
My Lovely Girl Episode 6 Recap — 23 Comments

  1. Aaand just when I thought that we can go on an episode Jae-Young free, he comes at the last minute.

    I actually don’t mind Hae Yoon and in a way do feel for her–she is loyal to the very last bit, 10 years of pining for the same man is truly difficult and probably stuff of dramas more than reality. But this just made me curious altogether on how and what her relationship was with Hyun Wook when he was going out with Se Na’s sister? Did she go all bitch-mode on her too? And that would be my only gripe if she does turn to her 2nd lead bitch relegated role. If she had remained to be that supportive and loyal friend all those years, why change now? I’m really really really hoping she won’t, but the inevitable is coming.

    • Jae Young is like gonorrhea – he never goes away and is guaranteed to flare up at periodic intervals.

      Hae Yoon doesn’t seem all that pathetic (yet) but would do well to remember this adage – if he hasn’t fallen for you in 10!!! years, then chances are 99.9999999% he will never ever fall for you. He’s more likely to get hit by lightning than to fall for you. If she can accept that and move on, her life would be infinitely rosier.

  2. I agree, I might have a harder time believing in the OTP if Im Joo Eun had accepted the role. With Cha Ye Ryun, I am sorry, I am totally on Krystal’s ship.

    I can’t wait for Hyun Wook to fall for Se Na, and although the last scene was a bit cheesy, but it was still cute <3

    Lol at your comment comparing Jae Young to gonorrhea.

    • This drama treats cheesy like it’s a fluffy special snowflake, to be captured lightly in the palm of the hand. I like this brand of cheesy.

  3. L’s main weakness in acting is definitely his portrayal of anger. He has to control his voice more (surprise, I can be critical). He’s been doing fine other than that. But all in due time, we can’t expect an overnight sensation.

    Now. I’ve noticed, even from your recaps alone, that this episode was very Shi Woo. I don’t mean screen time, I mean…he was literally everyone’s topic. Or he was at some point at least. Even Se Na joined in. What’s more peculiar is that Shi Woo was the subject of her and Hyun Wook’s conversations other than the very end and the drunk scene. I’m not going to think too much into it however, not willing to give the drama benefit of the doubt.

    At least Hae Yoon is aware of her patheticness, I’m not going to judge her. Feelings are something that can’t be too easily placed as this or that. You’re not supposed to like someone this long, or you shouldn’t try this hard. I’m in the belief there doesn’t need to be a time. Due to all kinds of possible reasons. It’s weird that I find Shi Woo’s struggle with his growing feelings for Se Na a lot more sympathizing than Hae Yoon’s. We still don’t know much about her history, let alone with Hyun Wook’s. Ten years doesn’t mean she’s been in love with him for ten years (though knowing k-dramas…).

    I’m still wondering what Ra Eum’s point of existence here is. Be Shi Woo’s “cheerleader” now that she got unceremoniously dumped? Trying to get back into his good graces? Or are they trying to warm us up to her…that is, whenever it is she comes to talk for no reason? She still comes off as vapid. There’s nothing there, especially in comparison to Shi Woo/Se Na. Shi Woo can be perfectly fine single.

    • Ra’s El-ghoul is so nonexistently awful it doesn’t even merit hating her. She’s just going to get squashed soon and we’ll all clap when that happens.

  4. I finally can start to accept Hyunwook/Sena and didn’t cringe that much when they’re on screen. I’m still on the Siwoo/Sena ship though. Judging from the preview for ep 7, seems like Siwoo did something bad and their relationship is back to square one? I hope not, I know they won’t end up together but I’m still hoping that I will get more friendship and cute moments from them and I also hope that Siwoo’s character won’t be ruined just for the sake of making the otp of the show better. I think I’m going to stop watching if his character is ruined, because him and Siwoo/Sena are basically the two things than encourage me to continue watching this drama and I don’t care much for other storylines and characters.

    • I think Shiwoo dropped Sena’s song and chose something he thinks is more powerful for his solo career launch without telling Sena or HW beforehand.. I think Raeun telling him the night of the outing how great the song of infinite power made him panic and made him desert Sena.. I could be wrong but thats the only thing that makes sense.. Anyway, i like Sena with either HW or Shiwoo.. Cant wait for next week.. Thanks koala for the recaps

      • oh that’s very possible, does he have a say about which song he wants as his solo debut song? if he does that’s possible. I just hoped that whatever it is, it’s not something that can make him lose sena as a friend, he needs all friends and supports in this kind of situation since he is in a vulnerable position, and sena is like his only friend. sadly seems that he really doesn’t want to burden his mom and and choose to not tell her about his burdens and all. Ah, I forgot to say thank you for the recap!

  5. Overall a decent episode. I found the club scene weird and disorienting though. Like, the shot of Krystal dancing with Alex was strangely awkward, as was the faux artsy bit where they were staring at each other and everyone was reduced to blurs, plus Rain grabbing his head and writhing in pain lol…though when Jae-young showed up to be the resident raging dickbag without a cause, it was like, yup, we’re still in Dramaland.

    Right now I’m on the Si-woo/Se-na ship. It is getting more comfortable watching Rain with Krystal, though like Koala and a lot of you guys, I just can’t see them getting romantic. I guess that’s why I found the last few scenes confusing–are we supposed to think he see her as a woman now that she wore heels and fell on him? Was he getting jelly seeing that one random dude checking her out? To me it was somewhere closer to don’t touch my little girl, except totally without any pedo associations attached. We’ll see.

  6. Can it be Shiwoo/Sena, Hyunwook/HaeYoon for the end please??

    Man, like there’s no reason to give us more Sena/Hyunwook romantic scenes in the future simply because her relationship with Shiwoo is so much more interesting. It’s basically the only reason I’m watching the drama, to see those two getting together. And I won’t lie, it first started cause I liked Shiwoo’s character, he’s the perfect example of a troubled hero that you crave to see him NOT being rejected twice. But it’s also that Sena is actually a cool character who doesn’t let people walk all over her. So I like her too and I think she would be a far more better a match with Shiwoo than with her long legs ajussi. And even more when she learns the truth about the reason he actually approached her. Seeing him getting together with the sister of his dead girlfriend is plain wrong to me. On the other hand, a woman like Haeyoon is the right person for him cause she’s been loving him for so many years and she’s also not your typical bitchy second female lead. She’s actually really cute when it comes to her feelings for him.
    Of course as much as logic says that the main leads aren’t a match “love isn’t something that you can control” but can we focus on the other quote pls? the one that says “Love is something that requires effort”???
    Darn it, i normally don’t wait for such effort to be made cause it’s dramaland, but this time it feels different..i think.

  7. Now as much as I like Rain’s character here. all calm and caring for everyone specially women around him I can’t really see him with Krystal. There is a charm about little banters, chit chats and playful talks of L and Krystal. And I am hoping they get together since L(Shi Woo) deserves and matches Krystal rather than his earlier crush.
    As far as drama goes, making second female into a bitch…should not happen, too cliched. But she cares for Rain’s character and I wouldnt mind a bit if they get together(more age appropriate too)

  8. This episode was really good but i really want Shi woo and se na to be a couple because i dont want him to end up alone and in love with her, that would be so heartbreaking. That’s why i hate writers when they put hot guy as a second male lead. anyways does anyone know the name of the song that says do you remember i can remember one? se na wrote? please tell me if u do :((

  9. Thank you for coming up with recap so quickly. It seems everyone here unanimously has a leaning towards shipping Shiwoo/Sena together. Although there are still quite a few scenes of the young couple with cute interaction and undeniable chemistry, I do feel the plot is gradually moving in the direction towards the expected OTP, i.e. HyunWook/Sena pair. Even not for the best I wish, I’m fine with HyunWook/Sena OTP. But like many said here, I hope they’ll keep Shiwoo a decent and charming idol until the end. Just don’t mess up Shiwoo’s character because he’s my beloved L from INFINITE. LOL….I’m a biased Infinite fan.

  10. Is anyone else worried that HyunWook’s ear ringing is a really bad sign? Like brain tumor/terminal illness bad?

    I’m hoping it’s more a symptom of needing to let go of the past…but I’ve been burned by shows before. I may need to start preparing myself for heartbreak and a box of tissues.

  11. For all of the k-drama cliches, I actually think that they might surprise us and the relationship between Hyun Wook and Se Na *won’t* end up as an OTP but rather Hyun Wook/Hae Yoon and Shi Woo/Se Na. As I’ve watched how Hyun Wook relates with her, I see 2 things: (1) he looks at her as his little sister, and (2) sometimes (like at the club), she reminds him so much of So Eun that he is mesmerized. I will watch his looks and smiles of affection and it very much reminds me of how he looks at his physical sister; he’s an Oppa smiling at his dongsaeng. Several times, when he goes gaga, it’s in relation to some flashback of So Eun. He’s still having PTSD in the form of panic attacks and tinnitus from her death (they’ve hinted that both will go away if his heart heals because they’re psychosomatic rather than physical) so having something so tangibly close to his lost love have this effect on him is plausible.

    I can see that the outcome of this drama is to show how their coming back together helps them both heal from So Eun’s loss so they can move on with their life (with other people) instead of living in a holding pattern. They’ve hinted (Hyun Wook’s conversations with Sung Jin) that Hyun Wook’s feelings toward Hae Yoon could turn and Shi Woo/Se Na’s relationship is all about annoyance/hate turning into love. I’m optimistic that this will be the outcome.

    • Goodness I love you!! These are ny thoughts as well but I didn’t want to write them in fear of jinxing it. I’m all for this view.

    • That’s very confident of you considering how for the most part dramas play into the game of who ends up with who but always end up with the main leads anyway. I feel like most are setting themselves for disappointment though. I like that Hae Yoon is becoming a more potential and liable romantic partner, because so far she seems out of the loop compared to the Hyun Wook/Se Na/Shi Woo debacle. It’s just that, apparently, the audience is supposed to take in that Hyun Wook is seeing Se Na as a woman and therefore a romantic interest. The little sister aspect should be fading away (unless it’s not translating to the viewers properly). And unlike Shi Woo/Se Na, it’s already returned. I guess what’s throwing people off the loop a bit is the presence of So Eun, and how Jae Young, for all that he is, makes an odd comparison – “why does this bring back the same feeling of watching Hyun Wook fall in love with So Eun back then?”

      It’s so cryptic and can refer to a couple of things. Is it that Hyun Wook is falling truly in love again? Is it that he’s seeing Se Na as a figure of his past lover and therefore a replacement goldfish?

      I also don’t get Se Na’s opinion concerning Shi Woo. She was obviously genuinely thrilled that he decided to continue his career solo (and has shown concern for him), but when questioned by Hyun Wook as to why she cares, she goes on to say she was more worried about someone else. Who? The mom? Shi Woo made it clear that if he doesn’t make it as an idol, he would find a way to support her. Hyun Wook? He seemed pretty cool about things and they do have Ra Eum and other trainees, as a CEO he could have a back up. He even left the decision up to Shi Woo instead of imposing it as if he was desperate to have him in the company. I just don’t get why she felt the need to deny that she could care for Shi Woo. Is it a BAD thing or something? Caring for someone doesn’t mean it has to cross anything beyond friendship. It came out pretty cruel to me if it wasn’t denial at her end.

      If you don’t mind, what makes you think that Hyun Wook was mesmerized at the club because of how she reminded him of So Eun? Other than the ringing in his ears. I don’t remember So Eun’s presence appearing. Then again, the look on his face wasn’t exactly, “wow, Se Na’s so beautiful, I am floored out of my mind”. It looked pretty intense.

  12. I started watching this drama without any expectation. I watch it simply because the story line seemed interesting. I see that a lot people are shipping for the young ones to be a couple. However I can’t seem to find the chemistry between them. Its a little bit to early to judge. Let’s see the characters develop more in the future before we make up our minds.

    L needs a lot more acting lessons. He tends to be stiff and awkward when he acts. I find myself cringing whenever he does it. This episode shows a little bit of improvement from him. The anger that he showcased seemed real. But he has to relax and be in character. Because even during the whole anger explosion thing, he seemed stiff.

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