
Park Shin Hye in Talks for 2016 SBS Drama Female Gangster Hye Jung — 53 Comments

  1. I really hope she takes this role on. The story will evolve around her character and she can showcase her acting. Really missed her – a year has been too long to wait for her next onscreen presence.

  2. This sounds completely differrent with her previous roles. I hope she take it
    And finally she will be back soon! I miss her so much

  3. sounds,it’s a female centric drama(which is kinda rare,except are’re on HJW or JJH’s level)i remembered she said she wanted to try a doctor role.the only problem is the writer.

  4. High society was meh but maybe this will be other story. she really needs to take female centric role now if she wants to advance her career and this sounds perfect for her.

  5. I agree with koalas comment.I hope you accept this Korean drama offer instead of the Chinese drama.You are a very versatile actress.I have watched you in tree of heaven,stairway to heaven and all your other korean dramas and movies.I especially like you in You’re Beautiful and Tree of Heaven.I can’t wait to see your next drama coz I only watch your dramas.Good luck and more success to you in the coming years.

  6. any drama that have PSH is going to hit big in china.her last two drama prove that. hoping PHS will land the male lead role. so his will be more poplular in china.

    • lmao what’s about no?
      He has a long way to go and if anything she needs a senior actor that she can learn from.
      I dont see romantic chemistry between them. He is like her little brother

    • Kindly do not take me wrong i want lead guy who have good acting chops and not so highly famous as i am fed up with lame excuses of anti psh that she become famous because of lead guys as its not true. So now i want psh to work with not so famous guy and give tight slap to those antis,because i believe in her that she can alone take drama to high level.

  7. I love her and miss her so much. Just hoping that she will choose a good project to show her versatility and capability as an actress. Seems like the writer’s track record with drama is not so good.

  8. Yeah! I would like to see if a certain drama would change my perceptions about (or prejudice against?) her. Even I saw her make impressive progress in the project “Pinocchio,” she’s still far from being in my fave list. To be honest, several of her early dramas made she really unlikable to me. This female ganster-turned doctor thing seems interesting. Perhaps it’s something challenging enough for a young actress and she’s eventually able to nail it that would change my bias against her stiffing acting and facial expression.. LOL Wish her the best and success.

  9. Just a bit concerned about the writer! Have not seen any of her dramas.
    A good drama is possible if the characters are multi layered with an interesting storyline. Even female-centric roles need to be well written for the audience to connect .
    Beyond that….the role does seem to be what would be something challenging and different from her previous ones.
    I wonder who is the director and the lead?
    Eagerly waiting for Shinhye’s next drama but with a good director and script.

      • The points in favour…..
        1. Storyline seems to be based around the female protagonist . That’s an indication that the character will have enough depth for the actress playing it to show her mettle.
        2. It appears to be different from past roles played by her.
        3. The character will be that of a strong woman…..that always connects with the audience AND leaves a lasting impression.
        4. The story itself is different…..not usual run of the mill.
        5. The script won an award in 2010 .

        The not so comforting factor……
        1. The writer does not have a successful drama under her belt so don’t know how well-written the role will be.

        The unknown factors……
        1. Who the director will be? That will make a HUGE difference in how the written words are translated into visual and how he brings the best out from the artists…..
        2. Who the male protoganist will be…..the actors feed off each other’s performance so a good cast raises the bar of performances…

        Keeping above factors in consideration…….I am cautiously optimistic and hesitantly happy at the news…until more info surfaces.
        Waiting anxiously!
        Sorry for delayed response… 🙂

  10. glad that she’ll have another project, I don’t like yhe writer tho, I’ve watched high society only until ep 2, and stopped, it’s not my cup of tea. then can we get married and warm word, well I didn’t watch it since it’s definitely not my cup of tea. So, if PSH accept this, I hope the writer csn surprise me and change my mind. I need a strong, lovable, fun and clever female character like choi in ha, hmm… I wish she could reunite with writer park hye ryun… but she has page turner already. Anyway.. looking forward to PSH..

    • I’m afraid if you are looking for Choi Inha type of character again you will be disappointed and Shin Hye has already successfully acted out CIH, we don’t want observers to say she keeps acting out the same roles. I just wish ppl would forget CIH, she needs a total different role to further her career.

      • You so right. Do not look at her acting trying to find connection with however character she played before. Everybody refresh your eyes and mind , and look at her performance as an actress in that specific plot, playing the character in the plot. She wants challenging characters where she can shows her acting moving forward. Fans should support her in this NEW adventure , and not trying to keep her stack in one place, that is a killer to actress and their carrier in entertainment world .

  11. well, not definitely the same like CIH, but a well written character like that I meant. I know she’ll need a different character role for her next project. Yeah, she’s so great as CIH, I’ve watched her previous dramas, but the latest one is my most fave and best of her in my view. So, if you wish people would forget her CIH’s role, she needs to get a better character than CIH. And I think the key is in the writer’s hand.

  12. if shinhye accept this drama it same like dr stranger and yong pal but version female. i really hope this time her partner would someone over 30an like kim dong wan, jo in sung. She should avoid 20an co-star like ji chang wook or LJS. Their fan crazy….

  13. if shinhye accept this drama it same like dr stranger and yong pal but version female. i really hope this time her partner would someone over 30an like kim dong wan, jo in sung. She should avoid 20an co-star like ji chang wook or LJS. Their fan scary….

  14. I’m hoping she would pick this project! People should know in Kdramaland, it’s hard for female leads to have a versatile role so this is one thing I’m looking forward to! But I hope the plot and cast are solid though. Even if the cast is good, without a strong production/director and story-line, the cast could only do so much.

    But it’s such a long wait for her to return back to dramaland…PSH, please pick something soon ><

  15. I’m glad she looking into new projects because it seemed like it’s been forever since Pinocchio. The plot of the drama is interesting and while I haven’t watched any drama written by this writer, I hope that it’s a well written character. I want to seem PSH take on different roles to show the audience her acting range. Also that she gets paired with actors older than her like Jung Kyung Ho, Hyun Bin,Jo In Sung or Lee Dong Wook.

  16. Honestly.,..i am hoping for her not to accept the role. The writer is not as good as Kim Eun Sook writer of lovers in paris,,gentleman’s dignity, the heirs, secret garden and now the very popular and soaring high in ratings THE DESCENDANTS of THE SUN that are all with a good plot stories and hit popularity not only in seoul but in many asian countries as well. Please include also countries outside Asia. No matter how good the actor is like Park Shin Hye if the story will bring you somewhere..its not good for the actor. Take note the writers past stories mentiones above…high society, one warm word, can we get married were not doing good in ratings. Maybe thats why her casting is not yet confirmed by her agency because they are in a deep talks about how the drama works. Unnie..please waiver. Dont accept it.

    • No matter how I want to see you so soon but thats my bias opinion. It will not only good for shin hye. Please wait a little more for other projects to come.

  17. im a big fun of PARK SHIN HYE , i love her so much bcus she is my favorite actress… and now, i hope she decide wisely to choose for her new project. i cant wait it. huhu. i miss her so much. i wish her partner for her new project is actor YO AH IN,kim Soo Hyun, or SOONG JONG KI. HEHE. but i will support her no matter what happen.

  18. Park Shin I am your avid movie viewer. I really appreciate your talent & skills. You are multi talented, smart & well blessed. Keep up your good works. You are so pretty inside & out. Hope you are God’s angel to send His message to His people.

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