
You’re All Surrounded Episode 3 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. Very disappointing episode. I wanted to shut it down halfway. Sad that it has taken such a turn. I had a lot of expectations on this but it has so far under delivered.

  2. I found the initial bits funny – but the last few scenes especially when their incompetency caused the victim’s stabbing, disturbing. While i enjoyed the episode as a whole, I felt that the plot didn’t move much. I worry that it might go the GFB way, where the writer is trying to do too many things at a time. The central arch of Daegu’s revenge was not given much mention.

    I also cannot see how Daegu and Soo Sun can possibly be attracted to each other! There’s nothing really likeable about SS – even her eagerness is over the top and annoying. Sadly, this is the first female lead in Seunggi’s drama that I don’t have any affinity for. I find her annoying and stupid. Even Suzy as Yeo Wool as cute and likeable.

    Daegu’s character also needs to be more layered. Although I got a laugh from Daegu throwing his jacket over SS’s face to keep her from snoring, it would have been better if he had covered her with it – not out of any emotion, but because he is a gentleman – like he was when he was a boy. There must be some redeeming characteristic. Even Huan in BL had the redeeming quality of caring for Seungmi.

    Writer nim! Please! Don’t waste good talent with bad writing! I certainly hope that the case of the stalker has something to do with the overarching plot. At least in Tae Il and Ji Gook’s case, we are given a little clue regarding Tae Il’s past. Was he a doctor before?

    My heart is breaking!

  3. Two noticeable scenes for me were, first, DG curled up on the bed (saaad to see), and second, DG covered SS with his jacket to stop her snoring because I thought he’s going to do romantic gesture at first (fun to watch).
    I’m waiting for the writer to get her act together. What does she want to tell exactly? Hopefully ep 2 will be better.

  4. Yeah, I feel the writer went over the line with actually letting the victim get hurt. I hope she’s not dead since I’m not sure how they can recover from that. Or how anyone can root for them since she’s dead because they were idiots. I was freaking enraged when SS was on her damn phone at the end. Incompetent cops are funny when they are hurting anyone, but when people actually die.. um, no. Especially given the feelings of SK towards their government lately, I can see why people turned off the drama mid way.

    Though I still have faith this is the turning point for all the characters. Dae Gu has to wake up and realize what he’s doing could cause real people to suffer the same thing he did and Soo Sun just needs to… I don’t know. Calm down and be serious.

    Though I don’t really find PS all that interesting either. He’s more layered than Dae Gu and Soo Sun, but that’s about it. They are really wasting CSW and LSG so far tbh.

    Come on writer, don’t screw up this drama.

  5. I find SS to be so annoying, and I am not loving the actress either. I find the concept of any guy liking a girl with that personality and wardrobe beyond comprehension I at least can understand DG. the other guys are just filler at least they are not on my last nerve like the female. I am just hoping that the impact of the girl being stabbed will serve as a turning point to stop the idiot behavior. I also hope they have DG take the lead and not let the loud mouth bully girl call anymore shots.

    I pray that this does not turn into another disappointment that I have to stick out for my love of LSG.

  6. I like the development actually. From what I saw, their incompetence is not only for comedic effect, but for P4, then later DG and SS to take the hard fall so they can change their attitude, be more responsible in their action. One has the passion, one has the brain, they should’ve work together.

    And this could relate DG feeling to PS feeling for failing to protect his mom. And just because DG and SS are main leads, don’t mean they couldn’t make mistakes that resulted in fatal consequences, the scriptwriter is quite daring.

    From the next episode preview, looked like the girl is still alive, maybe will has a trauma, but this just adding more reason to why PS said there’s no rookie detective, they need to grow up and be real detective in real field, not only depending on theories and practice from school. One mistake and they’ll messed up a person life. I like the message.

    But like everybody else thought, P4 better be mature soon.

    • Someone commented that their inability to protect the stalk victim parallels PS’s inability to protect Daegu’s mum. I can buy that. At least, there’s a reason for the scene. I too hope that she’ll survive or else, it’s really hard to see how DG and SS will be allowed to remain on the team. It’s a really hard lesson. But they need to learn that and learn that fast.

      Hope we’ll get to see Daegu thawing and smiling, even a little. And SS having more restrain.

    • The victim getting stabbed by her stalker just so DG and SS can learn a lesson is NOT all right with me as a plot point. It’s career suicide in real life. If a police fails because the criminal is too smart or one-step ahead (like what happened to PS when DG’s mom died), that is called learning a lesson. To do everything right and still fail, that makes PS strive to be better, to be more vigilant, to never be complacent.

      SS and DG never once exhibited professionalism in handling the stalker case. From SS jumping in with her gripes about the law, offering to get the evidence, pushing DG to pretend to be the boyfriend, offering protecting 24/7 so the victim felt safe but NOT following through – each action would merit censure and/or being kicked off the force. It’s beyond incompetence, and a woman almost died solely because of it. There was no indication the stalker was going to kill her UNTIL SS’s idea escalated it. Did she not think things through? Obviously not.

      This is poor writing because it makes me wholly unsympathetic to DG and SS. Bad decisions on both their parts directly led to a different and more severe crime (attempted murder) than the one they were investigating (stalking). I think it wrong the writing needs to go have a innocent women get stabbed just so inexperienced cops learn a lesson. Even if the woman doesn’t die, she got stabbed! Tell me if you think citizens need to suffer for cops to be trained on the job? That’s like saying a newbie doctor can do whatever to practice medicine on a patient to learn a lesson, change their attitude, work together, become better at the job.

      The only way the drama can redeem SS and DG is if there are REAL consequences for messing up. Like getting fired or something equally severe. Anything else is a slap on the wrist for what amounts to major dereliction of duty and criminal levels of incompetence.

      • PS also failed to protect his witness a decade ago. I see this current case to be a wake-up call for both rookies, and also a reflection of how PS managed to fail in the past as well (i.e complacent, negligence, unawareness etc). I dun see it as poor writing, but rather setups which are necessary to carry this scene out.

      • Not liking the way it is done is very different to bad writing. Bad writing is the kind that makes something inescapably inconsistent or off-putting and does not serve the purpose the element was written for.

        These people are not meant to be liked at this point. They are meant to be shown as uncommitted and unprofessional, but redeemable. A mistake like this will crush them and in turn make them evolve and never repeat it. It’s the reality of having a job where lives are at stake and not doing it right.

        And just because it exists in the plot does not mean the writer says “Go ahead be a bad cop”. It simply shows there *are* such people, that humans *do* make mistakes they and others often pay a great price for. It’s in fact giving a very good message, provided they do pay for it in terms of their work and also contemplating on it.

        And since not everyone hates the characters for it, since they have been given other qualities that do not paint them as entirely malevolent or hopeless, it is not pushing it.

        So risky writing, but not bad writing or a writing mistake.

  7. I actually appreciated that plot point at the end. DG and the other rookies have been established as too complacent and distracted. They weren’t serious about being cops, and it’s time they learn the job’s not all fun and games. If the death/serious injury of someone they’re supposed to protect is what it takes to wake them up, I’ll buy it. Besides, PS already sort of predicted this when he was complaining about putting rookies on the field.

    IMO, this is PS’s fault as well. He refuses to teach the rookies how to be a cop. Instead of having them shadow him or other detectives so they can learn, he sends them on risky assignments then scolds them when they make rookie mistakes. No wonder they screw up so spectacularly.

    I get that this show isn’t the quirky cop comedy everyone signed up for, but I don’t think the writing is terrible or that the show has jumped the shark.

    • I was wondering the same thing too. Shouldn’t they shadow PS and his partner? They can be split into 2 groups. It’s too much of a risk to just let them go on their own, especially after all the mistakes they have made. And shouldn’t DG and SS at least inform either one of their seniors about their stake out and earlier decision to bait the stalker?

      So far, we’ve yet to see PS and his partner in action.

    • I can only buy it if SS and DG deal with the severe fall out and consequences for their epic failure at doing their job because their inability to work together and make better judgment calls led to a woman getting stabbed. It’s like not they were called out to get a cat out of a tree and their fighting over how to climb the tree led to the poor kitty getting a scratch. This case was a non-violent stalking turned attempted murder in the span of one day due to their meddling! A slap on the wrist for them is a cop out and no way to write a teaching moment plot line.

      • DG and SS deserve to at least be suspended if not fired. I hope the story goes there. It would be wonderful if they do get suspended/fired and they’re spurred to work outside the system to catch the stalker/killer.

      • Ditto with everything you said. If the story goes there then I’m game for their huge redemption in the future as cops.

  8. So it wasn’t only me. I was ready to shake her when she was talking on the phone while on the job. The writer has really made SS unlikeable. She is so self- centred and has such tunnel vision. How in the world are we supposed to see her transformation?

    I am disappointed as I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 episodes.

    • It’s not the actress it’s the role. Soo Sun irritated the hell out of me today with her behaviour. If anyone is that incompetent in the police force they should be sacked. They endangered an innocent member of the public due to their sheer arrogance. If you can’t concentrate on work esp police work you should change jobs!!

      • DG also “endangered an innocent member of the public due to his sheer arrogance” let’s not forget. In fact, I would say she endangered the victim by her incompetence and distraction, but it DG who did so by his arrogance, his refusal to accept that he might be wrong about anything. After all, if he had not arrogantly asserted that the stalker would never be out after 01:00 and left himself, the situation could have ended differently too. If SS deserves to be sacked, so does he.

      • @Stuart

        Well, tbh that only happened because SS forced the situation to happen. They were both wrong in different ways. He didn’t want to do enough and she wanted to do way too much. There was no need to egg on the stalker in the same Soo Sun did (with DG’s forced help). Checking the CCTV and waiting would be fine. I do think more blame is on SS because she’s the one who escalated the situation.

  9. I agree that the writers erred by having the victim actually get stabbed, but that sort of OTT plot point is common in K Dramas, as if lessons can only be learned in extremis. I think another reason they did have her end up getting stabbed was to give DJ flashbacks and to knock some of his self-assured complacency out of him. I’m sure that’s why the camera made certain we knew that it was DG’s careless placement of the recorder that tipped off the stalker in the cafe.

    SS is not the only one who is “self-centred and has tunnel vision” and it’s not just HER transformation we need to see. DG is just as bad and just as much in need of a transformative experience. Maybe he’s getting a pass because he’s played by LSG, who has way more fans watching than does Go Ara, but he’s a total prat who badly needed taking down a few pegs, just as SS needed to be shaken out of her dream state and reminded that this is a real job with real consequences for real people. BUT, I will agree that such a lesson could have been delivered by their realising their mistake and preventing the stabbing.

    Finally, I will say that I *like* SS, for all her flaws. As the scene in the nightclub, at the trash search and in her conversation with the victim in her home showed, like all of them, her heart’s in the right place. I would be entirely happy with a rromance-free storyline, a la Three Days, but am bewildered by the ferocity of reaction to her character, who is certainly no more objectionable than LSG’s by-now trademarked smug know-it-all. I guess personal aesthetics play a big part in forming reactions.

    • I am not a fan per se of either actors. In fact of the whole cast I am probably more of a CSW fan.

      Personally I have no issues with their acting of their roles. It’s the writer. Somehow she went overboard with the story line. I don’t know about Korea’s recruitment standards but here they test the candidates before they are accepted into training. And having worked with new probationary officers ( more than 100+ at a conservative estimate ) I would personally say I have never met anyone that arrogant or oblivious. There is a certain amount of ego and strong personality inherent in the job descriptions and I’ve met plenty of cocky officers both male and females. But the writers- really does not do the police force any favours with her writing. If I was actually a police officer I would be cursing more at the screen.

      I remember the panicky residents she wrote out on Golden Time. But they had senior doctors catch them before they were able create actual disasters. This time, the writers didn’t write in a fail-safe. And the character was stabbed.

      • “If I was actually a police officer I would be cursing more at the screen”

        I think this is true of pretty much every profession in every K Drama though. If I’ve learned anything from watching 71 K Dramas in a year it’s that every police officer (and Presidential Securirty officer recently)who isn’t corrupt is incompetent and that Korea’s medical system is both insanely expensive and staffed by a mix of semi-evolved simians and freakishly gifted geniuses.

        I agree that the characters are a bit overdrawn in their incompetence, and the writer definitely erred in having the victim stabbed and possibly killed, but to read koala savage the show for its lack of credibility while raving about Doctor Stranger (another show I’m enjoying, fwiw) strikes me as odd. Neither show is pretending to be a documentary, after all.

        If forced to rate them on a scale of improbability, the keystone cops of YAAS are still at least theoretically within the realms of possibility, which is more than I can say for the idea that a water delivery boy with supernatural powers could waltz into a theatre and perform surgery.

      • LMAO true that Dr Stranger does so many improbable things I had to stop and think what is the correct procedure vs what is being shown on TV.

        I’ve enough procrastination. Viki was down so I couldn’t get to New Leaf ep 5. Now I better stop thinking about ep 3. What a disappointment. And I was so enjoying it last week. I am not going to step into a Korean hospital or trust a police officer. Or the Presidential security detail. In PMAI didn’t the ex- wife just walked up the driveway 🙂 to the PM’s official Residence?

    • What are you talking about? DG placed the recorder in his pocket, the stalker never saw it. it did not tip him off.
      SS’s insistence at angering the stalker is what sent him over the edge. Also she was so busy running her mouth on the phone she missed both a call and a text from the girl. booth which were before she even left with the guy.
      ss is the one who recklessly offered the girl 24/7 protection and blackmailed DG into going along with her. SS even slept for 2 hours while she was supposed to be keeping watch. DG actually was smarter about trying to figure things out, not just leap ahead. His biggest downfall was letting the uncouth loudmouth SS blackmail him. her character is annoying as hell and sloppy to look at. This role is not going to make me a fan of this actress that is for sure.

      • @scbound – I rewatched to confirm, and the scene clearly shows the stalker staring at DG’s pocket, the shot even zooms in on the pocket, THEN we see the stalker unclench his fists smile to himself and relax. I’m certain that’s what they were showing us – him noticing the recorder and altering his behaviour accordingly.

  10. I can see why the writer wrote this episode in such a way as to quickly quash the complacency of all the rookies, so no more of them being stupid and incompetent, because its amassive wake up call for all that their in a job that citizens lives depend upon them, and get into more serious detective business.

    By the way, Flower Grandpa Investigation drama has just started I think it can rival YAAS, give it a go people!

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