Kim Bum Shows Off His Hidden Identity Transformation in Broody Singles Pictorial
I haven’t started watching Kim Bum‘s new tvN drama Hidden Identity, electing to wait for more episodes to drop before starting a marathon watch since that’s normally how I prefer to watch noir-ish thriller shows. The drama premiered last week to fantastic ratings for a cable show, as well as positive reviews for Kim Bum in a dark adult role that is a major image change for him. He went all method acting and lost over 20 pounds to play this character, a look that is captured in the just released edgy pictorial from Singles magazine. I adore Kim Bum and am fully onboard with challenging himself in different sorts of roles, even if it requires a physical transformation. I personally don’t like this uber rangy look on him, objectively speaking it’s a hot look but he also looks hungry and angry which just makes me want to feed him.
He looks starving..
He looks very different, and these pics in b/w definitely highlight the changes. But I’m watching the show and it fits his character to a tee. He needs to look haunted and boy does he pull it off. He’s fantastic as usual – so much love for his dedication to his work and his progress.
I like his dedication to his acting craft. he also lost weight when he played an angel in padam padam. he reminds me of vic Zhou in a way. vic Zhou also seems to look like a different person in different roles
I’m all for the effort that he put in to transform himself even to the physical level. Though, I don’t think him starving and having a hollowed look justifies the role that he plays. I’ve been watching it and it’s great, and Kim Bum is great too, make no mistake. I just don’t see how him losing weight has any significance to the role. If anything, having more muscle mass would have probably suited it better.
His stare though is definitely haunting, and if losing weight is what enhanced it, then I guess he achieved it plenty well.
I guess I’m the only one who thinks hidden identity is utterly ridiculous, then? :/
Kibum is doing well but the role isn’t that demanding. His character is so quiet, and his half starved gaunt look means him just standing there looks sad and pathetic. I hope he puts on more weight after the show ends.
I didn’t recognize him when reading recaps. He looks ten years older and so haggard.
Aww, Kim Bum was my first korean love. Unlike ones in real life, you never have to be ashamed of him. (Because ohmygod he still looks really good.)
I’m with you there!
Hidden Identity is GREAT so far and Bummie is doing a bang up job. The whole cast is. The directing is glorious. Feels like Cruel City and that’s as high a praise as I can give a Kdrama. Maybe a little more hopeful and lighter than CC, but definitely on the right track.
you got me with the Cruel City comment and I am off to start watching the new Kim bum drama.
He’s looked starved to me in every drama since BOF.
This is a Great and intense drama. One of my Fav!
I find him very hot like this. I don’t think he’s too skinny. For BoF he was only 20 years old, it’s normal he was a little bit chubby.
I like this actor because he tries different kind of role even he’s not the lead.
Like Christian Bale in The Machinist.