
Lee Jun Ki in the Pages of Ceci Magazine China and Confirmed for Joseon Gunman — 19 Comments

  1. Aww…so sweet of him to tweet about his My Girl costars 😀

    Yay that he signed on his next drama but I wanted to see him in a rom-com next…

  2. OMG ahhh so cute of him to do that!! It would’ve been hilarious if Lee Jun-ki were cast in Hotel King as well; I’d totally be onboard to watch it (that is, if he doesn’t reprise the mopey lovesickness of Seo Jung-woo from MG).

    • I’m rooting for a cameo from Jun-ki tbh (hey, if they’re having another straitlaced hotel guy paired with a bubbly girl who is faux-related to him….)

  3. I wish he also do movies, like Hyun bin. I want him to become big superstar. He is capable.
    I will enjoy this drama, he is best in period dramas.

  4. oppa <333333333333 (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS he confirmed! Now just give him a good leading lady and hope this script is decent).

    Also, his fans should be very glad he passed on Age of Feeling and Faith, considering BOTH those dramas had major production/payment issues. I know I am!

  5. And even though he’s one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on, I love him most for not letting his looks or offscreen charm be his sole appeal as an actor. He really gives his performances 110 percent, and sageuk mode is my favourite mode for him.

    (also, why doesn’t he do another movie? He was so great in The King and the Clown)

  6. I luff him! Two Weeks was definitely underrated but SO good, I also liked Kim So Yeon and Park Ha Sun’s roles. Those pics make him look like Aaron Yan…or Aaron Yan looks like Lee Joon Ki?

  7. I’ve always hope that he will be paired with Yoon eub hye in any drama. Now that i know he will be in saeguk, i want yoon eun hye to be the leading lady so bad! Well, hope God will fulfill this little dream.

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