
Live-action Attack on Titan Releases Colossal First Movie Poster — 8 Comments

  1. Wow the character posters look good, though Kiko’s definitely not who I imagined as Mikasa.. I can’t wait for the second season of the anime. 2016 seems so long of a wait.

  2. I love this anime but seeing it in real live action will be scary, the titans already freaked me out in the anime, can’t imagine seeing them in real 3D… EEPPP… But count me as excited, I’m curious to how far and how realistic they can execute this.

  3. Where is my second season? :'(

    that being said, I really hope this turns out to be an amazing adaptation of the anime. Because I love it and I want a real live action movie. But I’m always cautious.

  4. No. No. No.

    One of the reasons I love animation so much is precisely because it can do things that live action just can’t, and SNK is a prime example of that. It’s high fantasy on a huge scale, and I just can’t imagine that trying to render it in 3D will be anything but cringeworthy. I’m having horrible flashbacks to the Death Note live action films here.

  5. Yes. How are they going to solve this because even the Colossus Titan is unmanageable? I hope they don’t just make everything grander in the first movie-it’s like having the shishio arc in the first kenshin movie. or are they going to create a new storyline? If that is so, i hope no characterisation will be skipped because man i need that…

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