
The Leads of Healer Shine in New Visually Intriguing Character Stills — 8 Comments

  1. So much looking forward to this drama. Cast is wonderful, writer is great, pd is known for good projects. expecting the hit of 2014

  2. Has LMH ever worked for you? I think he was amazing as City Hunter and was never meant to be dangerous….just badass…

    Anyhow….looking forward to Healer.

  3. City Hunter is the only thing that LMH ever worked in for me.

    PMY…. looks sort of unrecognisable? Not in a bad way, that’s a more refreshing, natural look than I’ve seen her have in other dramas.

  4. City hunter was the first Korean series i ever saw, so for me lee min ho is it. He worked for me plus i’ve always loved tall guys.

  5. Is it me or just pmy look different in this image (beside the new short hair), her face look different to me?
    Look forward to jcw in this new project. He were funny in running man and I love him in Empress Ki

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