
Lee Seung Gi Celebrates January Birthday as the Late 86 and 87 Birthday Boys Get Closer to Military Service — 29 Comments

  1. OMG! All my faves are gonna disappear for 2 years!! The only light at the end of the tunnel is that they will return more manly, with chocolate abs!! Yes, I’m shallow…..

  2. Whoaa…I’m gonna miss them. That’s why I think yeo jin goo should enlist after highschool, or just like yoo seung ho or park ji bin.

    LMH’s face looks fuller. Too much love from Suzy, maybe? Lol..

  3. Yeah, i think YSH made a right move to enlist early….And not like to enlist at the prime of your career…but…oh wells…

  4. Lee Min Ho ssi, I will hate you forever if you enlist without giving me drama. 2 years is enough, I can’t wait for another 2 years anymore!!!! >_<

    • lol losing his spot? as i remember, he turned down a drama because of his crazy schedule as a singer.. he is still one of the best actors of this generation,. and it proves through the ratings and his income as AN actor.. Lee seung gi is not just an actor but also a singer and is active as a variety star. IF that status as a top actor will be gone under his belt. it will not tarnished his career cause he is an all around entertainer and a triple threat star that korean netizen recognizes him. Im a fan of SJisub. And i can say that they are lucky that he is an all around entertainer.. what more if he only focus on acting.. he will be as great as jowon and other older actors.

    • @danga I agree. I think the last peak in his career was 2012, when he still have a lot of variety shows, music, and drama projects. Hope 2 years in military will change things up for him, and that we’ll get to see a deeper and more mature side of him when he gets back.

      • then why is it that in 2014 in forbes celebrity power rankings 2014 he is in top 6. The reason why he is not doing much these days is that, in his past interview he said he will do his work – one thing at a time cause he said he is getting older and he needs to focus in only one thing. There were many casting offers he receive yet he turned it down, and i heard he is trying to finished his 2nd masters degree that’s why we cant see him on TV right now.

  5. Happy Birthday to LSG! You will forever be my ultimate bias in the K entertainment world! Hope you will have everlasting happiness, good health and success in your career. ?

  6. Sigh… TOP, although you’re not my fav, I’ll miss your quirky personality and OT5!!

    On another note, I think this batch is not as hard to bear for me as when Song Joong Ki and Yoo Seung Ho enlisted. I’m not sure why, but Korean dramas are slowly starting to lose it’s appeal for me over the past couple of years… I was banking on SJK’s return to revive my interest, but at this point, I’m just hoping the writer doesn’t screw things up too badly…

  7. happy birthday my husband, I’ll wait for you to comeback and announce your marriage, it’s gonna make a huge fuss, but I’m worth it baby <3

    Okay, enough delulu. Seung Gi said he'll enlist this year, although he still hasn't recieved the draft notice to know when exactly (and if he could have another project before leaving), but it's good that he announced his enlistement plans to his fans first, such a sweetheart.

    People talking about losing his star power, losing to other actors, for Forbes 2015 (which reflects 2014) he was n°6. People can drag him whenever they want, but he's still at the top no matter what other claims.

    • yeah that’s what im talking about, im not a fan of him other fans of other actors downgrade him , even if his popularity overseas is not that great compared to others, but on korea, he is no.1 in there.

  8. wow some people are so rude. this post literally was wishing for his birthday yet there were still people trying to bring him down. if you can’t say anything nice, might as well not say anything. what a shallow attitude smh.

  9. I love Junsu, he is a talented fellow who broke from JYJ and proved he is star to be respected. He has a lot of good years ahead of him in the music/stage business. I wish him well. As for LMH, I have never thought he was that great of an actor, granted he is good looking and has the backing, but compare him to others on this list like for instance, most of the above, and he is lacking. Sorry!

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