K-drama Casting Rumors: I Live Alone on KBS Eyes Moon Chae Won and Lee Jong Seok Likely Doing MBC’s Saver
Fun K-drama casting rumors, more legit than random fan daydreams of “I want so-and-so to star in this drama”, are making the rounds to shake up this Wednesday hump day. DC is abuzz with two separate juicy casting reveals by a poster who has a great track record of casting spoilers that later turn out to be true. Even then, take this with a grain of salt since people can always back out later on. First up is Moon Chae Won wgo is rumored to be in talks for the next KBS Mon-Tues drama airing in late fall tentatively called I Live Alone, to follow Taming Mother-in-law which will air once I Remember You wraps up.
Moon Chae Won has had a three successive drama hits on KBS with Good Doctor, Nice Guy, and The Princess’s Man, so it’s highly probable she will pick the network for her next drama. I Live Alone will be directed by the PD Lee Jong Sub of Healer, he’s a KBS regular and I’ve actually watched many of the dramas he’s directed but clearly Healer is his most recent buzzed about directorial work. The potential worrisome kicker in this project is the screenwriter being Kim Do Hyun, whose most recent work was taking over the remaining 2/3rd of My Secret Hotel, and before that wrote Goodbye Dear Wife for cable network Channel A.
I don’t want to write off I Live Alone just on the possible weakness of the screenwriter alone, especially since the PD is a very experienced and talented with multiple genres, plus I really want to see Moon Chae Won back onscreen sooner rather than later. Kim Do Hyun taking over MSH did make the latter half a mess but ghostwriting a story that she didn’t originate is a tough feat for any writer so for now I’ll keep my hopes up. If Moon Chae Won does do it, I think I Live Alone with air on KBS Mon-Tues at the same time KBS is airing Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo‘s Descendants of the Sun on Wed-Thurs, making it a cute sorta reunion for my Nice Guy OTP over the KBS airwaves.
The second big casting rumor today is Lee Jong Seok likely going over to MBC for his next drama, the highly anticipated followup by screenwriter Choi Ran after her last hit God’s Gift: 14 Days. She wrote the drama for SBS, and her last drama before God’s Gift was Iljimae with Lee Jun Ki which also aired on SBS, but reportedly her next drama called Saver will be airing on MBC early 2016. Drama insiders are saying that Lee Jong Seok will be headlining Saver and it’s a done casting deal, with him excited to take on yet another challenge as the drama will be in the same genre as God’s Gift and be a humanistic mystery thriller. This one sounds super promising and a great choice for Lee Jong Seok if he does confirm later on.
I love her. I want Moon Chae Won for korean adaptation of BBJX
me too I really want her for the remake of BBJX.
This would be a great role if the script is adapted well.
Finally some news of Chae Won…I’m going to trust her judgment on female roles and scripts. I just miss her like crazy.
Lee Jong Suk… Can’t wait
ME Three. Even If She wants to do this one, Let’s Hope They will be smart enough to cast her for that one(BBJX Korean version)as well.
Like Ockoala I’m really desperate to have her back in Drama Land, Not sure about The writer, But I trust MCW as She has great eyes for Strong Female characters and good scripts.
Sorry but what is BBJX??
Bu Bu Jing Xin is Chinese period drama.
MCW for BBJX remake!!!
Lee Jong Seuk and God gift’s writer’s script…double Yes!
Oh so I live alone will air in September? That’s when DotS will air according to chinese media. If that’s true, I don’t think she has time to back out so it’s pretty much a done deal imo.
Finally my boy!!!
Can’t wait!!!!
ChaeWon? KBS? Drama comeback? Please let it happen! Please!!!!
I like MCW too. FIGHTING!
Yess please Jongsuk! I miss you!
I don’t have a good feeling with MCW making a comeback with this drama… :/ I want her back but I want her to be in a drama with a strong writer. I mean maybe the writer surprises us but I don’t know.
me too. and who know when will she do a drama again after this
I can wait another months for something better with strong and trustworthy writer. Hope the best for her!
Rofl. Both are fleeing SBS at maximum speed which is very wise, given the mess it has become. Not a guarantee of success but at least we can have some hope.
MCW been with KBS since 2010.
so.. what kind of super ability lee jong suk will have this time …
Superpower to choose a high rating script
you know I really don’t want he become a genius/superhero who lost his family member at the beginning of his drama …. for 4 consecutive drama
@okola, have you heard any Seung Gi’s casting rumor?
What rumor about Seungi? Please tell me.
Can’t wait to see Jong Suk acting again!!!
Dramaworld needs healers and savers!
Wasn’t PD Lee Jong Sub directing the movie Real with Kim Soo Hyun? That’s what I though, but I might be confusing different people. Excited for MCW’s return and who she’ll get paired up with. The writer is questionable but she’s a savvy project picker so I’ll give her the benefit of doubt.
Oh god ,I always watch her work but if she’s going to be working with LJS then I won’t be watching ,can’t stand him .
I think you missunder, Moon chaewon going to KBS drama, Lee Jongsuk going to MBC drama.
She’s talking about the writer.
I hope see moon chae won with ji Chang wook or lee min ho this drama I hope so!
Yayyyy to Ji Chang Wook and a BIG FAT NOOOOO to Lee Min Ho, The guy CAN’T act.
Try watching Gangnam Blues. It changed my view of him. He improved a lot. It’s a good movie too.
OMG..Moon Chae Won..I heard this is only 8 eps drama??I love moon chae won and i really want to see her now in a drama but i don’t know how to react about this..
Haha & who is going to partner Lee Jong Suk in his next drama?
Perhaps a reunion with DS Kang Sora?
Errr… like most people, I am still hoping for BBJX remake or LKH’s drama for MCW. I Live Alone… not sure with the writer.
I need a MCW-SJK reunion. T.T
But I’m wishing her all the best(Jongsuk too)

what about that drama by pinocchio,i hear our voice, dream high writer? that so called “page turner”? i think moon chae won better consider that drama. The title alone are truly captivating plus the writer really know her drama. Plus, the writer is really good in making strong heroin character and heartwarming family story. Besides, i believe with lee jong suk choice. He is really good in choosing drama. Even that mess dr stranger, he cover up with his excellent acting that show how good he is as an actor.
hope it happen. they both can act. so no need to worry about their acting being bad in the drama.