Lee Jun Ki in the Pages of Ceci Magazine China and Confirmed for Joseon Gunman
There are only a handful of genuinely active Hallyu stars who criss-cross the region promoting on a consistent basis. Lee Jun Ki remains at the top of his game, picking up right when he left off after taking the requisite two year hiatus for his military service. I’ll be interested in seeing if the recent top young male stars who are headed towards military service soon (Lee Min Ho, Yoochun, Jaejoong, Jung Il Woo, Lee Seung Gi, et. al.) can handle the interruption to and transformation of their idol careers into something more mature after they return much like Lee Jun Ki did so seamlessly. Last year’s underrated MBC drama Two Weeks was a great treat to watch for me but now he’s coming back to television with the sageuk with Joseon Gunman. I feel like this guy knows exactly how to fan service and toggle his acting career deftly between genres and challenges. When it comes to drama casting Lee Jun Ki is one of those guys who often gets mentioned with projects that don’t pan out (he was attached to Faith before leaving for the military, then supposed to do Age of Feeling before passing on it) so I’m hoping he follows through with his idol drama fan service. He’s in the cover and pages of this month’s Ceci Magazine China and I’m loving his current auburn-haired look as the snappy suits he’s sporting. I also love Lee Jun Ki for being such a fun actor to follow on his various social media accounts. When news broke that My Girl co-stars Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae were reuniting in the drama Hotel King, Lee Jun Ki promptly tweeted “설공찬 주유린~!ㅋㅋㅋ ㅊㅋㅊㅋ (Seol Gong Chan Joo Yoo Rin ~! kekeke *coughcough*), which are the names of Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae’s characters in MG where Jun Ki played the best friend to Lee Dong Wook and carried a totally unrequited love for Lee Da Hae. His shout out to those two is totally adorable.
Aww…so sweet of him to tweet about his My Girl costars
Yay that he signed on his next drama but I wanted to see him in a rom-com next…
OMG ahhh so cute of him to do that!! It would’ve been hilarious if Lee Jun-ki were cast in Hotel King as well; I’d totally be onboard to watch it (that is, if he doesn’t reprise the mopey lovesickness of Seo Jung-woo from MG).
I’m rooting for a cameo from Jun-ki tbh (hey, if they’re having another straitlaced hotel guy paired with a bubbly girl who is faux-related to him….)
I love him so much!!!
Great. I’ll see him again on my screen………….
maybe he should do a cameo in Hotel King…
I wish he also do movies, like Hyun bin. I want him to become big superstar. He is capable.
I will enjoy this drama, he is best in period dramas.
Lee Jun Ki!
oppa <333333333333 (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS he confirmed! Now just give him a good leading lady and hope this script is decent).
Also, his fans should be very glad he passed on Age of Feeling and Faith, considering BOTH those dramas had major production/payment issues. I know I am!
And even though he’s one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on, I love him most for not letting his looks or offscreen charm be his sole appeal as an actor. He really gives his performances 110 percent, and sageuk mode is my favourite mode for him.
(also, why doesn’t he do another movie? He was so great in The King and the Clown)
Glad to know this role has been confirmed. I think he will nail this role perrrrfectly.
I luff him! Two Weeks was definitely underrated but SO good, I also liked Kim So Yeon and Park Ha Sun’s roles. Those pics make him look like Aaron Yan…or Aaron Yan looks like Lee Joon Ki?
if anything, he and Yoon Shi Yoon look alike. (luff them both)
Yes! I thought the same thing! (I love them both too.)
He totally looks like a Madame Tussaud’s statue. Beautiful yet unreal. I mean that as a compliment.
I’ve always hope that he will be paired with Yoon eub hye in any drama. Now that i know he will be in saeguk, i want yoon eun hye to be the leading lady so bad! Well, hope God will fulfill this little dream.
I’m with you on the pairing with Yoon Eun Hye.