
Rain’s Upcoming SBS Drama Finalizes Casting with Oh Yeon Seo, Lee Min Jung, and Kim Soo Ro — 14 Comments

  1. Lol maybe I am the only one who liked “my lovely girl”,though the script was slow but krystal and rain totally made it work for me.Also dint get the hype with L and krystal.There are do many more dramas where scripts are diasyers.. ut they still get some lauding.Anyway hope here Lee min jung is the main lead rather than OYS.

  2. I don’t understand the age thing. Some coupling does pretty well despite the huge age gap, I can’t think of an exemple other than Lee Seung Gi/Ha Ji Won, SHE was the older partner but they made it work. For MLG, the script was all over the place, Rain deserve better than that train wreck, and Krystal is not female lead material yet, girl doesn’t even have much facial expession irl, she’s just -_- all the time. Ofc, there’s room for improvement.
    Anyway, this drama sounds interesting, I’ll keep an eye on it. So Oh Yeon Seo IS the lead, since she plays the ahjusshi who has work to finish. Sounds fun.

  3. I wish securing a good writer was as important as securing a good/interesting cast. I know the norm in the entertainment industry is to focus attention on the face of the production but kdramas need to require higher standards for writers.

  4. I like oh yeon so ever since shine or go crazy ,one of my favorite this year ,so glad the cast upgraded to her ,so I’ll try it out ,I never saw rain in anything so this will be new

  5. Well i do like this cast so maybe i’ll peek on the first episodes..hope this will be good..haven’t watched nothing of him except full house. more than that, i like better his 2 leading ladies.

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