
Bu Bu Jing Xin Married Leads Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi Showcase Their Love in Marie Claire China — 23 Comments

  1. ARGH I was swooning over the photos then you inserted the BBJX photos. You know the drama made me cry more tears than all the dramas I ever watched combined!!!

  2. Love the 2nd pic. So cute ?
    After watching the show, heart literally ache every time I thought of 4th Prince and Ruoxi. Thus I was elated when they got together in real life ?

  3. I shipped them so hard in the drama so it was such a pleasant surprise that they got together in real life. Love them to bits!

  4. One thing I love about them is that they are extremely low key and they don’t do PDA as much as other couples. But then once in a while, news of them being together really warm my heart. I was very surpass by this couple photoshoot as well, maybe they trying to gift us a pre wedding pics………. anyway, best wishes to LONGSHI – beautiful couple

    • You’re so right about his age. He doesn’t look 17 years older than her, maybe 4 or 6, but 17?! Whatever he’s doing (or not doing, if it’s in his genes), he looks good, in general, and to be beside Shi Shi. The age gap doesn’t even show. They’re so adorable together! Glad that 4th prince and Ruo Xi got together in our modern era. *SOB* So beautiful…

  5. My ship is doomed 8th Prince. But it’s okay since I love their interactions offscreen.. They look just so in love with each other, 17 years age difference what?
    Oh yeah, btw I just watching BBJX for about a week and will finish it soon.. Love it very much!

  6. I find Liu Shi Shi look better in period costume but this photo shoot change my mind. She looks lovely & charming, not aloof. Really compatible with Nicky!

  7. He doesn’t even look that much older than her. I thought he was around 4 or 5 years older!

    Can IU pull a miracle and make the age difference work in the remake as well? I have high hopes for Lee Junki obviously, but I need their chemistry to work too.

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