
You’re All Surrounded Episode 1 Recap — 16 Comments

  1. Ooh this episode is fun yet intense. I love it. I agree with you, young Soo Sun is annoying. Hopefully the adult one isn’t as annoying.
    Thanks for the recap Ms. Koala.

  2. I like what we’ve got here. A bit slow for a premiere, but they’re still setting the stage for character relationships/backgrounds. I think we’re in for a delicious ride with the comedy, thrills, and room for growth among these rookie cops.

    I just want to know what happened in the time period that he escaped the school that night till now. So detective was on his way to meet him, and after that, they never saw each other ever again? He never went to his home? Who supported Dae Gu growing up? These are questions i hope they answer.

    Had a feeling they were setting dae gu up for a revenge mission. Seung Gi, i realized how much i missed your warm puppy vibe when watching you here. But i’m glad you can pull off this kind of character just as well. thumbs up, babe.

  3. Thanks for the fast recaps. Koala. i agree that this is a good episode, but not a great one. I think its partly the fact that they revealed almost everything in Dae Gu’s background – so there’s little suspense. But I liked the fact that despite showing so much of the drama in the 7 min trailer, there are still surprises – especially the way Dae Gu’s mother died – drawing attention to herself, so that he won’t be found. And that he actually saw her life being snuffed out before he eyes. It was so heart-wrenching. I didn’t think that I would cry, but cry I did!
    The other ‘surprise’ was how he thought that Pan Seok was behind the murder.

    I also agree about Soo Sun’s younger self. Frankly, the character really turned me off, with all that shouting and brashness. And her stupidity at the recording room! I was going, “Shut up, girl! Shut up!” I also can’t see her as the grown up Soo Sun. Their characters seem so different. As an adult, she seems clumsy, comic and blur, and also not as loud mouth.

    There also isn’t much chemistry between Seunggi and Go Ara. I’m asking myself if there’ll be a love line or not. This might affect the ratings, unless the chemistry between Sgi and CSW takes centre stage.

    • There’s definitely a love line. Seunggi said the drama is full of romance I’m pretty sure. Unless he means with PS. As for chemistry… um it’s kind of hard to judge when they had no interaction and the adults were only in the drama for 15 minutes total.

  4. I liked this a lot. The childhood story actually was a lot more engaging than I thought. Child Dae Gu was really the cutest thing and the actor who played him was great. Eun Dae Gu is definitely one screwed up guy in need of a lot of therapy. I’m quite interested in how far he’s going to go. Captain Seo is as well to a lesser degree. This episode really did a good job at telling both lead’s story and you can totally understand why both act like they do.

    I’m also not a big fan of teenage Soo Sun. Though I did actually like that Dae Gu didn’t actually have any feelings for her. I mean, really why would he? She was obnoxious. I’m hoping she’s chilled out as an adult. If not, there is always bromance.

  5. Wow that was a pretty exciting first episode, didn’t notice the time. The set up is really good. Lee Seung Gi looks so cool and hot as usual. I wonder which episode will he show his million dollar smile 🙂

  6. This was definitely my most anticipated drama, and I’m glad it did not disappoint. The characters are more than enough to keep me interested. I can’t wait to see the humorous and touchy interactions among the team members. I actually found teenage Soo Sun likable and nowhere near Jan Di status, thank goodness. It was actually young Dae Gu that irked me for some reason…well, until his mom died and sympathy kicked in. I’m glad the childhood sequence lasted only an episode and we will be able to see more of the dynamic of the team tomorrow.

  7. Appreciate ur hard work. But can u please write the synopsis for ANGEL EYES SBS Drama. Pleaseaeeeeeee Pleaseeeee

  8. I agree with you. I kinda dislike the soo sun character. Yaks I hope more for a romance than a love line now!!

  9. the first ep was alright. love the young dae gu&soosun. they both look good together. best part from ep 1 is the part were dae gu tie soo sun shoe.

  10. Have read the entire recap and I like it veryy much. Too bad all I can rremember is hotties half naked. Omg >_<

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