up onto someone. Master’s Sun ghosts didn’t scare me, but this one is f-r-e-a-k-y. *shivers*

  43. Pingback:Bride of The Century: A Fantasy Love Story | rotijala

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