
Press Conference and Long Preview for Super Daddy Yul Premiering this Friday — 11 Comments

  1. “having a MAYBE terminal illness”? Maybe? I thought her dying was the whole point of the story – she’s only loking for a Dad for the kid because she herself is dying?

  2. Interesting trailer.That last poster does show some resemblance between the daughter and would-be daddy. Will definitely check this out.

  3. I’m definitely going to check this out too and I’m not going to trust this will stay as a rom-com as well. Given the premise, it will be difficult to keep the comedy going during the whole show, but if things will get too far I won’t stay & watch a brand new cry-fest *sigh*

  4. My heart can’t take another MSD. I was broken for weeks after that ended. Don’t sell me on cute and then melo at the end. Oh, who am I kidding. I probably will watch…

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