
Lost You Forever Chapter 44: A Familiar Person’s Heart Changes Easily — 33 Comments

  1. the one who tried to kill Jing and Xiao Yao would repay their mistake a big time *crossed finger*

    many many thanks for the translations.. keep the hard work! Himnae Captain K!!

  2. Sh1t is about to go down. Oh my word. Please don’t wait too long to post next chapter. Thank for translations! Now I need recover my blood pressure.

  3. I feel so sad about this part of the story. Xiang Lu for the win! He comes to save her or buılds connections and sends someone to protect her on his behalf or makes others aware that she is in danger. Such a lover boy! Even though my heart breaks for Zuan Xu, you know what they say: You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. He chose power, the kingdom, etc. over her, so this is the consequence. I am eagerly waiting for Xing Yue’s retribution. Also, I hope that Jing is not dead and will show up soon! Xao Yao can’t have him dead, she has had such a pitiful life, she needs that shred of happiness.
    Kaptain K! Thank you very much for your hard work and beautiful translation. Also, I am very grateful to you for uploading several episodes in a row after such a long time. It was definitely worth the wait. I am looking forward to the upcoming chapters soon!

  4. Ohhh those twins are gonna die. The empress is crazy. I think the best thing they can do to her is strip her of being empress but keep her alive but with no power. For now ZY should just place XY on Jade Mountain until he handles things. Jing hurry and come back already.
    Koala unni thanks for your awesome translation !

  5. I cannot wait for Zhuan Xu to find out who tried to kill Xiao Yao. i know he’s normally all cautious and composed but I hope this attack is enough to make him lose his chill and properly punish XY and FL.

  6. Thank you so much Koala. I can’t seem to find other words than thank you and I love you to show how much I appreciate your hard work.

    I wonder from time to time whether your all consuming love for one particular male lead is equal or as much as all my consuming love for Jing. I LOVE him. I mean really really love him. I never thought that I could love a male lead in a story as much as I love him. So, the ending scares. I never feel this scared before. I feel like I should stop reading before I find my heart breaking into a million little pieces. But I just can’t stop I’m looking forward to the day you post a new chapter like a dying man in the dessert waiting for rain.

    Thank you again. Love.

  7. Ms. Koala thank you for an impeccable English translation. Truly, truly enjoy the story. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned will aptly described Xing Yue, Poor Xiao Yao, imagine she dare not ever make any wishes in case the heaven heard them and destroy her wish.

  8. I’m so nervous about the ending. Even though it is probably impossible, I’m rooting for Xiang Liu..I feel like one of the 3 leads will have to die. I don’t believe Jing is dead. That leaves Zhuan Xu and Xiang Liu…Zhuan Xu is making a united kingdom so I don’t think he is going to die..that leaves Xiang Liu…I don’t want to cry.

  9. Thank you!!

    Zhuan Xu-ah, Zhuan Xu. Why do you make my heart hurt so? There’s just something about seeing Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao’s interactions and his love for her through Xing Yue’s eyes that makes it all the more sweet, all the more heartbreaking. Yes, he chose power, etc. BUT he made that decision to protect the one person her loves most in the entire world–Xiao Yao. He gave up a chance to fight for his own happiness so that he could make the world be a safe and happy place for Xiao Yao to roam to her heart’s content (which looks like based on these past few chapters, he still needs to work on XD). That end bit where Xiao Yao mistook Zhuan Xu as Jing was just so hard to read…he was just so happy and one word crushed his heart again for the nth time…

    And of course, there’s my other boy Xiang Liu…when he felt her pain, how pained must he have been? (And NO Xiao Yao, he would not be annoyed but worried sick!) I just love that although he couldn’t make it there to save Xiao Yao in person he did end up saving her nonetheless. Giving her the ability to protect herself through archery, placing Left Ear by her side, notifying Zhuan Xu…how can anyone not love him?!?

    And then there’s Left Ear. His complete loyalty and devotion to Xiao Yao in this chapter was so moving. The two of them fighting for their lives (who else loved when Xiao Yao was determined to bring down as many people with her as possible? Girl’s awesome), although nerve-wracking, was definitely very enjoyable to read simply to see their interactions. Also how telling was this moment:

    “I will become like Xiang Liu?” Xiao Yao drowsily said “I hope it’s more like Bei……but it’s all the same! No matter what you become, I will accompany you to walk the entire path…..”

    Side note: totally shipping him with Miao Pu XD They’re adorable!

    • Lastly, I just wanted to add that it’s a shame that these friends from the early parts of the novel ended up on such a bitter note. Jealousy really is a green-eyed monster indeed. BTW, who do y’all think Xing Yue and Feng Long were going to frame for Xiao Yao’s murder if successful…?

      • ……….Ms. Koala, not to push my luck, but I’m just wondering, are you still planning on translating the best of the c-fanfics for LYF after the novel is complete?

  10. Awww ; ; poor Zhuan Wu that moment of happiness dashed less than a second later. Xiao Yue needs to get punished! Unfortunately she’ll drag Feng Long down with her. Thank you for the chapter~! Can’t wait to find out what happens next.

  11. Loved your translation!!!!! Thank you for your continued efforts in translating this novel.

    All three male leads are so wonderfully written! I hope Jing is not dead; Xiang Liu’s hidden intentions can be known by Xiao Yao; and Zhuang Xu can let go of his feelings for Xiao Yao (it’s too late now to win her heart back.)

    I enjoyed very much reading this chapter as much as the previous ones (if not more)!! Thank you so much!!

  12. Thank you Captain K! My heart ached for ZX but it’s too late to the game. It’s very unfortunate. These 3 male leads are so well written. You mentioned earlier that the author has written out the emotional feeling the men have for XY except for Xiang Liu. Actually there really isnt much to explain because his actions speak for itself and only XY chose not to see it. Wish she would wake up and see what’s in front of her.

    I see each men love for XY differently

    XL is XY sole mate. There’s an internal spark when they see each other.

    ZX is XY a brotherly and unconditional love

    Jing and XY good friends that fits requirement and each other needs

    Still a die heart fan of XL/Bei They are so comparable but as we know sometime in life decisions are made for you….

  13. Thank you! You know that saying that a person must have saved an entire nation when a wonderful thing happens or is gifted to them. Keep a lookout for your wonderful something! Off to read again!

  14. omgggg. the feeels. I read six chapters in one sitting, and it is just so unbelievably emotional for me. I feel like the past few hours, my heart has been torn, tossed in a storm, healed, and then ripped apart again. I’ve been on the edge of my seat. I cannot thank you enough for translating this series. You are a wonderful soul.

  15. Thank you so much Koala! Lost You Forever’s ch 1-9 are recently published in Thai as one volume and I just can’t wait for the next one, so I come to your blog and read all the rest. Very happy but still hungry for more. I just can’t get enough of Tong Hua’s dramatic works. When I finished OP, I thought Qi Yo is my most favorite male lead of all C-novels. And he still is, even though I love Jing very much and the relationship between Jing and Xiao Yao. Their feelings towards each other are very idealistic. I guess and hope that Jing is not dead. Since the novel is going to end soon, and it says that this story has a happy ending, so he must come back and be with Xiao Yao.

  16. First of all,thank you ms koalas p,thank you author tong hua,thank you c drama series team,thank you China actors and actresses,thank you tan jianci.what a roller coaster read novel lyf,nway it’s my first to read tong hua novel.and its a gem.

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