
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 16 Recap — 84 Comments

  1. Ob puh-leez I wanted to kill myself watching her expressionless face when Seo Jin declared his feelings.He might as well as said I have a bomb strapped to me. I’ve never watched a confession scene with less interest in any drama.

    And, omg, I have to go back later when it’s my turn to edit the subs. I’ve never had such torture. Episode 20 come quickly.

    This episode was not only boring as all heck but the total void of feeling that is Hana is making me insane.How can she legitimately hug a delusion?

    • Binnie loved being a marine so that’s no comparison. He probably would pick doing a root canal without anesthesia to filming this drama.

  2. “Ha Na looks concerned. Or constipated. I can’t tell anymore”


    That was funny.

    But to me it seems that the writer wants Hana to pick robin. From your recap I don’t see Hana showing a bit of interest in the other hyn bin, the one that doesn’t look like a retard. But I can’t help you. I am just reading your recap at this point.

  3. Just finish the episode and actually quite enjoy it. I like the dignified way Hana gently refuse seo jin and time spent potraying the subtle/or not so subtle change in seo jin and Robin.

  4. I feel painful for the casts to have to act on this poor script.
    It is the example that how crucial the writing is.
    The crap writing will ruin everything Despite It has other qualities like popular actors/actresses with great acting skills , cinemaphotography, music ….
    The actors and actresses couldnt show their talent because of the nonsense writing . have to put up with this called script and continue to live shoot in tiring conditions.

  5. *Sigh*… Nothing about this show makes any logical sense, absolutely nothing…I can’t even come up with a good reason for why I’m still bothering with it…and yet, here I am…*deep sigh*

      • Absolutely. I find this drama utterly and extremely boring. But I don’t want to betray my first true K love so I continue on.

    • seriously?-can’t you guys just appreciate the heck of this drama rather than judging it like It’s so lame eventhough you guys enjoyed it?even if you hated it then stop watching

  6. ZzzzzzzZZZZ.

    The only thing I’m looking forward to at this point is the post-drama interviews. Curious to see what the cast (esp. HB) have to say and how they feel about that mess.

  7. The only reason I am putting up with this stinker (and what it has turned into… I really did enjoy it up to maybe 3 episodes ago) is Hyun Bin. But now I’m just really frustrated with the lack of any action in it. As in people doing things instead of standing around just talking and doing nothing to change anything!!

    Still going to be around til the bitter end, no thanks to you – writer-nim. So, Hana really has some sway around Robin huh? She can prevent him from coming out too. He cancelled his interview because she asked him to. So how about SJ actually ask Hana to help him again with this whole Robin thing and the DID healing?

    The two little boys at the racy movie LOL — hmm… at the very least, adult 30+ yr old SJ should get in on the action sometime too!!! Sigh…

    • I don’t know what powers Ha Na has or doesn’t have, but I would appreciate if she showed the power to apparate right out of this show.

      • Hahahahaa I just can’t stop laughing
        My thoughts too
        When she starts to say “sang mu nim…”
        I literaly ROLL my eyes every time and think
        There comes the Drone…zzzz ….. Zzz

  8. You should also do a recap on Kill Me, Heal me. Initially I thought KMHM will be a second to Hyde, Jekyll, Me. But while I was waiting for HJM to release it’s episodes, I got hooked by KMHM instead! It was really good in my opinion(I love the comical bits!). Ji Sung is really a great actor and I feel that Hwang Jung Eum’s role was soooo much better than the really undeveloped character of Han Ji Min. It would love to see your recaps on KMHM and of course your opinion on it!! But of course, this is only a suggestion. :))

    • Kill me heal me ended today. So a recap is not happening. And I second your view on Ji sung. The man can act. He is truly Devine.

      I am so want him to be in the running to be Ha Ji Won’s door mat in the remake of in time with you. XD. That face can do teenager, sweet puppy, shy, confident, sexy as hell. Ji sung can do everything.

      Some of the other names I hear are actors that always look angry or confrontational. I am not naming names.:-)

      • I hope not. Ji Sung deserves some much needed rest after playing 8 characters. I’m pretty sure he’s in a hurry to return to the lovely Lee Bo Young to take care of her and their sweet bundle of joy.

  9. Once Seo Jin gets “loved” and his existence validated, not just as the cold and heartless CEO of Wonderland, but simply as Seo Jin, then Robin by extension should also feel validated and finally meld back to his original person. That is if the real reason Seo Jin is even trying to keep Robin around is so that he can express his love for Ha Na. That in itself is not half-bad as a solution nor plot point for this story. However, the big caveat in it is that Ha Na would have to believably convey that she actually loves Seo Jin and not Robin, and that she would have to accept that Robin is actually Seo Jin. Again, that in itself is a conflict worth considering, but the problem lies somewhere “convincingly”–meaning both her (Ha Na) and (Ha Ji Min as the actor) portraying it, should be able to convey it in a manner that is palpable in-story and to us the audience. At this point however I’m really doubtful how could they portray such a drastic change in such a short span of time, especially considering the lack of over all energy between Ha Ji Min and Hyun Bin. It’s literally like watching water turn to ice whenever the two interact with one another. In fact I probably felt more spark between Hyun Bin and Sung Joon, nay, even young Seo Jin and Soo Hyun felt more organic and warm. If Soo Hyun wasn’t currently incarcerated, then I would rather ship him with Seo Jin. Sadly, not only does this drama failed to portray a successfully gripping DID narrative, it have failed twofold by having a non-existent romance too. Having this credited under Hyun Bin’s name is like the biggest disappointment of K-drama this year, and perhaps the past half a decade. This drama had flopped more ways than fish that fell of its bowl would be.

  10. this drama I can’t I just can’t believe that with each passing week it keeps getting worse and worse. And to think the first few episodes I liked HJM just as much as KMHM

  11. Huhuhu poor Seo Jin…can’t Ha Na sees that they are the same person. What is Seo Jin decide to banish Robin?? Robin would be dissappear forever..Inconsiderate girl…Please something have some mercy towards Seo Jin..

  12. Here are my at leasts
    At least Binnie is beautiful to watch in glasses…
    At least there are only 4 more episodes…
    At least the Doctor can go to the bathroom freely…
    At least the guy with the skunk head makes me laugh sometimes.

    I feel like Dad is Elmer J. Fudd and HJM is a wabbit, and it’s wabbit season.

    Watching this episode was like a viewing a pretty nice calm pond where only ripples happen. Nobody ever talks loud enough to make waves on it.

    I like that the doc names Robin for what he really is – a symptom of severe mental illness. He can’t go on TV, he can’t have his own apartment. What does that mean?
    He has to sleep at SJ’s because he IS SJ.

    Maybe getting rid of Hana is the answer. She’s useless, and you are right. How can she possibly fall in love with SJ in four hours of show?


  13. You know i used to really love your recaps on other dramas, but you shouldn’t really do recaps if you don’t like the drama, really. It’s a pain to read……. And i think this drama is not that bad really! There are a lot worse than this so just be positive about it and stop comparing it to other dramas

      • Seriously, why are you wasting your time recapping this drama if you hate it so much??!! I just get annoyed reading all your negative comments. I actually really liked this episode because it feels that we’ve finally moved past the whole Soo Hyun ordeal and we can finally refocus on the SeoJin/Robin DID. Seo Jin was ever cute in this episode in trying so hard to learn to fit in, socialize.

    • Why do criminals get lawyers? Even bad dramas need someone to recap them. If all of us only did things we loved, most of us would not have jobs.:-)

    • I love breaking things down for peeps.

      1. I really love recapping good dramas. Emphasis on “good”.

      2. I love Binnie so I chose to recap HJM.

      3. I keep hoping HJM turns into a “good” drama, but that has not happened. Hoping HJM is good does not, and will not, lead me to PRETEND it’s actually good and therefore write a recap extolling it’s nonexistent virtues.

      4. I never claim to write happy recaps. I write what I feel. This drama makes me mad. Makes me so fucking mad I can’t even. I’ve actually restraining 99.9% of the extent of my rage in each recap.

      5. I COULD stop writing, but because I love Binnie I keep hoping this drama somehow magically gets better. That’s why I keep going. That, and to lead the few remaining to the promised land that is freedom for Binnie. See? I make so much sense sometimes.

      • True just of something horrifying. With 4 episodes to go the writer can’t be seriously thinking of making Robin the end personality right? Like Seo Jin decided to sacrifice himself for Hana? I mean there is no effort whatsoever to try to integrate them. In fact Hana is continuing his illness.

        That is terrible.

      • 🙂 YAY!

        I think the main theme for the majority of the few that are left still watching is our love for Binnie must be really strong (I mean really strong cause I think a lot of his fans dropped it already) and thankfully, he is still gracious and rising above the crap and still acting pretty darn swell. 🙂

      • Don’t you feel better reading all the comments here? I think you will becauss I laugh so hard. Frustration can make people become funnier I guess 🙂

      • Thank you so much for these recaps, Ms. Koala. I come here to read your thoughts about HJM as soon as I finished each episode. I just love reading your blog so much.

    • hmm…
      but stop recapping just make it worst for the one who wanted to read
      I find it’s been fair and there’s another site you can visit for positive review

      Idk but I think koala have been showing how the drama fail on some week and it is as fair to think this ep was bad or good as long the point is made
      koala has stated the recapped because of Hyun bin, so…why so afraid on some negativity

    • okay, this writer should take some time off and seriously improve her story telling skills. yes, there have been bad/crazy dramas out there, like DOCTOR STRANGER and marry him if you dare, BUT this one really manages to get under my skin for wasting so much potential and since it’s also BINNIE. i can’t help but think it could have been sooooo much more IF the script was stronger. so thanks koala for sticking through with this. it’s only a handful of us watching now sigh. it sucks to keep watching this and NOT feel so much ANGER and FRUSTRATION for giving such a crappy crappy show. sad to know binnie’s name is affiliated with this drama. i really hope he does another drama (with infinitely much better script) to really make me forget about this let down.

    • From reading the recaps, HJM, probably… At least Blood ends on a cliff hanger each time and actually makes you want to watch the next episode.

  14. I thought it was ok, yeah it’s slow but what’s new.
    Even I am getting used to the rhythm of the show
    I like seojin and he shines again. I like how much he has grown (well he’s the only one in this drama) it sure does help that hyun bin is very good looking as seojin hence my patience is really high for this drama

    The writing is just very flawed
    No one seems to address hana is not comprehending that Robin is NOT real.
    I mean, look at her expression at seojins direct confession and that lame duck reply abt her feelings for him maybe because he’s Robins brother
    HELLO They are one person! I mean, what the 83@&@&9@$ i cannot understand this part of the writing
    And seriously who would fall for Robin when seojins around.

  15. Okay so I can tolerate this drama the only reason I keep anticipating this drama is knowing what’s next. Still don’t like that seojin character doesn’t have that many intimate parts with HaNa and its ep 16… And she still can’t make up her mind if she loves seojin. Is it wishful thinking that all these episodes were dragged on crap was leading to an amazing end???

    My thoughts on how this will end is like the ending from Big (which I didn’t like) … That seojin will leave trying to heal himself and finding ways to have robin as part of his overall personality… And ultimately learn from himself to accept himself (or some cheese crap sht) and tells Hana to await his return… Then fast forward 2~3 years later ha na in her wonderland show and sees seojin again and he’s like “ha na-shi” she turns around they smile while OP music plays and END … Yeah I see a sucky ending leaving us with questions… And seojin self will never kiss ha na …. Ever.

    • OMG! If the ending is like that I will freaking smash my phone..
      For goodness sake I can tolerate slowness I can spend my time looking at hyun bin cheekbones like koala but give me that kind of stopid ending I’m can’t even

      • WHAT THE HECK!!! i’m with @stardust! that would be the WORST possible thing that could happen to the drama. if it ended like that, then, i need to go a mental hospital!!! and at this point the kiss between seojin and ha na is a lost cause….just like the ratings have been! wow, good job drama, just speechless now. still love binnie but wowww…

      • Save your phone! LOL 🙂 Hugs! Your phone and mine.

        If that is the ending (which anything is possible), I’m not quite sure what I would do, but it won’t be pretty.

        Don’t you dare – writer-nim! Don’t you dare!

      • don’t smash it,
        you can give it to me….hmmm

        maybe because I am not fans of any actor/actress here,
        so I am not that frustrated
        but still you can throw your phone to me, (^^)

    • Would it be a better ending if seojin got into some accident and went to a coma (like all kdramas do) and he has this dream as he’s in the coma that he finally meets Robin. They talk and say how funny it is that this is where they have to meet finally. They come in terms and like for each other and then somehow magically seojin and robins memories and ideas fuse into one personality. He wakes up and he sees Hana on his bedside. She sees him awake and she says “seojin?” He shakes his head.. “Robin?!” He shakes his head. He’s like its both .. It’s all of me . I remember those dreams now . Then the cure or cause wasn’t ha na at all it was all seojin himself that can fix it.LOL i kinda like it like that. I don’t want seojin to go and I don’t want robin to leave haha I really hope they go along the lines of this because wouldn’t it be funny for seojin to remember the memories he did as Robin?

  16. You should have recapped Kill Me, Heal Me (way funnier). Even that series had its cofusing moments, but I I don’t thing Hyun Bin can save this sunken ship. I really hope they give the split personalities a rest in kdrama land.

  17. Friend peers into phone
    “..u still watching this? I heard its total crap”
    “And why are u still on it?”
    “So if I like HB I might like this? Gawd he’s cute…those dimples”
    “Urgh that guy is so boring I can’t even … This one’s the deal”
    “Er what’s up with the side parting and the Harry Potter specs. I’m so team dimple”
    “No you won’t”
    “Cool. I kinda like HB. I’ll try ep1 I’m dramaless now ”
    “Woah honestly Please, dont ruin ur life.”
    “I liked him in secret garden”
    “ did many.. not enough..”
    ” ok I survived that drama with his ex,it was so slow that sometimes I fell asleep…I fast play a lot but I watched it”
    ” that had decent writing at least. Take that pace x10 and a bland female lead”
    “You can’t be serious. that show was S.L.O.W”
    “Yeah I am”
    “I got through snow queen. It was you know not that great too”
    “Gal, I’m serous, this drama is way bad. Don’t start it”
    ” so why the heck are you still watching it”
    “Seriously. I don’t know”
    ” what? Then drop it already”
    ” I like some parts, mainly just his parts.”
    “So I might like it too yeah”
    “I wouldn’t count on that”

    One week later

    “What the 585&9(&59&;(&9&(4&;&)@$@@ is wrong with this drama? &&@@”&@@998 tell me does it get better? It HAS to get better Seriously! $&@”897385@@55@@ I can’t believe this writer actually got to write a hyun bin drama, what a 78994@95@6@65″ waste. He’s really good. Tell me it gets better because it sure darn can. The potential Is there!! They just have to make it right!$&@&@@”

    “So how much have u watched?”

    “I’m at episode 8”

    “Sure. Welcome to being slowly driven insane”

    • We seriously need an award to celebrate our dedication to Hyun Bin. The only thing that will make me happy again is seeing him in another ratings success drama… and maybe his announcement of dating Ha Ji Won. That ship is gonna sail. One. Day. I JUST KNOW IT.

  18. hahahahaha
    never I laugh this hard reading comments of a recap,
    even ms.koala diligently replies many comments hahaha
    Omg… my tummy! XDDD

    • I second it. My poor tummyis suffering now. Wonderful comments from the recap of a crappy drama. Ms Ockoala has a new record now.


  20. Btw Blood is far more interesting than HJM. Ahn Jae Hyun may be a new comer but he is working hard and putting a lot effort. Can’t write off a good drama bcos of him.

  21. okay,
    I am inclined to see the latest ep to give some credit due to low rating
    some really positive reviews
    and feel that I can’t judge it as half series with disappointment
    also spoiler for last minute 15 ep and whole stop of TJ kidnapp
    but then i feel loose again

    I just wanna said that Hana is really slow at thinking or she is egoist
    I saw lot audience said she is mature but IMO she never pay attention to anything
    she been doing that and there with SJ and SJ is the one that make TJ case ends
    and little bit sympathetic feel doesn’t arise at least doesn’t show
    logically think it was right not to accept his feeling now and not feel love for sympathy
    but he has mental illness for god sake, very bizarre and rare one
    if she just think once or asking about the illness
    how can she accept personality relationship and refuse to help the other one/leaving
    didn’t she has doubt that her bf will vanish or the other will
    didn’t she ever think abut who is the real one and think it was same person?
    didn’t she remember she is the one that make bf appear?
    didn’t she think it exhausted to that man body to live like that?
    (even in another drama about people living with diff way, they got sick or
    the other didn’t full half day control)
    it wasn’t mature but strike more as ego since Rb can make her happy
    think about SJ as person who need to be happy and you bring it
    it wasn’t about being kind but it is how it supposed to feel about someone kindness
    it didn’t need to doctor degree to understand if she just really thinks or care as this is ep 16

    now I understand what really stand out in this series

    how unrequited is GSJ affection and love so far

    @koala pardon my comment since I love the way you being honest in this recap
    (even sometimes I disagree but you have a point in your critique) but still give credit when its due
    also not posted just about the positive things in the series
    since it really good as story in paper
    but the ep itself is disappointing

    sorry if I miss something but some ep just forgettable

    • Agree. I think he definitely is awesome at whatever projects he takes. No problem with that. It’s just the projects themselves! That is what frustrates me the most! Really needs to make much better decisions when choosing his dramas!!! It really brings him down!!!

  22. Why is Hana speaking sooooo slowly ? There’s no sense of urgency, excitement, confusion, or any emotion in her speech. For the love of Binnie, I’m watching this and look forward to new episodes, how ever painful they are. I thought epi 16 was ok except for Hana.

  23. This drama is getting so boring to the point that i am having a hard time to stay awake watching every episode. Even Blood is way more entertaining.

    I still don’t understand why hyun bin rejected KMHM for HJM. Maybe he was not willing to act as Yo Na??

    • oh, hyun bin was offered the role in KMHM? i think he’s regretting it now. poor hyun bin. huhu

      and i agree, Blood is wayyyyyyyy more entertaining than HJM, and this coming from someone who’s allergic to vampire drama/movie (I blame twilight for this. lol)

  24. Why don’t they cut down this drama?????
    They do it all the time with GOOD dramas because of the (#$#%#?!#%?%&!?&!@&) ratings so why not for a (!??!%?&!&#&?%@%!) drama?????

    This would free the actors (and specially Binnie) from this hell, too!!!!

  25. ockoala – I stopped watching this series after ep. 2 but kept reading your recaps because of the hilarious comments. Between this and My Lovable Girl, if you have to take one series to make it disappear from the world forever, which one would you pick??

  26. I dwnld 1.5gb of ep 16 within half an hour, but i finished watching the whole episode in less than 10 minutes (thank god for the forward button)

    i watch it for hyun bin, but right now, i’m struggling to even try to understand what the hell is happening in the drama. I don’t know what the writer is doing. He should’ve put on more effort for better script, but instead he keep on busying himself with accusing KMHL plagiarizing HJM. mai gawd…

    The worst drama in my list is Blade Man, and the worst actress in my list is SSK, that is, until now.
    The more episode of HJM i watched, the higher it moves into the top of my worst kdrama list. heck, even Shin Se Kyung in Blade man act better than Han Ji Min in this drama (sorry Han Ji Min fans).

    i guess they cannot cut short this drama into 16 episodes, seeing that the casts are pretty big names, so they had to continue the drama with nonsense and twisting out our mind with non-exists plot.
    I’m gonna still watching it until the end, for the sake of Hyun Bin. God Bless Me.

  27. It is really sad how a bad writing is ruining all the efforts of the rest of Hajina Team…
    Like many fans, I continue watching only because I want to support HB until the end.
    I am worried that HB won´t want to do dramas after this one. It took so long to him to pick one. Btw, I don´t question his original choice to this drama… maybe the first script he was given was interesting, the concept was good, it had a lot of potential, but the screenwriter couldn´t “lift off” the idea, so it started to move in circles…

    I am a little worried about HB image too… do you think this drama will take away a little of his popularity? I hope not! He is the one that makes this drama “shine”… his performance has always been great despite the bad script.

    Hugs to all!

    • oh god i hope he doesn’t stop making dramas for awhile after this. i hope he realizes that it’s not him, but the drama itself!!! and i’m too worried about his image. i think it might take away a little (with all that has gone on with this drama) but i hope he gains it back though!! and yes, he does make his drama shine. if he wasn’t in this one, i would have dropped it a LONG time ago!

  28. The problem is the writer thinks that viewers are retarded. The gorilla scene in episode 1 was so ridiculous. The writer must have loved King Kong very much. Then the kidnapping plot was used so many times. Sung Joon had become a pro in kidnapping. The circus is used as a filler. Even an elementary school kid can think of better ideas.

  29. The pace of the show and the lead lady character or the other things is not work well, it is good as separate things but combine together flesh out the flaw more than what we can enoy
    we came out with no understanding on what happen or why they did, it just did and move the plot and we just watch then nothing
    what really work is Hyun Bin character, Sung Joon character and beautiful background

    as question, why they shoot indoor now? it’s like the background is not as much as 1st 8 ep, and what happen in Jang Hana came 1 day late?

  30. I know how you feel.. wish i could pat your back and say It’s okay..

    Still keep up the good work and dont be stress.. hwaiting!!!

  31. I really want to like this drama since I’m a huge fan of Hyun Bin, but this drama feels really dry and bland, I see no chemistry at all between Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min too I hope he can do better in his next drama, Binnie-oppa fighting!

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